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ESR 1.3: status & next steps Vasileios Vlachakis PACMAN meeting 25 June 2015 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "ESR 1.3: status & next steps Vasileios Vlachakis PACMAN meeting 25 June 2015 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESR 1.3: status & next steps Vasileios Vlachakis PACMAN meeting 25 June 2015 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

2 Training Snapshots of ETHZ courses Measurements Wire detection Analysis software Material Summary Outline Jul - SepFeb – MayJun

3 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun Physical Geodesy and Geodynamics98 h Project Parameter Estimation 81 h Industrial Metrology and Machine Vision103 h Exams: 20.08.2015(4 credits) Exams: in August (4 credits) Passed: 5.5/6 (3 credits) IT courses C/C++2 h LaTeX 4 h MATLAB 4 h HTML, CSS2 h Geomatics seminars Recent Advances in Terrestrial Radar Interferometry2 h Bathymetry of lakes: Exploring the underwater world2 h Procurement and Contract Management Training on Supplies 8 h Uncertainties of measurements, W. Bich Invited expert from SLAC, R. Ruland Training

4 Project Parameters Estimation Topic 1: 3D adjustment of mixed networks (GNSS + terrestrial observations) LTOP software (developed by swisstopo) Topic 2: Geodetic reference systems: CH1903 (LV03) and CH1903+ (LV95) Height systems: LN02 and LHN95 Reductions from the physical space to the projection surface Topic 3: Gyro-theodolite measurements processing

5 Project Parameters Estimation Topic 4: Calibration of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) Gauss-Markov model Gauss-Helmert model Robust adjustment Topic 5: Kriging (Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) Gaussian process regression / Kolmogorov-Wiener prediction

6 Industrial Metrology and Machine Vision Topic 1: White light / Structured light scanners Topic 2: Clean & Compare 3D mesh models in Geomagic®

7 Industrial Metrology and Machine Vision Topic 3: Romer – Leica Geosystems scanners Topic 4: Register & Compare 3D point clouds in Geomagic®

8 Industrial Metrology and Machine Vision Topic 5: Shape from Focus Topic 6: Auto-collimation and differential interferometer

9 Jul - SepFeb – May Jun CERN, 169/R-004 ETHZ, Messekeller (Calibration Base Room) Data used to develop and debug the analysis software Precision and accuracy evaluation Measurements

10 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun 1.Minimum edge points (for each edge): increases the robustness. 2.Width of Region Of Interest (ROI) window: increases precision avoiding the out-of-focus area. 3.Height of Region Of Interest (ROI) window: helps when the wire is depicted inclined. 4.Maximum residual: increases precision discarding outlier pixels w.r.t. the fitting line. 5.Canny threshold: increases the robustness in case of noisy images. AlgorithmGraphic User Interface User defined parameters Wire detection

11 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun Data 3D coordinates +uncertainties (datum, comparison) Angles to points (+uncertainties) 3D distances +uncertainties (datum, comparison) Angles to wire (+uncertainties) Weights −Instrument specifications −User defined −CCD based (image proc.) Analysis software 3D network adjustment Angles to points (inner constraints) Angles to points (minimum constraints) Angles to points (additional constraints) Features Observations −Raw (face I, face II) −Combined (face I + II) −Face I only −Face II only Tools Import QDaedalus raw data file Make LGC input file (when applicable) Angles to wire (+points) Calibration Angles + Distances? Periods → Stations −n periods → 1 station (V0/station) −n periods → 1 station (V0/period) −1 period → 1 station (X, Y, Z, V0/period) Compute 3D transformations Make ChaBa input files Visualization (measurements + results) Import CMM and/or Multiline data files?

12 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun 2 Leica TDA5005 (calibration needed) 2 new QDaedalus systems 2 old QDaedalus systems (for upgrade) 1 Laptop 6 Targets (supports + spheres) 6 Aluminium cylindrical supports 1 Stretcher device more accessories… High priority Transportation of the equipment from ETHZ Lab (ISR8) Optical table (borrow/buy) Laptop (borrow/buy) Low priority Necessary / Available material list Material to borrow / to manufacture Market survey Decision w.r.t. the budget Material list Material

13 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun Training 3 master courses at ETHZ IT courses at ETHZ Geomatics seminars at ETHZ Measurements Measurements on the wire Measurements on the test bench Software Wire detection algorithm developed in Matlab Wire detection algorithm implemented in QDaedalus Material Instruments sent to ETHZ Material collected to build the test bench at ETHZ

14 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun Training Project Parameter Estimation (3 credits) Passed: 5.5/6 Procurement and Contract Management Training on Supplies Measurements Data used to develop and debug the analysis software Software Input approximate coordinates, constraints and angle observations Solve μ-Triangulation networks (inner, minimum, additional) Customize observations and weights Communicate with QDaedalus and LGC, through files Material List of the necessary material Final bench First thoughts and simple simulations about the configuration Requirements listed and presented, according to the experience

15 Jul - SepFeb – MayJun Training 2 exams in August (4 + 4 credits) Uncertainties of measurements, W. Bich Invited expert from SLAC, R. Ruland Measurements Precision and accuracy evaluation New measurement? Material Necessary / Available material list Material to borrow / to manufacture Decide further steps Final bench Drawings needed to propose possible solutions Research plan Draft to CERN, 15 Jul. Draft to ETHZ, 1 Aug. Submit, 31 Aug. Software Reconstruct line (wire) Solve global geodetic network (fiducials + wire) Customize periods of measurements Compute 3D transformations and communicate with ChaBa Visualize (measurements + results) Thank you!

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