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Ethics Pg 126. Ethics Defined Ethics is defined as a set of rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. Applied.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics Pg 126. Ethics Defined Ethics is defined as a set of rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. Applied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics Pg 126

2 Ethics Defined Ethics is defined as a set of rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession. Applied ethics is a discipline of philosophy that attempts to apply ethical theory to real life situations. Usually, applied ethics is used to determine public policy. Pg 127

3 Ethics Very often situations arise in which there is conflict between one or more parties. For example an outcome might be good for industry, but may negatively impact the governing agency.

4 Ethics As part of more comprehensive compliance and ethics programs, many companies have formulated internal policies pertaining to the ethical conduct of employers.

5 Ethics To be successful, an ethics policy should be; –Given the support of top management –Explained in writing and orally –Doable –Monitored by top management –Backed up by clearly stated consequences in the case of disobedience. –Remain neutral and nonsexist.

6 Ethics Certified Concrete Batchers constantly are faced with ethical dilemmas. An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that will often involve an apparent conflict between moral imperatives. To obey one would result in transgressing another.

7 Ethics Communication and documentation are the keys for the Certified Concrete Batcher to avoid or deal with ethical conflicts.

8 Falsification

9 North Carolina State Law Any person who knowingly falsifies any inspection report or test report required by the Department of Transportation in connection with the construction of highways shall be guilty of a Class H felony.

10 NC State Law Any person who directs a subordinate under his direct or indirect supervision to falsify an inspection report or test report required by the Department of Transportation in connection with the construction of highways shall be guilty of a Class H Felony.

11 NC State Law Punishment for Class H Felony can result in 10 years in jail, up to $10,000.00 in fines, or both.

12 Federal Law Falsification can lead to a $10,000.00 fine, or 5 years prison, or both.

13 Falsification Any determination by the NCDOT of either a willful or negligent violation, including an omission or failure to act, may result in suspension or revocation of the Batch Technician certification.

14 Falsification A negligent violation is defined as an unintentional act or omission in which a technician fails to exercise due care. A willful violation is defined as an intentional act or omission.


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