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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. SECONDARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. SECONDARY MANAGEMENT OF CURRICULUM GUIDE 2015-16 Elmore County Public Schools

2 Academic Guidelines-Gradebooks  Enter grades at least once per week  Minimum of 8 daily grades and 3-5 test grades  Graded papers and iNOW grades should match  Confidentiality must be adhered to at all times Only board employees, long-term subs, and supervised interns Provide grades to parents and/or identified legal guardians only

3 Grading High School courses – 60% Tests; 40% Daily Middle School courses – 50% Tests; 50% Daily Grades cannot be given for non-instructional purposes (i.e. school supplies, signed papers, parent/teacher contracts, signed progress reports) NOTE: This list is NOT exhaustive. No extra credit may be given. Grades cannot exceed 100% NO RED CELLS Test scores may NOT be scaled, dropped, combined with any other grades, or artificially inflated with classwork, homework, or extra credit activities.

4 TESTS Open-book tests are not permitted. If study guides are necessary, an outline form must be used. No fill-in-the-blank questions may be used that replicates the test. Minimum of 10 questions or 8-10 multi-step problems must be on each test or daily grades

5 PROGRESS REPORTS iNOW Home Portal – your grades are live! Printed Report to go home mid-point (or more often) of each quarter. September 14, 2015 Week of November 16, 2015 Week of February 8, 2016 Week of April 18, 2016

6 Documentation Answer documents, rubrics, and assignments counted as grades may be sent home for parental inspection but must be returned for documentation. All student papers should be retained for one academic year. For example, student papers from the 2013-14 school may be disposed on August 10, 2015. Papers for the 2015-16 school year may be destroyed at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year. Teachers should maintain individual student folders to securely store all graded documents.

7 Documentation Document any grades obtained from computer programs, Smart Response Systems (or the like), rubrics, or means other than students’ papers, and keep on file. Administrators will periodically review gradebooks and documentation.

8 Class Syllabus Course content Course requirements Grading system being used – Points or Percentages ( NOT A COMBINATION OF BOTH ) Post on your school webpage, send a hard copy home

9 Lesson Plans  Weekly plans written and submitted by 8:00 a.m. on Mondays  Formatted in iNOW-NO EXCEPTIONS  Components of Strategic Teaching should be evident (example: TWIRL)  Substitute planning should be general and not violate student privacy

10 IEP, 504, I-ELP You must ensure that copies of all IEP, 504, I-ELP documentation for each of your students with special needs obtained, read, and secured.

11 Writing Across the Curriculum In preparation for curriculum- based and standards- based assessments, such as ACT Aspire and ACT Plus Writing, teachers in all content areas must incorporate writing into student learning opportunities. Science and Social Studies Teachers will incorporate Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects in the classroom instruction to include writing. This must be documented in lesson plans.Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects ONE daily grade must be a writing assignment graded with a rubric. Choose from the following modes: argument, informative or explanatory, narrative or research. Assistance with rubrics is available upon request. Language Arts A writing portfolio will be kept by Language Arts teachers for every student.

12 Testing Day Chart – High School

13 Testing Day Chart- Middle School MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday EnglishMathEnglishMathEnglish Science Social Studies Science Social Studies Math Electives

14 Semester Exams  First semester exams are scheduled for December 14-16, 2015.  In preparation for semester exams, new information should not be introduced after December 8, 2015.  Second semester exams for grades 7-8 will be scheduled for May 18- 20, 2016. Second semester exams for grades 9-11 will be scheduled for May 19-24, 2016. Senior exams for the second semester will be scheduled for May 13-17, 2016.  In preparation for semester exams, new information should not be introduced after May 9, 2016.  A copy of each semester exam and an answer key must be submitted to the principal at least one week prior to the scheduled date of administration.

15 Semester Examinations and Exemptions Policy o Students in grades seven (7) through eight (8) may exempt semester and end-of-course examinations if they meet the following criteria:  An “A” average with no more than 2 excused absences  A “B” average with no more than 1 excused absence  A “C” average with no absences o For 8 th grade Algebra I, each quarter grading period counts 40% and the exam counts 20% of the semester average. The first semester and the second semester averages will be averaged to arrive at a final average for the course.  Example:  40% - 1 st quarter average  40% - 2 nd quarter average  20% - semester exam  (1 st semester avg + 2 nd semester avg / 2 = final avg for the course.) o For all other 7 th and 8 th grade courses, each quarter grading period counts 45% and the exam counts 10% of the semester average. The first semester and the second semester averages will be averaged to arrive at a final average for the course.  Example:  45% - 1 st quarter average  45% - 2 nd quarter average  10% - semester exam  (1 st semester avg + 2 nd semester avg / 2 = final avg for the course.) Any student who has skipped either a class period or a school day, been suspended, or been assigned to the Elmore County Alternative Program (ECAP) will forfeit the opportunity to exempt any final examination

16 Semester Examinations and Exemptions Policy (Cont’d) o Please note: School authorized field trips, a college day (with proper documentation), and military absences (with proper documentation) do not count as absences towards exemptions. o First semester exams will be scheduled for December 14-16, 2015. o Second semester exams for grades 7-8 will be scheduled for May 18-20, 2016. Second semester exams for grades 9-11 will be scheduled for May 19-24, 2016. Senior exams for the second semester will be scheduled for May 13-17, 2016. o A copy of each semester exam and an answer key must be submitted to the principal at least one week prior to the scheduled date of administration.

17 Universal Screening Global Scholar Performance Series will be administered to students in grades 5-10 for Reading/Language Arts and Math/Algebra I/Geometry. Global Scholar Performance Series will be administered to students in grades 5 and 7 for Science. At-risk students will be monitored throughout the year using STAR Reading, STAR Math, and/or Global Scholar as determined by the PST.


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