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Key Findings – Target Groups LIFE2 – Denmark Niels Brock.

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1 Key Findings – Target Groups LIFE2 – Denmark Niels Brock

2 Teachers -14  Area of improvement:  Interpersonal competences  Literacy & Communication  Needs for disadvantages learners:  Drop-out focus – are they in the right place  Study counsellors  Mentors  Connection to the labour market  Speakers  Company visits

3 Teachers  Employer needs taken into account in developing life skills in the school:  On average in the middle  Integration in the formal curriculum:  On average in the middle  Teaching of life skills – delivered:  By subject specific teachers

4 Teachers  How life skills are favoured in curriculum  Interpersonal – teachers’ task  Entrepreneurship – Business case  Job seeking – English – applications + CV  The other life skills are incorporated to a high extent.

5 Teachers  Problem areas:  Lack of time  Lack of resources  Problems working across subjects

6 Teachers  Main factors supporting development  Drop-out focus – listening to the learners  Company visits, speakers (making it real) – relating the disciplines to the labour market

7 Teachers  What works well – including life skills  Teachers’ level of involvement mainly  How is the teacher training organised and do they receive specific training in life skills:  Mix of further education college and teaching.  Depends on which life skill.

8 Teachers  Training activities:  Face to face training programs  Exchange experience  International partnerships

9 Students - 38  What skills are necessary for the future job:  Interpersonal skills  Efficient, flexible, stable, dutiful, honest, ethical, the right attitude  Communication also intercultural  Creativity (innovation)  The exam

10 Students:  Successful persons in professional areas  IT, management and entrepreneurial and creative skills  Ability to turn theory into practice  Other abilities: goal oriented, hard work, belief in yourself

11 Students:  The role of the educational process  Basic subjects, group work, presentations, discussions and role play  Mental preparation, achieving social competences  Demands from the educational institutions

12 Students:  If you were a teacher…….  Making it real – connect it to the labour market – why the subject is necessary  Differentiation  Develop self-esteem  Physical activities

13 Employers: 6  Competences needed from employees:  Interpersonal competences  Learning to learn  Communication  Numeracy and literacy - mandatory

14 Employers  Key areas to be developed to improve employment prospects:  Numeracy  Literacy and communication  IT  Two languages preferably

15 Employers  Best way to deliver these skills:  Contact to the labour market  Each subject should make the connection and usefulness clear  Project work and written cases

16 Employers  How to teach entrepreneurship  Creativity and innovation are difficult to instrumentalize  Basic skills in starting up a new business – business economy and marketing  Risk taking – change of attitude

17 Employers  How to prepare students for the labour market / business:  Work placement  External speakers / teachers – extending the connection

18 Organisation for disadvantaged group  Which are the most important life skills in order to improve job possibilities:  Interpersonal and learning to learning  Next numeracy and literacy/communication

19 Organisation for disadvantaged group  The most efficient way of developing these skills:  Effort in primary school and targeted teaching for this type of young people  ”Living room” at school where these youngsters can stay and do their homework  Mentors

20 Organisation for disadvantaged group  Any special needs to be considered:  Social inheritance 

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