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2 Metapedagogy.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Metapedagogy."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Metapedagogy

2 Regulative mode: spoken, written visual, manual
Pedagogic genre Regulative tenor: success/failure, inclusion/exclusion Regulative field: learning activities doing/ studying projecting Regulative mode: spoken, written visual, manual Instructional field ‘specialized skills’

3 Mode: the reading development sequence

4 Tenor: managing inequality in the classroom

5 Field: the scaffolding learning cycle

6 Levels of analysis learning programs lesson activities
classroom discourse

7 Program planning model



10 Reading to Learn lesson cycle
Assessing Independent Tasks

11 Designed interaction: Detailed reading

12 Unplanned interaction

13 Elements of lesson planning
analysing instructional field scaffolding interaction cycles Regulative tenor: success/failure, inclusion/exclusion Regulative field: learning activities doing/ studying projecting Regulative mode: spoken, written visual, manual Instructional field ‘specialized skills’ planning exchanges to engage all students analysing written and planning spoken wordings

14 Detailed lesson notes

15 Modalities of detailed reading
Prepare Elaborate Focus Highlight Identify spoken visual written manual meaning position wording letters Attention Emotion purr affirm

16 categorisation & memory
Psychology of learning categorisation & memory Regulative tenor: success/failure, inclusion/exclusion Regulative field: learning activities doing/ studying projecting Regulative mode: spoken, written visual, manual Instructional field ‘specialized skills’ attention emotion & identity language

17 2 Metalanguage

18 The reading and writing task

19 Complexity of reading and writing

20 Approaches to the task

21 Reading to Learn approach

22 Writing Assessment




26 Story phases


28 Register criteria Field
Is the story plot imaginative, interesting and coherent? Tenor Is the reader engaged with characters’ reactions and reflections? Mode Is the creative use of literary descriptive language and metaphors appropriate for the grade level?

29 Discourse criteria Lexis
Are people, things and places followed through coherently to build up the field? Appraisal Is the reader engaged through expression of feelings, judgements of people and appreciation of things? Conjunction What are the logical relations between each step, e.g. shifts back and forward in time? Reference Is it clear who or what is referred to, e.g. in dialogue?


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