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Published byMark Anderson Modified over 9 years ago
Bylaw 15 – Financial Aid
15.01.3 Aid Not Administered by Institution SA not eligible, unless aid is From someone upon whom the SA is naturally/legally dependent Having no relationship to athletics ability; Awarded through an established and continuing program to aid students, of which athletics participation shall not be the major criterion (e.g., National Merit Scholarship) Awarded through an established and continuing program for recognition of outstanding high school graduates, of which athletics participation may be a major criterion (e.g., honorary high school award)
15.01.4 Contributions by Donor An individual may contribute funds to finance a scholarship or grant-in-aid for a particular sport, but the decision as to how such funds are to be allocated in the sport shall rest exclusively with the institution It is not permissible for a donor to contribute funds to finance a scholarship or grant-in-aid for a particular SA
15.01.5 Eligibility for Financial Aid SA must meet NCAA, conference, & institutional regulations to be eligible for institutional financial aid, and fulfill the following SA is an undergraduate with eligibility remaining SA is a graduate student Within six years after initial enrollment in a collegiate institution (provided the student does not receive such aid for more than five years during that period) –after the six-year period expires, this restriction shall apply only to unearned athletics aid for which the athletics department intercedes on behalf of the SA or SA receives a degree-completion award from the NCAA.
15.01.6 Maximum Aid SIUE cannot provide more aid to an SA than the actual costs of a comparable program for other enrolled students. NCAA Special Assistance fund does not count against permissible institutional aid NCAA SA Opportunity Fund does not count against permissible institutional aid
15.02 Definitions and Applications Counter – is an individual receiving aid, counting against aid limitations Full grant-in-aid - financial aid that consists of tuition and fees, room and board, and required course-related books Period of Award – The period of award begins the first day of class or practice, which ever is 1 st, the term that the SA is awarded institutional financial aid until the conclusion of the award, which shall not exceed 1 academic year.
7 Exempted Institutional Aid The following aid is exempt & doesn’t count against SIUE’s aid limitations An honorary award for outstanding academic achievement or an established institutional research grant A postgraduate scholarship awarded by an institution
15.1 Max. Limit on Fin. Aid - Individual SA shall not be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics if he or she receives financial aid that exceeds the value of the cost of attendance SA may receive institutional financial aid –based on athletics ability –outside financial aid for which athletics participation is a major criterion –educational expenses awarded up to the value of a full grant-in-aid, plus any other financial aid unrelated to athletics ability up to the cost of attendance Exception – SA who receives a Pell Grant may receive financial aid equivalent to the limitation set forth in Bylaw 15.1 or the value of a full grant-in-aid plus the Pell Grant, whichever is greater
15.1.2 Types of Aid Included in Limit Government Grants Other Scholarships and Grants Gifts Professional Sports Stipend Athletics Participation Compensation –except funds that are administered by the USOC pursuant to it Operation Gold Grant Program Loans –except legitimate loans that are based upon a regular repayment schedule, available to all students and administered on the same basis for all students.
15.2 Elements of Financial Aid Permissible Fees – SA may be awarded financial aid that covers the payment of fees for a course in which the SA is enrolled, if the course is part of the SIUE’s regular curriculum and SIUE pays these same fees for other students enrolled in the course who receive fees as a part of a grant-in-aid or scholarship Optional Fees – SIUE may not pay fees for services offered on an optional basis to the student body in general (e.g., health insurance) Non-institutional Fees and Expense - Fees paid by SIUE are confined to required institutional fees and do not include non- institutional fees or expenses (e.g., the cost of typing reports for student-athletes).
