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2 Peter 2 Peter’s False Teachers Already Laid a Foundation Relationship with Jesus is most important After that comes a faithful walk It is important.

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2 2 Peter 2 Peter’s False Teachers

3 Already Laid a Foundation Relationship with Jesus is most important After that comes a faithful walk It is important to be reminded of what we already think we know The Scriptures are absolutely trustworthy Moving on… He contrasts 1:21 w/2:1 What do we learn about false teachers?

4 What do we learn about false teachers? They work secretly 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart is opened wide. 12. You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own affections. 13. Now in a like exchange--I speak as to children-- open wide to us also. Paul was without guile and transparent

5 What do we learn about false teachers? They work secretly They introduce destructive heresies Gk. hairesis- choosing, choice, i.e., an opinion, here a wrong opinion.

6 What do we learn about false teachers? They work secretly They introduce destructive heresies They lead/entice others Gk. exakoloutheo- to see and imitate, follow in one’s footsteps When “persuading” is intended, then teaching is going on.

7 What do we learn about false teachers? They work secretly They introduce destructive heresies They lead/entice others They work for carnal motives Gk. emporeumai\emporium - to go trading, to use a person for gain. Gk. plastos\plastic - molded, formed, invented, fabricated words.

8 What do we learn about false teachers? They work secretly They introduce destructive heresies They lead/entice others They work for carnal motives They will not be corrected How can I know this? They are not teachable! 2:10, 13, 14, 19

9 Is this a teachable heart? 2:10 - despise authority, daring, reviling 2:13 - take pleasure in their wrong doing 2:14 - captured by a sinful heart, led by gratification 2:19 - cannot see their own situation.

10 What is the End of this Study? God looks on the heart and knows the difference, 2:4-9 God is not loafing, nor asleep, 2:3 It would have been better for them not to have known the truth, 2:20-22 Beware wolves in sheep’s clothing, Matthew 7:15

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