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Everyone knows… That time is Money AND Money does not… GROW on trees.

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2 Everyone knows… That time is Money

3 AND Money does not… GROW on trees

4 Usually you get what you pay for... Rolex Ladies President $19,600 Mickey Mouse Limited Edition $ 300:00

5 Were you a good steward of your money this semester? OR Did You BURN... Baby...BURN and party your way through?

6 Whatever road you traveled... Here is Something you should know... Every Second you waste COST YOU...

7 NORTH CAROLINA STATE RESIDENTS DAILY COST A WSSU Student Living off campus pays: $25.42 per day for tuition and fees $40.51 per day for tuition and fees and a meal plan A WSSU Student Living on campus pays: $65.59 per day for tuition and fees and room and board $80.85 per day for tuition and fees, room and board and a meal plan

8 A WSSU Student Living on campus pays: $122.43 per day for tuition and fees and room and board $137.69 per day for tuition and fees, room and board and a meal plan A WSSU Student Living off campus pays: $82.09 per day for tuition and fees $97.35 per day for tuition and fees and a meal plan OUT OF STATE RESIDENTS DAILY COST

9 Sincerely, Dr. Michelle Releford University College Dean I n y o u r Final Exams

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