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Presenter Introduction: Mark Smith Teacher at CCPHS Successfully taught AIMS Prep for 10+ Years 60%+ Pass Rate for AIMS Prep Classes Jennie Flores RttT.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter Introduction: Mark Smith Teacher at CCPHS Successfully taught AIMS Prep for 10+ Years 60%+ Pass Rate for AIMS Prep Classes Jennie Flores RttT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presenter Introduction: Mark Smith Teacher at CCPHS Successfully taught AIMS Prep for 10+ Years 60%+ Pass Rate for AIMS Prep Classes Jennie Flores RttT Math Coach West/Central Region Taught Math at EHS, WPHS, MHS since 2003 Testing Coordinator for EHS

3 This Session’s Goals: Objectives: TWBATD application of planning strategically for success in a Math AIMS Prep Class using a framework demonstrated with practical examples, guidelines, and resources. TWBATD application of personalizing instruction in a Math AIMS Prep Class using Galileo tools and technology based on Benchmark testing and reports.

4 Do Now Please complete the following survey by texting in your answers to 37607. If you do not know your Galileo login and password – please see Jennie Flores to help you setup or receive access to your account. Bell Ringer Use the Post-It Note to submit any questions you would like to ask about teaching an Math AIMS Prep Class that you have. We will collect them from you.

5 Keys to success

6 3 Key Elements to a successful AIMS Prep Class  1. Class- scheduling and size  2. Structure-what is taught and how  3. State of mind

7 Class Scheduling  At CCP we hand schedule every kid  All Sophomores take Math Topics  Juniors and seniors are scheduled by need, attitude, character and commitment.  All Math Topics classes are capped in class size. Approximately 20-25.

8 Data Check Point  Using Galileo Reports  Concept Level Performance  Make Conclusions  Create a Plan

9 Plan for your Class

10 Structure  Remember you cant teach them everything! A scope and sequence is used to tackle the major strands tested.  Familiarity of the test breeds better scores! AIMS style practice tests/strand tests are used frequently to familiarize.  All work assigned is to be completed that day and turned in. Every assignment is graded and returned the next day so questions or concerns can be answered before moving on. Incomplete assignments are never accepted!  Weekly cumulative quizzes are given every Friday and reviewed as a class the next day.  AIMS/multiple choice test taking skill are constantly shown and taught.

11 Structure Your Class  What are your expectations for students?  What are you grading procedures and practices?  How and when are you going to provide feedback?  How and when are you going to provide AIMS like testing practice?

12 What will it look like for you?

13 State of mind  You are teaching them more than how to pass a test.  Build a community with the class, express that all students can be successful, commit to the work that is to be done, use the strategies taught in the class.  “Us against them” philosophy

14 Free Access: Learn Zillion Khan Academy IXL Need an Account: Study Island Laurus Tucson Unified School District Website AIMS Information AIMS Sample Tests/Items amples.asp AIMS Preparatory Materials ool_front.asp Additional Resources

15 Aggregated Multi-Test Report Reports  Test Sets  Aggregated Multi-Test Report Use for Determining Risk Level of Students for a Class

16 Aggregated Multi-Test Report View Details Use for List of at Risk Students for a Class

17 Intervention Alert Report Reports  Standards Mastery  Intervention Alert Use for Determining Performance at Concept Level for class.

18 Intervention Alert Report Class Use for Determining Performance at Concept Level for Class and Student Level

19 Intervention Alert Report Quiz Builder… or Assignments… Use for creating customized quizzes or scheduling Galileo built lessons based on standard and intervention groups or class.

20 Student Login Setup  User Accounts  Student/Family Accounts Use for Determining student login info. View student user accounts

21 Student Login Setup  User Accounts  Student/Family Accounts Use for Determining student login info. View student user accounts K-12 Student-Parent Center ASP/ASPX/StudentCenter/StudentCenterlogin.asp x

22 Help Resource

23 Research Based Support for Today’s Session: AIMS Prep Classes Mark Smith – 60%+ Tara Osterberg – 60%+ John Hattie – Influence on Student Achievement http://visible- ent_Self-Reported_Grades team-leaders/research-and- links/ Individualized Instruction for Improved Student Achievement - Education's 'Holy Grail' 2004/02/01/individualized- instruction-for-improved- student-achievement-- educations-holy-grail.aspx 2004/02/01/individualized- instruction-for-improved- student-achievement-- educations-holy-grail.aspx

24 Please complete and submit your exit ticket before leaving. Exit Ticket:

25 Thank You!!! A session survey will be emailed to you this week through a Googledoc. Kindly complete it so we can reflect and improve future PD efforts. Travel safely!

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