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Developed by the Healthy Environments for Children Initiative at the University of Connecticut for the Connecticut Department of Public Health 2006 Measuring.

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Presentation on theme: "Developed by the Healthy Environments for Children Initiative at the University of Connecticut for the Connecticut Department of Public Health 2006 Measuring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed by the Healthy Environments for Children Initiative at the University of Connecticut for the Connecticut Department of Public Health 2006 Measuring Radon in Residential Properties Training Program

2 Introduction-1 Welcome and introduction About the instructor About the facility Training ground rules –We encourage active participation –You may ask questions at any time –There are no stupid questions –Everyone’s questions, ideas, and opinions must be treated with respect –Only one person may speak at a time

3 Introduction-2 About this course Teaches how to measure radon in residential properties Part of home inspection goal of evaluating a home for safety and function

4 Introduction-3 Course content Basic information about radon Why radon is a health problem How radon enters and behaves in a home How to measure radon in air and water –Using protocols of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency –In accordance with policies of the Connecticut Department of Public Health Quality assurance and quality control Overview of reducing radon How to talk with clients about radon risk

5 Introduction-4 Agenda Morning 9-10:45Introduction What is radon? Why is radon a health problem? How does radon enter a home? 10:45-11:00Break 11:00-noonWhat are units for measuring radon? What devices do we use to measure radon? Noon-1 PMLunch

6 Introduction-5 Agenda Afternoon 1:00-2:30What are testing strategies? How do you conduct a radon test? Quality assurance and quality control 2:30-2:45Break 2:45-4:30How can you measure radon in water How can you reduce radon in a home? How can you talk with clients about radon risk? 4:30-5:00Course evaluation Exam

7 Introduction-6 Questions?

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