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School Library Management Notebook Karen A. Wilson LI851 Summer 2006 Click here to view the table of contents.

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1 School Library Management Notebook Karen A. Wilson LI851 Summer 2006 Click here to view the table of contents

2 Table of Contents Descriptions Community School Mission Statements District mission statement District mission statement School mission statement School mission statement Library Media Center mission statement Library Media Center mission statementPhilosophy Philosophy of the School Library Media Center Philosophy of the School Library Media Center Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations Library Media Specialist Library Media Specialist Library Media Assistant Library Media Assistant Collection Development Policy Collection Development Policy Facility Design Facility Design Budget Technology Acceptable Use Policy Acceptable Use Policy Library Management Web Sites Library Management Web Sites

3 Plainville, KS Of the 2,029 residents in Plainville 47.2% are male and 52.8% female. Of the 2,029 residents in Plainville 47.2% are male and 52.8% female. The community is 98.4% white. The community is 98.4% white. Of the 1,424 individuals over the age of 25, 196 or 13.8% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. The percentage of those in the United States as a whole is 24.4% Of the 1,424 individuals over the age of 25, 196 or 13.8% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. The percentage of those in the United States as a whole is 24.4% 157 families earn less than $25,000 a year 157 families earn less than $25,000 a year Median family income $35,673 Median family income $35,673 45 families live below the poverty status (1999 information) 45 families live below the poverty status (1999 information) 57.7% of the population 16 and over are employed 57.7% of the population 16 and over are employed US Census Bureau. (n.d.). Plainville city, Kansas - fact sheet - American fact finder. Retrieved July 6, 2006, from =Plainville&_state=04000US20&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010. =Plainville&_state=04000US20&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010 =Plainville&_state=04000US20&_zip=&_lang=en&_sse=on&pctxt=fph&pgsl=010 Table of Contents USD 270 Description

4 USD 270 Plainville Schools There are 410 enrolled students in the district - 53.9% males and 46.1% female There are 410 enrolled students in the district - 53.9% males and 46.1% female 39.27% fall under the economically disadvantage status according reports made to the Kansas State Department of Education 39.27% fall under the economically disadvantage status according reports made to the Kansas State Department of Education The district is 99.2% white The district is 99.2% white Attendance rate for 2004 was 95.39% 2005 was 95.51% and the Graduation rate for2003 96.4% 2004 was 93.0% Attendance rate for 2004 was 95.39% 2005 was 95.51% and the Graduation rate for2003 96.4% 2004 was 93.0% The dropout rate was below 1% The dropout rate was below 1% For the 2004-2005 school year 100% of teachers were fully certified and 100% of the core content teachers (Core Content Classes are defined as elementary, English/language arts, reading, mathematics, science, foreign language, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography) were considered highly qualified. For the 2004-2005 school year 100% of teachers were fully certified and 100% of the core content teachers (Core Content Classes are defined as elementary, English/language arts, reading, mathematics, science, foreign language, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography) were considered highly qualified. 19.05% of students are described as Students with Disabilities This is above the state average of 13.78% 19.05% of students are described as Students with Disabilities This is above the state average of 13.78% Kansas State Department Of Education. (2005). Report Card 2004-2005. Retrieved July 6, 2006, from Table of Contents

5 District mission statement The mission of USD # 270, through the cooperation of students, staff, parents, patrons, and the board of education, is to provide educational opportunities in a safe environment and to promote lifelong learning skills. Table of Contents School Mission Statement

6 School mission statement The mission of USD # 270, through the cooperation of students, staff, parents, patrons, and the board of education, is to provide educational opportunities in a safe environment and to promote lifelong learning skills. Same as district mission statement Same as district mission statement Table of Contents Library Mission Statement

7 Library Media Center mission statement The Mission of the Chico High School Library Media Program is to support the curriculum of Chico High School, and as part of that mission provide access to current, adequate, and appropriate information resources, and to ensure that all students, teachers, and staff are effective users of ideas and information. Chico High School Library. (n.d.). Chico high school library. Retrieved July 6, 2006, from * Mission statement found at bottom of page Table of Contents

8 Philosophy of the School Library Media Center The responsibility of the library media center is to help students to become active, interested, creative, and ethical locators, evaluators and users of information. The library media center provides the school community with access to information resources and the requisite skills for using them. These resources and skills support the curriculum and the educational goals of the school. Partnership with teachers ensures the necessary alignment of the library media center program with the curriculum. The responsibility of the library media center is to help students to become active, interested, creative, and ethical locators, evaluators and users of information. The library media center provides the school community with access to information resources and the requisite skills for using them. These resources and skills support the curriculum and the educational goals of the school. Partnership with teachers ensures the necessary alignment of the library media center program with the curriculum. In addition to extending and enhancing classroom experiences, the library media center strives to stimulate a lifelong love and appreciation of reading and learning. Knowledge of students' interests and abilities can help the media center acquire and promote a wide variety of materials that will encourage strong reading habits. In addition to extending and enhancing classroom experiences, the library media center strives to stimulate a lifelong love and appreciation of reading and learning. Knowledge of students' interests and abilities can help the media center acquire and promote a wide variety of materials that will encourage strong reading habits. The media center serves all members of the school community. The staff must ensure that all patrons have adequate access to materials, instruction, services, and facilities that meet their diverse needs. The media center serves all members of the school community. The staff must ensure that all patrons have adequate access to materials, instruction, services, and facilities that meet their diverse needs. Continued

