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Adaptive Hypermedia Content Authoring using MOT3.0 Jonathan G. K. Foss Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Hypermedia Content Authoring using MOT3.0 Jonathan G. K. Foss Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Hypermedia Content Authoring using MOT3.0 Jonathan G. K. Foss Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea

2 Motivation Creation of adaptive content is crucial to the popularisation of A(E)H. 2 separate challenges for Authoring AH –Content Creation –Strategy Creation MOT focuses on Content Creation

3 LAOS Framework Hierarchy of concepts Each concept contains attributes Standard attributes include: Title (required) Text Keywords Exercise Introduction Conclusion Domain Model

4 LAOS Framework Goal Model Hierarchy of sublessons (or groups of sublessons) Each sublesson is a link to a concept attribute Sublessons (or groups) can be labelled/weighted

5 LAOS Framework Content in concepts and attributes Domain Model Describes goals of lesson Goal Model Stores data about user User Model Strategy for showing/hiding content Adaptation Model How the content is shown Presentation Model

6 My Online Teacher Developed since 2000 Focuses on –Domain Models –Goal Models Imports/Exports CAF (XML) –Compatibility with other AH systems such as AHA!

7 MOT3.0 Complete rewrite of MOT1.0 –Focuses on usability –Uses PHP and AJAX

8 MOT3.0 Replaces static HTML pages with AJAX Uses jsTree to display hierarchies –Allows drag & drop reordering

9 MOT3.0 Adds search function Adds Yahoo! UI (X)HTML editor

10 Interoperability Import from non-adaptive educational material –IMS-CP –IMS-QTI –SCORM

11 Semi-Automatic Authoring Focus on reusing existing content –MediaWiki –Microsoft PowerPoint

12 MediaWiki Importer Extracts concepts from WikiText Parses other WikiText into HTML then stored in text attribute

13 Presentation Importer Files converted using Each slide creates a concept with attributes: –Text –Image –Notes

14 Future Research Extend MediaWiki importer –Extract keywords from articles –Crawl/Import related topics How deep?! Six Degrees of Seperation?

15 Future Research Extend Presentation importer –Use slide titles to create deeper hierarchy

16 Summary Adaptive Hypermedia Authoring LAOS Framework MOT3.0 Usability Improvements Semi-Automatic Authoring Techniques Future Research

17 Demonstration MOT3.0 will be available for demonstration –Today 10:35-11:05 –Thursday 10:00-11:25 & 14:45-15:45 –Friday 10:15-11:25 Thank You Any Questions?

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