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1. Weathering vs Erosion 2. Science of Plate Tectonics 3. Natural Resources 4. Weather and Climate.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Weathering vs Erosion 2. Science of Plate Tectonics 3. Natural Resources 4. Weather and Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Weathering vs Erosion 2. Science of Plate Tectonics 3. Natural Resources 4. Weather and Climate

2  Weathering- breaking down of rock/material by physical or chemical processes Physical Weathering: substance stays the same Ex- Water/Wind/Ice Chemical Weathering: changes substance Ex- Oxidation (Rust)

3  Erosion- Carrying away weathered or broken materials  Types of Erosion: 1. Landslides/Mudslides 2. Flooding 3. Storm surge from hurricanes Weathering and Erosion- both form new landforms!!

4  Weathering BREAKS ROCK DOWN  Erosion CARRIES AWAY the broken material  BOTH WORK to form NEW LANDFORMS

5  Pangaea- Theory that the Earth used to be ONE HUGE Landmass  Plate Tectonics- Earths crust slowly drifting apart over MILLIONS of years Continents “Drifting Apart”



8  Formed by the collision of PLATE Tectonics  Plate Tectonics caused continental drift (continents moving apart) Two Tectonic Plates Collided: 1. Indian Plate 2. Eurasian Plate ** The Himalayan Mountains are still getting larger because the plates are STILL colliding!!!


10  Natural Resource- anything in our environment that humans use to meet a need Ex- Trees, Water, Coal, Petroleum

11  Raw Material- Anything from the environment that needs to be processed into a usable substance Ex- Trees processed in to paper Ex- Petroleum processed in to gasoline Fossil Fuels- Ancient remains of dead organisms trapped beneath the earth for MILLIONS of years Ex- Coal, natural gas

12  Recyclable- The water cycle (water recycles through the environment naturally when it rains)  Renewable- Resources that WILL NOT run out, they re NEW themselves Ex- Trees, Sun, Geothermal, Wind, Hydropower  Nonrenewable- Resources that once we use them, they are gone FOR-EV-ER Ex- Coal, Natural Gas, Oil


14  Weather- the day to day changes in temperature and precipitation Ex- Mon 86 and Sunny / Tues 72 and Rain  Climate- Average weather over a long period of time (The Seasons) Ex- Summer climate in PA, warm temperatures with some precipatation

15  Temperature- How hot or cold it is outside

16  Vegetation- Plants native to a region

17  The warmer the climate, the more sunlight, rain and warm air you will have for growing plants / Warm climate = more vegetation  The colder the climate, the less vegetation you will see  Also will effect the types of plants that can grow in each type climate

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