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RICE = “Radio Ice Cherenkov Experiment”
The Problem: Mean free path of UHECR’s (E>1020 eV) limited by photoproduction on CMB: pgCMBDpp (“GZK”) m.f.p. ~ 10 Mpc only sensitive to processes in last 30Myr! At lower energies ( eV), reactions such as pgCMBpe+e- Similar limitations for gamma-ray astronomy (pair production on CMB) A solution (kinda): neutrino astronomy! However, low fluxes at ZeV (1/km2/century) necessitate neutrino targets of scale km3 “Conventional” technology: PMT’s (AMANDA, Baikal, Antares, IceCube, Nestor, NEMO, SuperK) limited by absorption/scattering length of PMT photons (~40 m) Radio attenuation length in-ice2 km (DATA!); acoustic attenuation length estimated at 10 km!! (SPATS measurements this year) measure radio-wavelength rather than optical-wavelength portion of Cherenkov radiation: “Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment”
Radio Detection of High Energy Neutrinos
Neutrino enters ice Neutrino collision Receivers (Rx) Cones are +/- 3dB
17 in-ice half-wave ‘fat’ dipole antennas (400 MHz)
Effective Volume Systematics: Signal Strength Transfer Function Re(epsilon) (=n) Im(epsilon) (=Latt) Birefringence System Total Gain Livetime Software Cuts
Diffuse Neutrino Search (1999-2005)
Phys.Rev. D73 (2006)
GZK nu models No UHE neutrinos yet observed compare with theoretical predictions for how many neutrinos RICE should have observed, given sensitivity of experiment and radio transmission properties of ice Two representative models: ESS/WB. Both bootstrap from observed charged CR spectrum and estimate neutrino flux (WB assumes all UHECR’s from GRB’s) Diffuse GRB flux
Caution on presentation
RICE uses a 95% CL upper limit convention (vs. conventional 90% CL upper limit convention) ESS GZK-flux depends on several parameters RICE upper limits based on most conservative (I.e., lowest flux – not typical) Upper limits as a function of energy are largely for presentation only – sans energy resolution, only integral matters!
Volumosity? Voluminosity? Your model x our exposure
During RICE livetime, approximately 120 GRB’s in southern hemisphere w/ `nearly’ complete info. Only 5 with redshift information: Astro-ph/ (accepted Astropart. Phys.)
RICE acceptance favors neutrinos incident along horizon at near-glancing angles
From photon flux to neutrino flux
Assume photon flux from p0 decay; relate photon flux to neutrino flux (from p+ decay) via Waxman-Bahcall. Note: Limits generally weak (preferentially high-redshift sample)
South Polar ice is unique!
The future VISION South Polar ice is unique! Optical clarityIceCube (TeV threshold) Radio clarityRICE (10 PeV threshold) Purest water on planet & high hydrostatic pressureno impurities or defects in ice latticeclear propagation of acoustic wavesacoustic detection of sound wave produced by neutrino interactions! (EeV threshold) South Pole is only place that can support all three neutrino detection technologies : During bulk of IceCube hole drilling, co-deploy radio & acoustic modules into IceCube holes 1 km deployment scale x10 over current RICE >2010: Dedicated hole-drilling (much cheaper holes!) for acoustic&radio over 10 km deployment scale
GZK detections / hybrid dector (c. 2010)
06-07: codeploy with IceCube in 3-4 holes.
AURA The Askaryan UnderIce Radio Array = THE BRIGHT, SHINING FUTURE! Develop technology for larger radio array Further map out the radio properties of South Pole Ice Build intermediate detector with improved effective volume over RICE 06-07: codeploy with IceCube in 3-4 holes. KU
Co-deployment with IceCube: one scenario
spare attachment points on IceCube cable (1450m, 2450m, center of the string, an additional breakout could be added a 1400m for minimal cost) could accommodate a “DRM” additional connectors added to pressure sphere would connect each of four antennas to form a cluster grouping antennas in clusters at 10m separation, gives enough timing difference to distinguish backgrounds, thereby allowing a drop in thresholds antenna calibration unit provided calibration and ice property studies signal conditioning and amplification happen at the front end, signal is digitized and triggers formed in DRM 2450 breakout is for the dustlogger
Other deployment options
Separate cable taped to IceCube cable would allow deployment at shallow depths where rf tranparency is highest Same paradigm as deployment--shown to work
In ice digitization done via the ROBUST board which will house the LABRADOR chip used by ANITA. The power consumption of the LABORADOR chip is xxx, and it requires hits in each of four bands. Multibanded trigger requires signal in more than one band for triggering.
Relativistic magnetic monopole generates photon swarm.
Search for highly ionizing magnetic monopoles in Antarctic ice (Daniel Hogan, KU UG) Relativistic magnetic monopole generates photon swarm. Weizsäcker-Williams energy spectrum: Jackson, 1963, etc.
Energy Loss in Earth: ionization+brem+pair production+ photonuclear
Check total energy loss against mmc package (dima chirkin) and also seckel, weiler&wick calculation Razzaque et al., 2002
θ r l r Energy Loss in Earth Chord Length through Earth:
Loses energy as z=1/(2α) electric charge θ r l r
Preliminary monopole flux limits (+/- x2)
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