11 Fees/Related Expenses for PSAs SIUE shall not waive, pay in advance or guarantee payment of the following expenses for a PSA, unless such benefits generally conform to institutional policy as it applies to other prospective student-grantees: –SIUE’s processing fee required prior to the admissions office’s evaluation of the PSA’s application; –The orientation-counseling tests fee required of all incoming freshmen; –The preadmission academic testing fee –Advance tuition payment or room deposit; –Damage deposits for dormitory rooms; –ROTC deposits for military equipment; or –Any other pre-enrollment fees required of prospective student-grantees
12 Off-Campus Room and Board If SA lives and eats in non-SIUE facilities, SIUE may pay the SA an amount equal to the institution’s official on-campus room allowance as listed in its catalog the average of the room costs of all of its students living on campus or the cost of room as calculated based on its policies and procedures for calculating the cost of attendance for all students. SIUE also may pay the SA an amount that is equivalent to an on-campus 7-day or 21-meal board plan or the cost of meals as calculated based on its policies and procedures for calculating the cost of attendance for all students –excluding meals provided as part of the training table
13 Cost-Free Apartment It is permissible for SIUE to arrange for a cost-free, off- campus apartment rather than to give an SA an amount equal to SIUE’s official room allowance –if the actual rental rate is more than SIUE room allowance, the SA shall pay the additional amount from the SA’s own resources Summer Dormitory Rentals - SIUE may rent dormitory space to a prospective or enrolled SA during the summer months at the regular institutional rate, if it is policy to make such dormitory space available on the same basis to all prospective or enrolled students
14 Meals Training-Table Meals - The cost of meals provided on the institution’s training table shall be deducted from an SA’s board allowance –even if the SA is not receiving a full grant-in-aid –In determining the cost figure to be deducted, SIUE may use the actual meal costs listed in the catalog or the average meal costs of its SA’s Game-Related Meals - The cost of meals provided for away- from-home practices and contests and meals at home contests need not be deducted from a SA’s board allowance –Such meals also may be received by a student-athlete who is not receiving athletically related financial aid
15.2.5 Government Grants Government grants for educational purposes are included in limitations when determining the permissible amount of the cost of attendance for an SA, except –AmeriCorps Program –Disabled Veterans –Military Reserve Training Programs –Montgomery G.I. Bill –Special U.S. Government Entitlement Programs –US Military Annuitant Pay –US Navy Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Program –Veterans Educational Assistance Program –Vocational Rehabilitation for Service-Disabled Veterans Program –Welfare Benefits
15.2.7 Employment Earnings from an SA’s on- or off-campus employment that occurs at any time is exempt and is not counted in determining a SA’s cost of attendance or in the SIUE’s financial aid limitations, provided: SA’s compensation does not include any remuneration for value or utility that the SA may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that he or she has obtained because of athletics ability; SA is compensated only for work actually performed SA is compensated at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services
Example Question? Is it permissible for a SA to be employed as a coach at a high school/prep school or for a club team in their sport? Yes, provided the SA is not recruiting PSAs while being employed in that capacity.
15.2.8 Summer Financial Aid Summer financial aid may be awarded only to attend the SIUE’s summer term, summer school or summer- orientation program, provided the following conditions are met: –The student has been in residence a minimum of one term during the regular academic year; –The student is attending a summer term, summer school or summer-orientation program and financial aid is administered pursuant to Bylaw, or –The student is a two-year or a four-year college transfer student and is receiving aid to attend the SIUE’s summer- orientation program.
19 Summer Aid Enrolled Student-Athletes. After initial full-time enrollment during a regular academic year, an SA shall not receive athletically related financial aid to attend the SIUE’s summer term or summer school –unless SA received such athletically related aid from SIUE during the SA’s previous academic year at that institution –Such aid may be awarded only in proportion to the amount of athletically related financial aid received by the SA during the SA’s previous academic year at SIUE this proportionality restriction shall not apply to an SA who has exhausted his/her eligibility & is enrolled in a summer program of studies that will permit the SA to complete degree requirements
Summer Aid Continued Attendance during Only One Term of Previous Academic Year- An SA who attended SIUE on a full-time basis for only one regular term during the previous academic year may receive the same percentage of financial aid during the following summer term that the SA received during the term in which the SA was enrolled on a full-time basis Multiple Summer Sessions- An institution that conducts multiple summer sessions may not award athletically related financial aid to attend any one session that exceeds the proportion of the amount of athletically related financial aid received by the SA during the previous academic year Effect of Reduction When Excess Aid is Awarded- If SIUE provides an SA with a full athletics grant during the academic year but is required to reduce the grant in accordance with Bylaw 15.1.4, SIUE may provide the SA full athletically related financial aid to attend the SIUE’s summer term
21 Exception for Non-qualifiers A non-qualifier may receive athletically related financial aid to attend SIUE’s summer term or summer school after the first academic year in residence under the following conditions : SA has satisfied progress toward degree requirements and, thus, would be eligible for competition for the succeeding year SA has been awarded athletically related financial aid for the succeeding academic year SA receives athletically related financial aid to attend SIUE’s summer term or summer school only in proportion to the amount of athletically related financial aid the student will receive for the succeeding year
Summer Aid Prior to Enrollment –Athletics Aid ( The following conditions apply to awarding aid in the summer prior to full-time enrollment PSA admitted to the SIUE in accordance with regular, published entrance requirements PSA enrolled in a min. 6 hours of academic course work that is acceptable degree credit toward any of SIUE’s degree programs –Remedial, tutorial and noncredit courses may be for min. requirement, if courses are considered by SIUE to be prerequisites for courses acceptable for any degree program and are given the same academic weight as other courses If recruited, PSA is subject to NCAA transfer provisions, unless admission to SIUE as a full-time student is denied During summer term, PSA shall not engage in any countable athletically related activities Summer coursework is not used for the purpose of completing initial- eligibility or continuing eligibility requirements
23,, Separate Award Required - It is necessary to make an additional award for a summer term, inasmuch as SIUE is limited to the award of financial aid for a period not in excess of one academic year. Branch School - SIUE may not provide an SA with financial aid for a summer session at a branch campus Olympic Waivers - Waivers of the restriction that financial aid may be used only to attend SIUE’s summer term may be approved by the Management Council, by a 2/3 majority of members present and voting, for member institutions that have summer terms or curtailed because of the use of their facilities for the Olympic Games.