9 Philosophy of the School Library Media Center The library media center draws from community resources. By working in partnership with public and university libraries and with other neighborhood individuals and associations, the media center can improve quality of life and access to information within the school and beyond its doors. The library media center draws from community resources. By working in partnership with public and university libraries and with other neighborhood individuals and associations, the media center can improve quality of life and access to information within the school and beyond its doors. The personnel in the library media center believes it is imperative that informed citizens have access to a wide variety of viewpoints and that they not be denied this access through censorship. Providing students with access to varied ideas and with skills for evaluating and ethically using them are essential components in developing new and effective citizens and future leaders. The personnel in the library media center believes it is imperative that informed citizens have access to a wide variety of viewpoints and that they not be denied this access through censorship. Providing students with access to varied ideas and with skills for evaluating and ethically using them are essential components in developing new and effective citizens and future leaders. Adapted from: Andrews, N. (2006). Vision and philosophy. Retrieved July 17, 2006, from University of Georgia Web Site: Table of Contents

10 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Specialist Provides instructional leadership in the use of information resources and literature. Provides instructional leadership in the use of information resources and literature. –Plans collaboratively with teachers to integrate literature, resources and information literacy skills into the curriculum –Develops and provides instructional opportunities with information technologies for staff and students. –Provides information about and complies with copyright laws. –Collaborates with teachers and students on material production. Continued

11 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Specialist con’t. Develops, administers, and manages programs and facilities for the use of information resources and technologies. Develops, administers, and manages programs and facilities for the use of information resources and technologies. –Develops, evaluates, and revises policies and procedures, and services of the program/center. –Provides leadership in collaborative planning for school technology, resources, and needs. –Administers and maintains a center and a program that fosters a positive learning environment. –Ensures effective organization of center and resources. –Selects and orders resources consistent with system policies and with school curriculum needs. –Provides supervision and leadership for staff including clerical, paraprofessional and technical. Clayton County Public Schools. (2006). Roles and responsibilities - school library media specialist. Retrieved July 17, 2006, from Continued

12 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Specialist con’t. While my school district has it’s own evaluation tool for certified personnel, I found the following document sponsored by the Kansas Association of School Librarians. Published in 2003, this document document reflects “the unique responsibilities of the library medias pecialist as defined in Information Power : Guidelines for School Library Media Programs” (p.2) School Library Media Specialist Evaluation Document Table of Contents

13 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Assistant In the school library media program, support personnel assume responsibilities designated by the media specialists which assure smooth library media center operations and services while enabling the library media specialist to devote more time to professional service activities such as planning with teachers for maximum utilization of resources in instruction or incorporating information skill instruction into course content. In this role, the library media support person: assumes responsibility for operation of the library media center and supervision of activities in the approved absence of the library media specialist; assumes responsibility for operation of the library media center and supervision of activities in the approved absence of the library media specialist; operates and maintains media-related equipment; operates and maintains media-related equipment; assists in training volunteers; assists in training volunteers; assisting in producing materials assisting in producing materials assists students and staff in utilizing and operating equipment; assists students and staff in utilizing and operating equipment; supervises small groups of students in retrieving materials, finding information or other activities; supervises small groups of students in retrieving materials, finding information or other activities; Continued

14 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Assistant repairs print and nonprint materials. repairs print and nonprint materials. processes materials according to established procedures; processes materials according to established procedures; explains location and arrangement of resources to students and staff; explains location and arrangement of resources to students and staff; assists students and staff in use of the catalog to the center's resources; assists students and staff in use of the catalog to the center's resources; prepares reports as directed; prepares reports as directed; assists students and staff in assembling resources for classroom use; assists students and staff in assembling resources for classroom use; assists in borrowing materials from other collections; assists in borrowing materials from other collections; prepares displays and bibliographies from preselected items; prepares displays and bibliographies from preselected items; Continued

15 Roles, Responsibilities and Evaluations of the Library Media Assistant types and processes library media center correspondence, reports, orders, and records into the automation system; types and processes library media center correspondence, reports, orders, and records into the automation system; operates the circulation system and compiles circulation records; operates the circulation system and compiles circulation records; assists in inventorying materials and equipment; assists in inventorying materials and equipment; assists in all phases of materials processing; assists in all phases of materials processing; reshelves and maintains correct order of returned materials; reshelves and maintains correct order of returned materials; prepares current periodicals for shelving and maintains collection of back-dated issues; prepares current periodicals for shelving and maintains collection of back-dated issues; assists in maintaining and orderly, neat, and attractive atmosphere in the media center. assists in maintaining and orderly, neat, and attractive atmosphere in the media center. Clayton County Public Schools. (2006). Roles and responsibilities - media support personnel. Retrieved July 17, 2006, from School Library Media Assistant Evaluation School Library Media Assistant Evaluation Waukegan Public Schools District # 60. (2002). Library assistant para professional evaluation form. Retrieved July 19, 2006 from Table of Contents

16 Library Management Web Sites Resources for School Librarians –Provides links to information about learning and teaching, information access, program administration, technology, education and employment, and continuing education. Online Resources for School Librarians – Provides a collection of online resources in the areas of general librarian resources, curriculum and technology planning links, book review and reading resources, learning and teaching with the web, web gateways to information, information literacy and library skills, and professional associations and organizations. Continued

17 Library Management Web Sites South Carolina Dept. of Education Library Media Center Management website –Includes a wide variety of information including evaluation rubrics, collection development guidelines, and copyright and plagiarism information. The School Library Media Specialist –This site was designed to be use with a course at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis but it has some very good information. There is a section on program administration which provides links of websites and articles and also provides additional print items that may be of benefit. AASL Resource Guides for School Library Media Program Development –Resources from the American Association of School Librarians containing various information resources including those related to school library management such as budgeting, planning and assessment, and facilities. Table of Contents

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