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Daily Bellwork for 2015 TCAP

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1 Daily Bellwork for 2015 TCAP

2 1.

3 2. The students in Mr. Bell’s science class are going to prepare projects on topics that will be randomly assigned to them biome topics rocks and minerals topics 3 plant topics 6 cell topics If Sam is the first student randomly assigned a project topic, what is the probability that he will be assigned a plant topic?

4 3. Mrs. Carter drove a total of 518 miles on Monday. She drove the first 62 miles before she stopped to fill the tank of her car with gasoline. Her car averages 38 miles of driving per gallon of gasoline. The equation below can be used to find g, the number of gallons of gasoline Mrs. Carter used after filling the tank = 38g How many gallons of gasoline did Mrs. Carter use on Monday after filling the tank of her car?

5 4. A smoothie recipe requires 4 cups of crushed fruit and ½ cup of crushed ice. At this rate, what amount of crushed ice should be used with 6 cups of crushed fruit?

6 5. Mrs. Perry paid for a set of 3 computer stations with $175. She received $13 in change. Which equation can be used to find c, the total cost in dollars of each computer station, including sales tax? A. 3c + 13 = C c = 175 B. 3c – 13 = D. 3 – 13c = 175

7 A tree casts a shadow that is 140 meters long
A tree casts a shadow that is 140 meters long. At the same time, a mailbox with a height of 12 meters casts a shadow that is 32 meters long. What is the height of the tree? 6. 32 m 140 m

8 7. This list shows the number of each type of song downloaded on Mary’s smart phone * 7 country * pop * 8 Christain Mary’s smart phone will randomly select one song to play. What is the probability that a country song will be selected?

9 A package of fruit snacks contains only orange and red
A package of fruit snacks contains only orange and red. The ratio of the number of orange fruit snacks to the number of red fruit snacks in the package is 10:6. What percent of the fruit snacks in this package is orange? 8.

10 The stem-and-leaf plot shows the total number of minutes played by a basketball player in each of the 13 games played during one season. What is the interquartile range for this data? 9. Stem Leaf Key 2 5 = 25

11 10. The band members are selling tickets for their spring concert. They are selling 3 tickets for a total of $ At this rate, what is the greatest number of tickets Mrs. Smith can buy for $48?

12 11. The graph below shows the relationship between the number of oranges Megan uses and the number of cups of orange juice she makes. Based on the graph, how many oranges should Megan use to make 12 cups of this orange juice?

13 12. The graph below shows the relationship between c, total cost in dollars of renting a tool, and h, the number of hours the tool is rented. Based on the graph, which equation best represents the relationship between the total cost of renting a tool and the number of hours the tool is rented? c = 5h + 5 c = 10h + 5 c = 10h c = 5h

14 Mr. Miller is making a walkway
Mr. Miller is making a walkway. He will use 5 concrete stones for every 3 feet of walkway. If the walkway will be 90 feet, what is the fewest number of concrete stones Mr. Miller will need? 13.

15 The owner of a nursery measures the height of 11 trees
The owner of a nursery measures the height of 11 trees. This stem-and-leaf plot displays the heights, in meters, of the trees. What height is closest to the upper quartile of these data? 14. Stem Leaf Key 2 5 = 2.5

16 15. Marcus is making a fertilizer mixture of 3 parts Miracle Grow and 1 part potting soil. How many pounds of Miracle Grow should be used to make a total of 80 pounds of the fertilizer?

17 16. The manager at the Pawn Shop that sells used videos bought 15 videos for $ The manager sold each video for an equal price, and the shop make a profit of $30 on the sale of these videos. This equation can be used to find p, the sale price, in dollars, of each video p – 30 = What was the sale price for each video?

18 17.

19 18.

20 19.

21 This table lists the total cost for different numbers of bags of mulch
This table lists the total cost for different numbers of bags of mulch. What is the total cost of 19 bags of mulch? 20. Bags of Mulch Number of bags of mulch

22 21. The girls softball team is hosting a tournament to raise funds for their team. Admission for students are sold for $3 each, and tickets for adults are sold for $5 each. Which equation can be used to determine t, the total amount of money, in dollars, collected from the sales of s, student tickets and n adult tickets? A. t = 5s + 3n C. T = 8 ( s + n) B. t = 3s + 5n D. t = 2 ( s + n)

23 22. At 12:00 A.M., the temperature in a town was 45°F. The temperature in the town changed at a constant rate until 6:00 A.M. the next morning when the temperature was -9°F. Which integer best represents the temperature change per hour, in degrees Fahrenheit, in this town?

24 23. Gary looked at a map that was drawn to scale. The map included the following actual distance between the towns along two straight highways. Gary measured the distance on the map between Elk City and Hobart and found it to be 2 ¼ inches. Which measurement is the closest on the map, in inches, between Hobart and Pinkley?

25 24. What is the value of x in the equation? 3(x – 6)

26 25. The total cost for 3 pizzas is $ At this rate, what would be the cost for 11 pizzas?

27 26. Annie and her friends spent a total of $31.50 at the skating rink. They bought 4 admission tickets and spent $5.50 on a large popcorn. This equation can be used to find t, the amount they spent on each admission ticket , in dollars. 4t = 31.50 What is the amount they spent on each admission ticket?

28 27. Which table of values best represents a directly proportional relationship? B. C D.

29 28. This diagram of a bridge shows the pole, bridge, and support cables built. This diagram shows two similar triangles representing two of the support cables that are attached to a pole and the bridge. The longer cable is attached to the pole and the bridge at points that are exactly 3 centimeters (cm) away from the shorter cable. What is the value that is closest to x, the length of the longer cable?

30 29. The graph represents the number of yards of paper used by the class for art projects. What does the slope of this graph represent? A. The number art projects made in the class. B. The number of yards of paper used the class. The number of yards of paper used for each art project The number of art projects made for each yard of paper Yards of paper used for art projects Number of yards of paper used Number of art projects made

31 30. Todd makes sports drinks for his baseball players using ¾ cup of water for every ½ cup of the powdered sports drink mix. If he uses 8 cups of water, how many cups of powdered sports drink mix should he use to make the sports drink?

32 31.

33 32. Mike is planning to bike on a new trail. This table shows the relationship between his average biking speed, x, and the total biking time, y. Which statement describes the relationship between x and y? A. The relationship between x and y is directly proportional. B. The relationship between x and y is inversely proportional. C. The relationship between x and y is linear but not proportional. D. The relationship between x and y is not linear and not proportional. Average biking speed in miles per Hour (h) Total biking Time in Hours (y) 30 10 40 7.5 50 6 60 5

34 Give your solution in simplest fraction form
33. Give your solution in simplest fraction form

35 Bellwork answers

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