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Major Ecosystems of the World

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1 Major Ecosystems of the World
Chapter 6 Major Ecosystems of the World

2 Key Topics Fire Biomes Aquatic Ecosytems

3 Fire Human Fire History Impacts of Fire? Which biomes burn regularly?

4 Earth’s Major Biomes

5 Earth’s Major Biomes Type of biome controlled by temperature and precipitation

6 Arizona Biomes

7 Earth’s Major Biomes Vertical Zonation: The Distribution of Vegetation on Mountains

8 Primary Forest

9 Earth’s Major Biomes

10 Earth’s Major Biomes

11 Earth’s Major Biomes

12 Earth’s Major Biomes

13 Earth’s Major Biomes

14 Earth’s Major Biomes

15 Earth’s Major Biomes

16 Earth’s Major Biomes

17 Earth’s Major Biomes

18 Aquatic Ecosystems Fundamental division: Freshwater vs. Saltwater
But, both contain 3 ecological category of organisms: Free floating plankton Strongly swimming nekton Bottom-dwelling benthos

19 Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems Lakes and Ponds
Photosynthetically productive - upper surface with light penetration Highly productive, high species richness - sunlight penetration / rooted plants

20 Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems Lakes and Ponds
Not always present; anaerobic, dominated by decomposers - below light penetration

21 Thermocline - lakes Freshwater Ecosystems
Thermal stratification in temperate lakes Point of change between warm surface & cold depths

22 Turnover - Lakes Turnover in temperate lakes
Spring Turnover - Melting Ice (40C) & warming surface waters + wind Fall Turnover - cooling surface water = > density(40C) + wind Littoral-Limnetic-Profundal Zones

23 Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems Rivers and Streams
Tend to be narrow, swift, clear, cold, nutrient poor, and highly oxygenated Tend to be wide, slow, cloudy, warm, nutrient rich, and less oxygenated

24 Oxbow Lakes

25 Rivers & Deltas Headwaters-Waterfall-Tributaries-Basin-Flood Plain-Meanders-Oxbow lakes-Salt Marsh-Delta-Barrier Islands - detritus

26 Wetlands Marshes and Swamps Highly productive
Nutrient rich due to anaerobic conditions Filters of pollution Flood Control Recharging Centers Highly Threatened

27 Case-in-Point: The Chesapeake Bay
Ecosystem Service

28 Case-in-Point: The Everglades

29 Aquatic Ecosystems Estuaries Two general types: 1) Salt marshes
2) Mangrove forests

30 Mangrove Swamps Losing approximately 2% a year
40% overall current loss 69 endemic terrestrial species Reasons for loss? Reasons for protection? Found 30 Latitude - fringe habitat

31 Aquatic Ecosystems Marine Ecosystems Intertidal Zone

32 Human Impacts on Coral Reefs
Sedimentation & siltation Pollution Overfishing Direct disturbance (anchors & divers) collecting specimens - cyanide & dynamite Climate Change

33 Photo Benthic Photo Benthic Environment 1) Sea grasses 2) Kelp forests
3) Coral reefs

34 Neritic Zone

35 Pelagic Zone

36 Abyssal

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