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A Distinction That Matters: National Board Certification ® National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS)

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Presentation on theme: "A Distinction That Matters: National Board Certification ® National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Distinction That Matters: National Board Certification ® National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS)

2 At the Center of it All: Improved Student Learning

3 NBPTS: Mission  To advance the quality of teaching and  learning by:  Maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do,  Providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards 1-800-22TEACH

4 NBPTS: Mission  To advance the quality of teaching and  learning by:  Advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification ® in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers.

5 National Board Certification ®  Symbol of professional teaching excellence  Created so teachers can achieve distinction through a demanding performance assessment 1-800-22TEACH “It is a chance to let people see that teachers are getting the job done.” -Celeste Fobia-McClure, NBCT, Early Childhood/Generalist, California

6 NBPTS: Background  NBPTS is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan and non-governmental organization  Created in 1987 in response to A Nation At Risk and A Nation Prepared  Support from foundations, corporations, grants from the U.S. Department of Education, and candidate fees

7 What are the Requirements ? Candidates must have:  A bachelor’s degree  Taught a minimum of three years in a public or private school  Held a valid teaching license 1-800-22TEACH

8 National Board Certified Teachers

9 Where are the Incentives for Becoming an NBCT ? 1-800-22TEACH

10 Where are the NBCTs ? Current as of January 2002

11 Incentives for National Board Certification ®  Incentives and rewards can include:  Salary supplements  Full or partial fee support  Full or partial credential reciprocity  State license renewal  Time to Complete Portfolio 1-800-22TEACH

12 NBPTS Standards

13 About NBPTS Standards  NBPTS Board of Directors appoints teachers to serve on standards committees. Others who serve include: Teacher Educators Developmental Experts Leaders in Disciplinary Fields  Teachers are involved at all levels from setting standards, advising assessment development, and serving as scorers.

14 About NBPTS Standards  Standards in each certificate field are developed by the Standards Committee  Based on the National Board’s core policy statement, What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do and the Five Core Propositions  Are reviewed publicly by a field of education and teaching experts 1-800-22TEACH

15 NBPTS: Five Core Propositions I.Teachers are committed to students and their learning. II.Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. III.Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. IV.Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. V.Teachers are members of learning communities. 1-800-22TEACH

16 NBPTS Certificates  Art  Early Childhood and Middle Childhood/Art  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/Art  Career and Technical Education  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/Career and Technical Education  English as a New Language  Early Childhood and Middle Childhood/English as a New Language  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/English as a New Language  English Language Arts  Early Adolescence/English Language Arts  Adolescence and Young Adulthood /English Language Arts  Exceptional Needs Specialist  Early Childhood through Young Adulthood/Exceptional Needs Specialist

17 NBPTS Certificates  Generalist  Early Childhood/Generalist  Middle Childhood/Generalist  Early Adolescence/Generalist  Library Media  Early Childhood through Adulthood/Library Media  Mathematics  Early Adolescence/Mathematics  Adolescence and Young Adulthood/Mathematics  Music  Early Childhood and Middle Childhood/Music  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/Music  Science  Early Adolescence/Science  Adolescence and Young Adulthood/Science 1-800-22TEACH

18 NBPTS Certificates  Social Studies – History  Early Adolescence/Social Studies – History  Adolescence and Young Adulthood/Social Studies – History  Physical Education  Early Childhood and Middle Childhood/Physical Education  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/Physical Education  World Languages Other than English  Early Childhood and Middle Childhood/World Languages Other than English  Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/World Languages Other than English  Current as of 2001 — 2002

19 What Certificates Are Planned for the Future ? NBPTS has plans to offer a total of 28 certificates, including:  Guidance and Counseling  Health Education 1-800-22TEACH

20 What Are the Age Categories?

21 About the National Board Certification ® Assessment  Provides extensive professional development experience  Measures accomplished teaching  Provides opportunity for reflection about excellent teaching practices 1-800-22TEACH “It is an opportunity to examine your practice, a chance to reflect on what you are doing or not doing.” -Anne Poplin, NBCT, Adolescence and Young Adulthood/English Language Arts, South Carolina

