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Jen Hanes Southeast Region Instructor Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People 

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2 Jen Hanes Southeast Region Instructor

3 Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People 

4 Nationwide Presence 6 regional training centers Northern & Southern California – Ohio – New York – Florida – Texas Graduates, puppy raisers and volunteers in every state

5 Who do we serve?  Adults, veterans and children with physical or developmental disabilities and professionals working for organizations that provide physical or mental health care to clients  Currently more than 1,900 active teams nationwide  Dogs, training, and follow-up services cost over $50,000 - all provided free of charge.

6 Wounded Veterans Initiative

7 Contact us   1-800-572-BARK(8875)

8 Jesus Sanchez Service Dog Nordy


10 Adam Harrel District Manager of Central Florida PetSmart

11 PetSmart for Patriots Featured on CNN



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