15.3 Terms of Awarding Financial Aid Aid may be awarded for any term during which an SA is in regular attendance as an undergraduate with eligibility remaining or w/in 6 years after initial enrollment, or as an eligible graduate SA may not receive aid if they withdraw from SIUE May not use aid retroactively
Example Question? Is it permissible for a student-athlete who is receiving only non-athletically related institutional financial aid to receive an initial award of athletically related institutional financial aid at any point during the period of the non-athletically related award? Yes, it is permissible to award a non- counter athletically related financial aid any time during the academic year.
26 Institutional Aid to Professional Athletes It is permissible to award institutional financial aid to an SA who is under contract to or currently receiving compensation from a professional sports organization in the same sport, provided the student-athlete has completed his or her four seasons of competition, the student-athlete receives no more than five years of unearned aid and such aid is received within six years after initial collegiate enrollment. A professional athlete in one sport may represent a member institution in a different sport and may receive institutional financial assistance in the second sport.
15.3.3 Period of Institutional Financial Aid Award Not in excess of one year May provide for less than one year if –Mid-year enrollment –SA is in last semester/quarter of enrollment, and SIUE certifies in writing that SA will complete degree –One-time exception if SA has not received aid from SIUE before PSA may be told aid will be recommended for renewal up to 4 years, but must be told renewal is not automatic May not assure PSA aid will be renewed if PSA incurs an injury that keeps him/her from competition Aid given in equal amounts for each term of the academic year
15.3.4 Reduction & Cancellation During Period of Award Aid may be cancelled or reduced if recipient Renders himself/herself ineligible for competition Fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, letter of intent or financial aid agreement Engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty Voluntarily withdraws from a sport at any time for personal reasons –the recipient’s financial aid may not be awarded to another SA in the academic term in which the aid was reduced or cancelled –An SA’s request for written permission to contact another 4-year institution regarding a possible transfer does not constitute a voluntary withdrawal.
29 Permitted Increase Institutional financial aid may be increased for any reason prior to the commencement of the period of the award Once the period of the award begins, institutional aid may only be increased if SIUE can demonstrate that such an increase is unrelated in any manner to an athletics reason
30 Reduction or Cancellation Not Permitted Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability may not be increased, decreased or canceled during the period of its award: –On the basis of an SA’s athletics ability, performance or contribution to a team’s success; –Because of an injury that prevents the recipient from participating in athletics; or –For any other athletics reason.
15.3.5 Renewals and Non- Renewals Renewal must be made before July 1 st prior to the ensuing academic year. Must notify SA in writing Non-renewal maybe reconsidered and awarded to SA after notification of non-renewal
32 & Midyear Graduate Replacement Midyear Graduate Replacement—Women’s Tennis-financial aid of counter who graduates at midyear w/ eligibility remaining, who does not return to SIUE the following term may be given to another SA w/o making 2nd SA a counter for remainder of academic year Midyear Graduate Replacement- Women’s Volleyball - financial aid of a counter who graduates at midyear may be provided to another SA without making the 2 nd SA a counter for the remainder of that academic year
15.5.4 Baseball Limitations During the 2008-09 academic year, there shall be a limit of 11.7 on the value of financial aid awards (equivalencies) to counters and a limit of 30 on the total number of counters During the 2009-10 academic year and thereafter, there shall be an annual limit of 11.7 on the value of financial aid awards (equivalencies) to counters and an annual limit of 27 on the total number of counters –Min. Equivalency Value- SIUE shall award athletically related financial aid to each counter at a min. value of 33 % of an equivalency
15.5.8 Multi-Sport Participants Basketball- A counter who practices/competes in bball & 1+ other sports shall be counted in bball Volleyball- A counter who practices/competes in volleyball & 1+ other sports (other than basketball) shall be counted in volleyball Two-Year Exception- If SA has participated in a sport other than bball or women’s volleyball for 2+ years since SA’s initial enrollment & would be involved only in bball or women’s volleyball practice sessions, they would not become a counter in those sports until student actually competes as a member of that SIUE’s intercollegiate team
15.5.8 Multi-Sport Participants – Other Sports A counter who participates in 2+ sports is counted in one sport but not in the others, and to be considered, must meet all –report and participate fully in regularly organized practice with each squad –participate where qualified in actual competition in each sport –be a member of each squad for the entire playing and practice season –If recruited, SA shall have been earnestly recruited to participate in the sport in which financial aid is counted
15.5.9 Changes in Participation If SA changes sports during an academic year, the SA’s financial aid shall be counted in the max. limits for the 1st sport for the remainder of the academic year If SA continues to receive financial aid, the award shall be counted the next academic year against the max. limits in the 2nd sport
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