22 About the National Board Certification ® Assessment  Teachers provide evidence of how they met the high and rigorous standards  National Board Certification assessment is a two-step process:  I.A school-site portfolio  II.Exercises at assessment center

23 About the National Board Certification ® Assessment  SCHOOL-SITE PORTFOLIO  Show evidence of teaching practice through :  Student work and knowledge  Videotapes of classroom interaction  Written commentaries 1-800-22TEACH

24 About the National Board Certification ® Assessment  ASSESSMENT CENTER EXERCISES  Focus on subject knowledge  Age and content-appropriate teaching strategies used  Candidates complete six exercises

25 NBCTs Facilitate Other Candidates 1-800-22TEACH

26 Research Confirms National Board Certification ® Recognizes Accomplished Teaching  NBCTs significantly outperform their peers in 11 out of 13 key dimensions.  Work samples from students of NBCTs reflected a higher level of comprehension (when compared to students of teachers who sought but hadn’t achieved National Board Certification) The University of North Carolina - Greensboro Validation Study found that:

27 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Teachers ?  The highest acknowledgement of accomplished teaching  An opportunity to grow and be challenged as a professional  An opportunity for teachers to affirm that they are accomplished teachers National Board Certification provides: 1-800-22TEACH

28 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Teachers ? “National Board Certification prompted me to be more reflective in my teaching practice. I know that this reflective process made me a better teacher for my students.” -Maria Telesca, NBCT, Middle Childhood/Generalist, Illinois

29 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Principals ?  Mentor new teachers and help decrease high turn-over rates  Are effective role models  Lead professional development activities  Provide a measure of teacher quality that can inspire and excite the school community National Board Certified Teachers: 1-800-22TEACH

30 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Principals ? “Having someone in your school model effective teaching is wonderful. National Board Certification makes teachers more aware of their teaching style and ability.” -Phyllis Brown, Principal, New York

31 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Parents ?  It recognizes the accomplished teaching occurring in American schools.  It stresses communication with the family as a way to achieve results in the classroom.  NBCTs, through their pursuit of National Board Certification, demonstrate lifelong learning. 1-800-22TEACH

32 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Parents ? “All three of my children have benefited from having a National Board Certified Teacher. The results were noticeable - my children had better results in the classroom when the teacher was an NBCT.” -Yvette Slocum, Parent and PTA School District President, Tupelo, Miss.

33 How Can National Board Certification ® Help School Administrators ?  Is a way to recognize and reward accomplished teaching  Creates a sense of professional pride among faculty  Strengthens and reinforces professional development opportunities within school systems National Board Certification: 1-800-22TEACH

34 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Policy-makers ?  Is a way to recognize teacher quality  Is an asset to reform efforts  Is a tangible measure of teacher quality  Contributes to better schools National Board Certification:

35 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Policy-makers ? “I have found National Board Certification to be an excellent way to evaluate what a teacher knows and should be able to do, and I highly recommend it to other superintendents.” -Dr. Daniel Curry, Superintendent, Wood County Schools, W.Va. 1-800-22TEACH

36 How Can National Board Certification ® Help Business Leaders ?  Supporting National Board Certification is a great way to play a role in improving education  Improving education is one of the forms of workforce development  Studies show that NBCTs have a positive impact on student learning

37 How to Support National Board Certified Teachers  Share information about National Board Certification ® with colleagues  Help local administrators and principals understand National Board Certification  Invite local National Board Certified Teachers to share their experiences in workshops, seminars and meetings 1-800-22TEACH

38 How to Find Out More Information  Visit NBPTS Web site at  Call 1-800-22TEACH and request information about National Board Certification ®  Ask to speak with a local National Board Certified Teacher

39 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS) Visit:

40 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS) CALL : 1-800-22TEACH

41 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards TM (NBPTS)

42 The Box 1-800-22TEACH

43 NBPTS Brochures and Newsletter



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