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3 rd grade4 th grade5 th grade English/Language Arts827673 Math857187 Science-7868 school-180588001045/

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2 3 rd grade4 th grade5 th grade English/Language Arts827673 Math857187 Science-7868 school-180588001045/

3  Using screening data to identify academic and behavioral problems  Using research-based instructional practices

4  Select appropriate screening tasks ◦ Mclass, DIBELS, Study Island, etc.  Is the data adequate? ◦ Represents what the students know  What does this class look like compared to others in the same grade? ◦ Whole grade problem vs. classroom problem  What can be done to fix this? ◦ Whole-class intervention

5  Mrs. Teacher’s class was having difficulty with multiplication fluency compared to the other classes within that grade. Since she knew they could answer the questions, just not quickly, she had them work on fluency sheets four days a week for 10 minutes. At the end of five weeks, the median score fell within the target range.

6  Key terms: ◦ Benchmarks – How much growth is expected to occur. This is measured in fall, winter, and spring. ◦ Baseline – Initial data taken of the student. This is a reference point. ◦ Goal (Aim) lines – This line shows anticipated growth and is compared to the trend line. This is the expected rate of progress. ◦ Trend line – This line shows actual rate of growth, this is what decisions are made upon.


8  Round Robin Reading  Resources ◦ What Works Clearninghouse  ◦ Tier 1 Interventions for ELL students  data/34841_Collier_RTI_for_Diverse_Learners_Ch1.pdf data/34841_Collier_RTI_for_Diverse_Learners_Ch1.pdf

9  Burns, M. K.; Riley-Tillman, T. C.; & VanderHeyden, A. M. (2012). RTI Applications: Academic and Behavioral Interventions – Volume One. New York: NY. The Guilford Press.  Kelly, P. R. (1995). Round robin reading: Considering alternative instructional practices that make more sense. Reading Horizons, 36 (2).

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