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Working with Training and Upgrading Funds Laura Chenven, Denise Cherenfant, Tracy Woodman, Myra Glassman June 18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Training and Upgrading Funds Laura Chenven, Denise Cherenfant, Tracy Woodman, Myra Glassman June 18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Training and Upgrading Funds Laura Chenven, Denise Cherenfant, Tracy Woodman, Myra Glassman June 18, 2014

2 Labor/management training and upgrading fund The Jeopardy response: What is a Taft Hartley, Erisa benefit fund? – For hospitals and ambulatory care including clinics – For nursing homes – For homecare Public sector partnerships – may not be Taft Hartley Homecare not for profits – 501 C3s

3 Sector partnerships with a difference Not exactly an intermediary because they represent the industry directly but function in some similar ways Supply side and demand side work together Making sure that programs benefit workers and their employers Focused primarily on the incumbent workforce Dealing with the issues of the working adult

4 Value and advantage Primarily multi-employer Impact on regional workforce delivery system possible though not always easy Long term career pathways valued and supported Success for a diverse workforce Successful outcomes monitored over time Impact education delivery, accessibility and provide economies of scale

5 What is H-CAP and the H-CAP Ed. Asso. A Board of employers and unions A network of sector training partnerships 15 affiliated funds/projects 13 states, plus Washington DC Approximately 430,000 covered workers More than 700 employers $71.4 million in bargained resources, another $12-25 million in other forms of funding 120,000 enrolled in some form of training

6 For more information Laura Chenven Director, H-CAP 212 494 0560

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