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Powered by:. What is Physician’s Dispensing? Physician’s Dispensing is when a practice has the ability to fulfill patient prescriptions at the point of.

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Presentation on theme: "Powered by:. What is Physician’s Dispensing? Physician’s Dispensing is when a practice has the ability to fulfill patient prescriptions at the point of."— Presentation transcript:

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2 What is Physician’s Dispensing? Physician’s Dispensing is when a practice has the ability to fulfill patient prescriptions at the point of care, in their office, rather than having the patient visit a retail pharmacy

3 Why Should Physicians Dispense? Ensures safer patient treatment and increases compliance with prescribed treatment plan– an estimated over 30% of patient prescriptions go unfilled Creates patient satisfaction – prescriptions are filled at the physician’s office Generates additional revenue by collecting payments on medications/treatments Increases the office staff’s productivity by reducing staff time spent on pharmacy communication (call ins, call backs, faxes, etc.) Provides automated revenues in “real time” through the pre-approval software showing the patient co-pay, practice cost and reimbursement HIPAA compliant

4 Getting Started Onboarding packet filled out by practice DocScrips collect list of top prescriptions from practice Orders are fulfilled by Aidarex “Cash and carry”, Worker’s Comp and PIP can start in 7-10 days Practice trained on software Takes about a ½ day Establish inventory management

5 “Cash and Carry” Program Able to be paid by cash, check or credit Purchase low cost medications Establish a price to charge to the patient Average nationwide is $15.00 Increases patient satisfaction Helps uninsured or underinsured patients obtain medication at a discount

6 Adjudication Process When it’s needed Medicare and Medicaid High Cost Meds Process Become contracted with Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM’s) Allows the patient’s medication to be billed through their insurance plan Takes about 60 days Software Determines if patient qualifies for prescribed medication Shows reimbursement and if any, co-pay for the patient

7 Why DocScrips? Entire process managed by DocScrips Wholesale pricing on all products Exclusive introductions to new products brought to market 24 hour IT support Powered by Aidarex Over 20 years experience FDA & DEA licensed repackager Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributor certified by National Association Board of Pharmacies

8 Products Available Prescription medication Specialty products and kits Brand name and generic available Injection kits Supplements

9 Current Customers Department of Defense 121 of the largest military medical facilities in the US All medications for troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan St. Vincent Health Network Over 14,000 physicians nationwide On-Site, Employer Owned Clinics Google Facebook

10 FAQ’s Is Physician's Dispensing legal in my state? Will we be a full service pharmacy? Do I need to carry additional insurance? Do I have the space in my office? How do I reorder?

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