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Chapter 6 AB Read along PPT. After “The Day”…..  “This December Saturday, ever after, was known simply as “The Day” (123)  “nobody in the Western Hemisphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 AB Read along PPT. After “The Day”…..  “This December Saturday, ever after, was known simply as “The Day” (123)  “nobody in the Western Hemisphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 AB Read along PPT

2 After “The Day”…..  “This December Saturday, ever after, was known simply as “The Day” (123)  “nobody in the Western Hemisphere ever saw the face of a human enemy” (123)- meaning they were just nuked; no actual ground war was fought  “So the struggle wasn’t just against a human enemy or for victory;” the struggle, for those who survived The Day, was to survive the next” (123)- theme of SURVIVAL!

3 The aftermath….  Randy’s conflict- he wants to help others but “his primary duty” was to his own family (124)  Realizes they don’t have enough supplies  President and all members killed, so “Acting Chief Executive of the United States, Mrs. Josephine Vanbruuker-Brown” (who was Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare) has taken place (125)

4 Message from Mrs. Vanbruuker-Brown  “at dawn this morning this country, and all our allies in the free world, were attacked without warning with thermonuclear and atomic weapons.”  “reprisal was swift” and “the enemy received terrible punishment” (126)  The U.S. “has been badly hurt, but is by no means defeated” (126) and the battle goes on (so U.S. is still retaliating) and “further enemy attacks must be expected.”

5 Message cont….  State of unlimited national emergency declared  Declared martial law, administered by the army  “Grave dislocations of communications” (127)  Called upon to obey the orders of local Civil Defense directors and “do not panic”

6 How she became acting president (pg. 127-128)  One of the first targets was Washington and all members of house, senate and presidential cabinet killed  Small percentage of congress escaped  She has survived only by chance as she was in another city on an inspection tour  Helen’s response: “Still….there is a government….” (128) (some sense of comfort to her) and she wonders about Mark and if he survived

7  Helen is going to try to go get supplies (and ammo) and Randy takes a nap and awakens to Dr. Gunn there to see Peyton (it’s about 9:30 PM)  “Some nations and some people melt in the heat of crisis and come apart like fat in the pan. Others meet the challenge and harden. I think you’re going to harden….” (133)  Dr. Gunn tells of three suicides he’d seen that day and 8 babies (3 preemies) and only 3 deaths as direct cause of radiation so far  “Lucky east wind”- they don’t think they got too much of the radiation….(134)

8  More concerned about survival in Fort Repose than radiation at this point  “The exhausted swimmer, struggling to reach shore, isn’t worried about starving to death afterwards” (135)  Danger of radiation everywhere (in food, fresh milk, etc…) and if consumed, it’s a slow killer (136)  Helen wants to go see the admiral because she “has to know what’s happening”  Randy teaches Ben to shoot a gun

9 Admiral Sam Hazzard  Retired and wife died (pgs. 138-139); “taut” old man weighing 133 lbs.  “principal hobby was listening to short wave radio” (139)  Radio used for long distances  Randy and Helen go to his den to listen….  Anti-submarine warfare  “nobody’s winning” (141)  Admiral thinks Mrs. Brown was Speaking from Denver and that Omaha has been destroyed

10  “Russian leaders all seem to be alive and well” (143) but “weren’t able to take out all our SAC bases” so enemy may be finished….(Admiral thinks)  Power supply that runs from Orlando dies, and “thus the lights went out, and in that moment civilization in Fort Repose retreated a hundred years” (144)

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