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Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands and East Region) 4 th February 2014 Kevin MullinsEls.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands and East Region) 4 th February 2014 Kevin MullinsEls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress and challenges towards delivering the IAPT mandate Regional Mental Health Meeting (Midlands and East Region) 4 th February 2014 Kevin MullinsEls Drewek National Director Intensive Support Manager

2 Designing the Offer of Intensive Support for IAPT services

3 Adult Roll Out - Remaining Challenges (1) Sufficient investment (prevalence, spend per head of population) Sufficient referrals –GP awareness, –self referrals, –Attrition rates –non-IAPT services Equity of access –Older people (raised in the national NAPT Audit Nov 2013) –Severity: Early intervention - Step 2 - Step 3 –Step 4 services: access and waiting times –BME communities

4 Adult Roll Out - Remaining Challenges (2) Long Waiting Times (suppress referrals & poor patient experience) Clinical productivity & workforce Commissioner challenges –How to increase referrals; Most services are set up to deliver current referrals rates. –Deliver the IAPT Quality Standards –Perverse incentives (casemix; encouraging referrals) –Whole system promotion and marketing Reports, Reporting and Data Quality

5 Offer of Intensive Support (based on Elective IST and Emergency Care IST principles ) Intensive support for challenged Local Health Communities Provide expert diagnostic reviews, assurance and practical support Improvement and support rather than ‘inspection’ or performance management - only engage with clients following a direct invitation Provide high quality reports with clear, practical recommendations On-going guidance, assurance - tailored to local needs

6 Offer of Intensive Support (based on Elective IST and Emergency Care IST principles) Support to networks / area teams Offer to co-produce network meetings Master classes and/or ‘surgeries’ Desktop reviews (‘Health Checks’) Anything else? National Produce good practice guides; self assessment check lists; practical tools

7 Local Performance The IAPT Atlas ml ml



10 Tabled - Local Data packs Management Performance Reports derived from HSCIC published data Q2 (18 lines) including: - waiting times for first appointment - size of waiting lists first appointments - DNA rates - proportion of referrals aged 65 and over - ethnic breakdown 10

11 11 Waiting Times and Waiting lists for First appointments 1)Average (days) waited from referral to first appointment Q 1 2)The scale of the waiting list for first appointment at the end of Q1 - numbers waiting at the end of Q1 as a function of number of first appointments seen (treated); Red suggesting the largest waiting list problem.

12 Designing the Offer of Intensive Support for IAPT services IAPT website:

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