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North Providence High School Math Department. Grade 9 Interventions Eliminated low level math courses Every year grade 9 Scope & Sequence is revised as.

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Presentation on theme: "North Providence High School Math Department. Grade 9 Interventions Eliminated low level math courses Every year grade 9 Scope & Sequence is revised as."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Providence High School Math Department

2 Grade 9 Interventions Eliminated low level math courses Every year grade 9 Scope & Sequence is revised as grade 8 is adjusting Middle School and High School Articulation PD around curriculum Math Workshop (increase to full year course) NECAP PROMPTS-analyze data to adjust instruction each quarter Multiple Representations and Modeling Instruction Teachers send letters to parents of at risk students Summer Math Clinic for incoming freshmen Departmental exams Daily Formative Assessments Math Peer Assistants tutoring

3 Special Education Component Alignment of Curriculum NECAP Preparation – Released items – Novanet Credit Recovery Identify and Personalize teaching and learning – More inclusion – Double Algebra for 9 th and Double Geometry for 10 th – RTI benchmark results

4 ALGEBRA I RTI SLO Benchmarks Referred by teacher Parental contact by guidance Letter is sent home Use previous NECAP data to assess student Weekly follow up Weekly Assessment Exit-parent informed

5 Grade 10 Interventions Math Skills-NECAP practice Study Island All 10 th grade students take Geometry NECAP prompts Incorporate Algebra into Geometry Double Math-Geometry and Algebra II Increased classes that utilize Sketchpad for Geometry All 10 th grade students leave with a summer NECAP packet Daily Formative Assessments

6 Grade 11 Interventions NECAP summer packet NECAP prompt and analyze data before NECAP in October Targeted classes focusing on GSE Standards NECAP sessions afterschool Schedule Change once we receive NECAP data in late January Possibly looking at a summer program for these juniors

7 Ipad Pilot Interactive Geometry and Algebra II Textbook focuses on CCSS Noticeable jump from traditional AlgII to new book

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