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Pricing and Paying for Scientific Information during a Period of Transition Madeleine McPherson

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Presentation on theme: "Pricing and Paying for Scientific Information during a Period of Transition Madeleine McPherson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pricing and Paying for Scientific Information during a Period of Transition Madeleine McPherson

2 Scientific journals exist to serve Authors Authors The public good The public good

3 The Purpose of Journals Registration Registration Validation Validation Distribution Distribution Preservation Preservation

4 Pricing A much studied topic A much studied topic Status of publisher significant Status of publisher significant Little relation to value measures Little relation to value measures Highly imperfect market Highly imperfect market

5 Average Journal Price etc Commercial publishers $487 $4.10 per article $0.27 per page Society publishers $229 $1.10 per article $0.10 per page Educational publishers $ 81 $1.20 per article $0.05 per page Other publishers $119 $1.40 per article $0.13 per page Tenopir, Carol and King, Donald W 2000 Towards Electronic Journals: realities for scientists, librarians and publishers SLA Publishing p 242

6 Cost per page ($US) Cost per citation ($US) For-profitNon-profitFor-profitNon-profit Ecology1.010.190.730.05 Economics0.830.172.330.15 Atmosph. Sci. 0.950.150.880.07 Mathematics0.700.271.320.28 Neuroscience0.890.100.230.04 Physics0.630.190.380.05 Bergstrom, Carl T and Bergstrom, Theodore C 2001 Do electronic site licences for Academic Journals benefit the Scientific Community?

7 Publisher Type Total Cost Total Pages Total Cites Nonprofit9%33%62% Blackwell10%12%5% Commercial81%56%33% Shares of Costs, Pages and Cites – Economics Bergstrom, Theodore C 2001 Free Labor for Costly Journals? Journal of Economic Perspectives 15 (3) 183-198

8 Paying Single title subscriptions Single title subscriptions Bundled subscriptions Bundled subscriptions Single article options Single article options Author fees Author fees Free or - free?? Free or - free??

9 Transition to what? History is useful History is useful History doesn’t just happen History doesn’t just happen

10 Signs of transition Free e-journals – DOAJ Free e-journals – DOAJ SPARC journals SPARC journals OAI OAI Repositories and eprints Repositories and eprints Rhetoric, commitment, momentum Rhetoric, commitment, momentum

11 Other developments Policy frameworks Policy frameworks Copyright incentives Copyright incentives Grid computing Grid computing DRM DRM

12 OAI etc - Paying for the potential The costs of archiving The costs of archiving The power of harvesting and linking The power of harvesting and linking Not just articles Not just articles Possible players Possible players Probable costs, possible payers Probable costs, possible payers

13 Barriers Quality perceptions Quality perceptions Promotion and tenure practices Promotion and tenure practices Visibility Visibility Financing models Financing models Maintenance of parallel systems Maintenance of parallel systems Discipline differences Discipline differences Student use and libraries Student use and libraries

14 Barriers Building communities to champion the new Building communities to champion the new National infrastructures – bandwidth, standards, access, funding National infrastructures – bandwidth, standards, access, funding Rights assignment & management Rights assignment & management Preservation Preservation

15 “Who speaks of victory? – survival is the essence” - Rilke

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