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Presentation on theme: "Photos:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photos:

2 Lesson 2 What does he look like?

3 Let’s look at a license in our book and then complete the sentences.
1.Felipe’s height is five-eleven. 2.His weight is pounds. 3.His hair is black. 4.His eyes are brown. 5.He is years old. 6.His address is state street.

4 Task : Look at two licenses in our book and finish part B
1.Duong is_____. (height) 2.His _____________. (weight) 3.His_______________.(hair) 4.His_______________.(eyes) 1.Eva is ______. (height) 2.Her_______________.(weight) 3.Her_______________.(hair) 4.Her_______________.(eyes)

5 The answers: 1.Duong is five-six . (height)
2.His weight is pounds. (weight) 3.His hair is black. (hair) 4.His eyes are brown. (eyes) 1.Eva is five-two. 2.Her weight is pounds. 3.Her hair is white. 4.Her eyes are blue.

6 Listening : Part D Name Height Hair Eyes Age 1.Roberto 5´11〞 black
brown 43 2.Trinh 5´1 〞 33 3.Gabriela 5´5 〞 26 4.Alan 5´9 〞 red green 64 听力听力page5 partD1.wav 听力page5 partD2.wav听力

7 Part E : Listen to the conversation.
Conversation: A: What does Roberto look like? B: He has black hair and brown eyes. . A: How tall is he ? B: He is five feet , eleven inches tall. A: Thank you. 听力

8 Talking: Talk about Part G in a book.
1,Miriam has straight brown hair. 2,John has short black hair. 3,Vincent has wavy blond hair. 4,Martha has curly hair. 5,Nadia has long red hair.

9 Performance: A volunteer is invited to describe one of our classmates or teachers. The rest guess who is she or he??

10 Sum up 1.Some words for describing a person
height weight hair eyes age 2.Color black white blue brown grey red and so on

11 Homework Oral homework:
Describing your parents or friends to everyone in class.

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