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Every year Columbia fourth graders research and write a paper about a “Famous Missourian”. Some examples include: Laura Ingalls Wilder Harry S. Truman.

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Presentation on theme: "Every year Columbia fourth graders research and write a paper about a “Famous Missourian”. Some examples include: Laura Ingalls Wilder Harry S. Truman."— Presentation transcript:



3 Every year Columbia fourth graders research and write a paper about a “Famous Missourian”. Some examples include: Laura Ingalls Wilder Harry S. Truman George Washington Carver Emmett Kelly Ginger Rogers Walt Disney Walter Cronkite

4 You will begin by researching your “Famous Missourian”. You need to use at least 3 sources. Some sources may include: Books Internet websites Encyclopedias Don’t forget to site your sources!

5 After gathering your research you will write a 5 paragraph paper over your Missourian. You will write about your Missourian’s: Childhood and Background Reasons for fame Later years

6 Your paper will consist of five paragraphs. 1.Introduction 2.Childhood and background 3.Reasons for fame 4.Later Years 5.Conclusion Emmett Kelly

7 After writing your paper, you will create a speech for your wax museum presentation. You also need find a costume similar to your “Famous Missourian” Omar Nelson Bradley

8 A few days before the wax museum, you will be videotaped performing your wax museum speech in costume.

9 On the day of the wax museum, you will dress up like your “Famous Missourian.” Sacajawea

10 Parents, teachers, and students will walk around the “Wax Museum” to listen to each of the Famous Missourians. When one of them presses the button on your hand you will come to life and give your speech! T. S. Elliot

11 Molly Brown Mary Englebreit

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