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Robin Wiegand {Wig-end}

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Presentation on theme: "Robin Wiegand {Wig-end}"— Presentation transcript:

0 Sixth Grade Back to School Night
Mrs. Wiegand & Mrs. Kuwazaki Rocklin Academy Gateway Please sign in then pick up a handbook and parent information.

1 Robin Wiegand {Wig-end}
CSU Sacramento with a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential I am incredibly excited to be an influence on your child and their education! I have high expectations for our class! When I'm not in the classroom, writing lesson plans, or grading, some things you might find me doing are exercise, travelling, cooking, reading, and crafts!

2 FUN FACT of the Night! At the SAME school!
When Mrs. Kuwazaki was in 6th Grade… Mrs. Wiegand was in 1st Grade… At the SAME school!

3 Paperwork Class DoJo- Sign Up and return verification
Google Classroom- Sign up and return verification ISP- sign and return Volunteer/Driver Paperwork- return to office as soon as possible Parent Volunteer Survey- Complete on class website as soon as possible Must be fingerprinted to volunteer in the classroom or chaperone a field trip Leave a special note to your child

4 Contact Information We prefer to be reached by . Clarification, questions, concerns We will usually respond within 24 hours. Mrs. Robin Wiegand Mrs. Jenny Kuwazaki Language Arts & Social Studies Math & Science (916) ext.

5 Classroom Community The Three R’s- Respectful, Responsible & Resourceful The Eight Keys of Excellence Integrity, Commitment, Ownership, Flexibility, Balance, Speak with Good Purpose, Failure Leads to Success and This is It! Core Values (see Parent & Student Handbook) Discuss Student Leadership teams: -ACES: (ambassadors of character education) about 12 students -Student Council: Usually 2 students assigned to classroom to teach about the core values each month.

6 Behavior Management Class Dojo
Students & Parents sign up to receive notifications about student’s behavior in both Mrs. Wiegand & Mrs. Kuwazaki’s class Students will be “awarded” for classroom behavior such as: helping others, being on task, participation, and teamwork. Students will receive consequences for behavior such as: bullying, disrespect, no homework, off task, talking out of turn, and being unprepared.

7 Class DoJo Please take home the Class DoJo Information sheet.
Visit the website with your child and enter both the student and parent codes to sign up. Explore the website and then return the bottom of the form signed. Once students receive iPads they will have instant notifications during class time about positive and negative behaviors. Kuwazaki’s class page says Mrs. Wiegand- doesn’t matter

8 Consequences Behaviors such as: bullying, disrespect, and being off-task, will not be tolerated. First negative notification, Behavior Warning Second negative notification, students will talk with the teacher. Students who receive 3 negative notifications will complete a “Think it Over” Note Students who receive 4 negative notifications with these behaviors will be given a behavior slip, office visit, and parent notification. Parents will be notified and can check Class DoJo daily.

9 Homework Approximately 60 minutes nightly
20+ minutes of nightly reading Homework assignments will be posted to Google Classroom. Students will have daily time to copy assignments into planners. Planners will also be used for important dates and project planning. 20 Minutes of nightly reading may be independent reading or assigned reading.

10 Join the Homework Team Guidelines for parental involvement with homework: Prepare the home Designate a space Proper lighting Set a start time Supplies on hand Make homework an important task Review, correct, and help as much as needed Communicate with your teacher How much time? Too little? Too much? How difficult? How much help is needed? Be resourceful Online resources (Class website, Google Classroom,,, Student Homework Help Line

11 Google Classroom Students will use Google Classroom for assignments, tests/quizzes, and online discussions. Students will enter access codes to sign up for classes. Students will be responsible for checking Google Classroom for assignments and other class related materials.


13 Goal: Turning have to read to want to read - everyday!
25 Book Challenge Goal: Turning have to read to want to read - everyday! The 6th grade teachers are challenging our students to read 25 books this school year. We make time each day for our students to read good books and engage in the single activity that consistently correlates with high levels of performance for reading ability and across all curriculums.

14 Some features of the program:
At least 15 minutes reading time in class each day Genre study and requirements Regular conferencing with teacher Book presentations Reading is part of homework Classroom library – book donations are always welcome

15 Notes about Health Healthy Snack Water Bottles – 2 for PE Hygiene
PE: Tuesdays & Thursdays (starting September 16th) Wear appropriate clothing and shoes

16 Classroom & School Policies
School arrival – 7:55-8:10 – no early arrivals Students should be in classroom by 8:10 No birthday food/drinks – notify me for summer half-birthdays so they can get their homework pass Textbooks must be covered – NO CONTACT PAPER Cameras – require special permission Cell phones – must remain off and in backpack all day Birthday treats: no food or drinks; other options book donation, goodie bag without food

17 Classroom & School Policies
Independent Study Plan (ISP) Zero-tolerance bully policy 6th grade romance You must check in with the office to enter the classroom

18 Grading Policies Report on skills and standards Formative Assessments
Summative Assessments Multiple Proficiency Demonstration Opportunities: Standards Based Grading Support and time Individualized Enrichment

19 Field Trips Sly Park (September 8-12th) Pigeon Point
(Kuwazaki November 3-5th) (Wiegand- November 5-7th) We take 8 parent chaperones per class. Sierra College Planetarium (February 27th) Sunsplash (May/June)

20 Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom help Chaperone field trips Drive to field trips Room parent Art Docent Fundraising Coordinator Home projects Please sign up on the volunteer sheet tonight.

21 Ways You Can Help Monthly book orders Wish list items
Check that your child’s homework is completed nightly.

22 Language Arts Modules Overview
Reading Closely and Writing to Learn Working with Evidence Drama Understanding Perspectives Literary Nonfiction Reading for Research and Writing an Argument

23 Core Knowledge Literature
Greek Mythology The Iliad The Odyssey Julius Caesar Poetry Focus The Prince and The Pauper

24 Social Studies Topics Overview
Christianity & Judaism Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Isaac Newton and the Enlightenment French Revolution Industrialism, Capitalism & Socialism Latin America Lewis Howard Latimer, Industrialization & Urbanization Reform

25 Please switch to visit with Mrs. Kuwazaki!
Thank You Suggested Resource Curriculum Overview: Core Knowledge book: What Your 6th Grader Should Know by E.D. Hirsch It can be purchased by going to the link on my class website for School Supplies. I am always looking for ways to enhance the curriculum and make lessons come alive. If you have special knowledge on one of our topics that you feel would be of great benefit to our students, please let me know. I’d love to hear about it. Please switch to visit with Mrs. Kuwazaki!


27 Sixth Grade Back to School Night
Mrs. Wiegand & Mrs. Kuwazaki Rocklin Academy Gateway Please sign in then pick up a handbook and parent information.

28 Robin Wiegand {Wig-end}
CSU Sacramento with a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential I am incredibly excited to be an influence on your child and their education! I have high expectations for our class! When I'm not in the classroom, writing lesson plans, or grading, some things you might find me doing are exercise, travelling, cooking, reading, and crafts!

29 Language Arts Modules Overview
Reading Closely and Writing to Learn Working with Evidence Drama Understanding Perspectives Literary Nonfiction Reading for Research and Writing an Argument

30 Core Knowledge Literature
Greek Mythology The Iliad The Odyssey Julius Caesar Poetry Focus The Prince and The Pauper

31 Social Studies Topics Overview
Christianity & Judaism Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Isaac Newton and the Enlightenment French Revolution Industrialism, Capitalism & Socialism Latin America Lewis Howard Latimer, Industrialization & Urbanization Reform

32 Have a wonderful night!

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