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Hertfordshire County Council

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1 Hertfordshire County Council

2 Hertfordshire County Council Teenage Pregnancy Scrutiny Seminar The contribution that Sex and Relationships Education can make to help reducing teenage pregnancies within diverse contexts 28 September 2006

3 Hertfordshire County Council St Luke’s and Swing Gate Schools St Luke’s - Osted 2004: teaching and learning in PSHCE very good Some excellent interactive work: theatre-in- education, handle m & fm contraceptives, ICT programmes Swing Gate First School & Nursery - Ofsted 2005: School Council – democratic representation – councillors involved in team work Focus here is on skill building for life

4 Hertfordshire County Council Statutory SRE policies The role of a school’s governing body and headteacher in the determination of a school’s policy is crucial. The policy defines SRE and how SRE is provided, monitored and evaluated. Sex and Relationship Education Guidance (DfEE 2000) The PSHE Adviser’s monitoring of policies since April 2006 shows of 208 returns, 205 schools have policies. Guidance is provided to schools.

5 Hertfordshire County Council Main elements of SRE and ECM Acquiring knowledge and understanding Exploring attitudes and values Developing personal and social skills (Sex and Relationship Education Guidance (DfEE 2000) Links with Every Child Matters outcomes: Being healthy, Staying safe, Enjoying and achieving, Making a positive contribution, Achieving economic wellbeing

6 Hertfordshire County Council Arnett Hills JMI and Tring Schools Arnett Hills JMI School Y5 teacher: pupils wrote modern day fables based on Aesop’s ones and created films using the Stop Motion function of the Digital Blue cameras. Tring School has trained some Y12 pupils to be peer educators and they help teach Y9 pupils about STIs and relationships etc

7 Hertfordshire County Council SRE survey of KS 3-4 Survey undertaken of SRE provision in 12 middle, special and secondary schools in Hertfordshire 2005/6 Consultations with 13 members of staff and 117 pupils Quality varies but much good practice Very few teachers have SRE training Pupils keen to be involved in curricular developments

8 Hertfordshire County Council SRE survey of KS 3-4 continued Pupils clearly stated they want to learn and understand much more about their relationships and emotions and how to manage them Pupils value their biology lessons but want to know more, particularly about STIs at an earlier age – Y7-8 Pupils enjoy and gain from experiences including role play, discussions, use of ICT and DVDs, seeing theatre performances

9 Hertfordshire County Council SRE survey of KS 3-4 continued Many pupils felt there were insufficient images of differently abled individuals All of these need addressing in relevant engaging 21 st century ways by teams of trained teachers and health specialists that respond and meet pupils’ needs, interests and learning styles and give them the knowledge, understanding and skills to make safe, compassionate and responsible choices for themselves and others.

10 Hertfordshire County Council Survey of SRE at Verulam School Written questionnaire on SRE 26 Y11 pupils and 46 Y10 pupils 71%: contraception should be taught from Y7 and Y8 and 68%: STIs from Y7 and Y8 Main sources of info: School 48% Y11 43% Y10 Family 6% Y11 12% Y10 Friends 35% Y11 26% Y10 Internet, tv, books, mags 11% Y11 19% Y10

11 Hertfordshire County Council PSHE provision DfES recommends SRE should be taught within the National Curriculum Frameworks for PSHE at KS 1-4 but these remain non statutory There is a statutory duty to teach key aspects of SRE in particular about reproduction and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV within the science curriculum

12 Hertfordshire County Council Hitchin Girls School Modifying SRE programme in response to girls’ feedback: Emphasis more on Aiming higher – raising self- esteem, self-respect – less on physical aspects Y11 Parenting classes – visit by former pupil/teenage mum and 7 weeks old baby Y10 & 11 Healthy/Unhealthy relationships Y9 Body images in the media, continuation of STIs and contraception teaching

13 Hertfordshire County Council Other examples of local practice Body Zone Sir Frederick Osborne TIC TAC TAS drop-in clinic Thomas Alleyne School St Bernadette RC Primary School – Ofsted 2006 pupils contribute exceptionally well to community St Joan of Arc School – consultation with 6 th Formers last year has contributed to reform of SRE programme. The updated modified policy and programme to be shared with parents this autumn. Pupils want greater emphasis on emotions and relationships.

14 Hertfordshire County Council Role of parents/guardians Schools should always seek to work in partnership with parents. This is essential to effective SRE. Parents/guardians have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of SRE provided except for those parts included in the statutory NC. Schools should make alternative arrangements for such cases. (Sex and Relationship Guidance, DfEE 2000)

15 Hertfordshire County Council Redbourn Infants & Nursery School Involve parents/carers closely in the school Answer children’s questions honestly about SRE and would refer to parents if the teacher had a concern Mothers bring in their babies for a session e.g. demonstrate bathing the baby Last year did History project: A special Grandparents’ day – pupils interviewed them

16 Hertfordshire County Council Local support PSHE Adviser: consultancy and training, writes and edits SRE materials for schools on a traded basis DfES/DoH funde national PSHE certification programme run locally to train teachers and community nurses: 33 teachers certified in 04-06, another 22 expected by June 07 Healthy Schools Programme: tight focus on driving up standards in PSHE including SRE – core funded

17 Hertfordshire County Council Local support continued Teenage Pregnancy Strategy funded publications: –Let’s talk about relationships and sex for parents/guardians of children with learning difficulties –SRE Scheme of work KS 3-4 –Survey of SRE for 11-16 year olds –SRE lessons for KS1-2 (at printer) – SRE lessons for KS 3-4 (at printer) SRE Guidance for schools published by CSF

18 Hertfordshire County Council Local support continued School nurses offer support in the planning, implementation and teaching of SRE in schools. 17 nurses have qualified under new DfES/DoH PSHE Certification programme. Home and Hospital Education Service provides support to pregnant teenagers from 28 weeks of their pregnancy if the pupil is unable to attend school.

19 Hertfordshire County Council Local support continued Herts Anti-bullying Initiative extensive peer support training programme for pupils and staff to develop pupils’ emotional intelligence and relationship skills DfES Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) resource training Youth Service workshops & support groups, distributes information, C-Card scheme Connexions provides help and support for U-18 pregnant teenagers and young parents

20 Hertfordshire County Council Ofsted reports Changes since September 2005: schools’ self-evaluations play much bigger role, more reporting on personal and health aspects, inspectors talk to randomly chosen pupils Nationally Ofsted continues to report SRE weaknesses in schools Locally many positive reports on Personal development and well-being but significant potential for improvement remains

21 Hertfordshire County Council Targeted and universal Effective SRE that engages pupils in age and stage appropriate ways is critical. There is a compelling case for targeted action on pupils who are exposed to particular risk factors, while maintaining for all pupils: SRE that is planned and evaluated within PSHE programmes and taught by trained staff - and access to confidential advice for all young people.

22 Hertfordshire County Council For more information contact: Amber Carroll PSHE & Citizenship Adviser Hertfordshire Development Centre Tel: 01582 830233 M:07879 667101

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