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Company LOGO Towards the Validation of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia using CAVIAr Mark Melia & Claus Pahl Dublin City University.

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Presentation on theme: "Company LOGO Towards the Validation of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia using CAVIAr Mark Melia & Claus Pahl Dublin City University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company LOGO Towards the Validation of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia using CAVIAr Mark Melia & Claus Pahl Dublin City University 6 th International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Hypermedia

2 2/25 Agenda Courseware validation Definition Approach Modeling concerns - CAVIAr Model interoperability – model transformations Applying validation to AEH Transforming LAOS to CAVIAr Simple validation

3 3/25 Courseware Validation What is Courseware Validation? Courseware validation allows the course creator to check for certain pedagogical and non-pedagogical characteristics in constructed courseware. What characteristics are of concern? Literature review

4 4/25 Identification of Courseware Construction Concerns

5 5/25 Courseware Authoring Validation Information Architecture (CAVIAr) Data models Domain model Concepts Pedagogically neutral Learning context model Conceptual sequencing constraints Learner Stereotypes –Presumed knowledge –Learning goals Learning resource model Models learning resources and metadata Courseware model Topics –Entry learner conditions for topics –Sequencing relationships

6 6/25 Courseware Authoring Validation Information Architecture (CAVIAr) Validation model Defines a valid courseware in terms of the data models Constrains the allowable model configurations Courseware model must adhere to constraints

7 7/25 A Metamodeling Approach CAVIAr Metamodel CAVIAr model Instance of Model Constraints Defined on Must be true for

8 8/25 Defining Constraints on CAVIAr Constraints defined on the metamodel – constrains the allowable structure of the model context Topic Inv more_contained_topics: relations- >select(type = #CONTAINS)->size() > 5 and relations-> select(type = #CONTAINS)- >size() <15 Number of topics contained in a topic must be between 5 and 15

9 9/25 Model Interoperability – Model Transformations Allows for model transformations Transform from one model type to another model type Defined using a declarative language at the metamodel level (the model schema level) CAVIAr models can be transformed to/from any type of models as long as: Metamodel defined for target/source model Transformation defined between metamodels

10 10/25 A Metamodeling Approach CAVIAr Metamodel CAVIAr model Instance of Metamodel x model x Instance of Transformation Definition Transformation Model Constraints Defined on Must be true for

11 11/25 Model Transformations - AEH -> CAVIAr AEH Metamodel Databases Course CAVIAr Metamodel Databases Course Instance of Transformation Definition Transformation Instance of

12 12/25 AEH Interoperability Case Study AEH - LAOS Set of models for creating AEH – MOT (Cristea et. al.) Domain map Goal and constraint map User map Adaptive map Presentation map Common Adaptation Framework (CAF) XML format LAG Defined in BNF format Basic level made up of IF-THEN-ELSE rules

13 13/25 Transforming LAOS to CAVIAr Transforming CAF to CAVIAr CAF Metamodel definition CAF metamodel CAVIAr metamodel definition Transforming LAG to CAVIAr LAG metamodel definition LAG metamodel CAVIAr metamodel definition

14 14/25 CAF Transformation: CAF metamodel definition

15 15/25 CAF Transformation: Generating CAVIAr domain model

16 16/25 CAF Transformation: Generating CAVIAr learning context model

17 17/25 CAF Transformation: Generating CAVIAr courseware model

18 18/25 CAF Transformation: Generating CAVIAr learning resources & metadata

19 19/25 Transforming LAOS to CAVIAr Transforming CAF to CAVIAr CAF Metamodel definition CAF metamodel CAVIAr metamodel definition Transforming LAG to CAVIAr LAG metamodel definition LAG metamodel CAVIAr metamodel definition

20 20/25 LAG Transformation Defining LAG Metamodel

21 21/25 LAG Transformation Transforming a simple LAG sequencing rule to CAVIAr courseware model constraint IF (DM.Concept.title.access == true) THEN ( == true)

22 22/25 LAG Transformation

23 23/25 Validating the AEH The AEH can then be validated as any other courseware using a constraint language. LOs must be shorter than 40 mins in length context Topic Inv more_contained_topics: relations->select(type = #CONTAINS) ->size() > 5 and relations-> select(type = #CONTAINS)->size() <15

24 24/25 Conclusions Provided for a starting point in validating AEH designs Modelling technologies allow for AEH interoperability AEH CAVIAr Possibility of generalising the approach to allow for a more generic approach to AEH interoperability with TEL state of the art

25 25/25 Questions Questions, comments welcome Thank you for listening. Contact Details Email:

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