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Welcome to 3rd Grade Mrs. Coffaro 2014-15. Discipline Plan Everyday, I will do my PART and act TeRRiFiCC so we can all be successful. P – Positive attitudes.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade Mrs. Coffaro 2014-15. Discipline Plan Everyday, I will do my PART and act TeRRiFiCC so we can all be successful. P – Positive attitudes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Mrs. Coffaro 2014-15

2 Discipline Plan Everyday, I will do my PART and act TeRRiFiCC so we can all be successful. P – Positive attitudes only A - Always follow directions the first time given R – Respect others and raise your hand T – Try your best TeRRiFiCC includes: TRUSTWORTHINESS RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY FAIRNESS CARING CITIZENSHIP

3 Conseqequences - Make Good Choices report home - School wide discipline tickets - Loss of recess

4 We are learning to respect each other as individuals and encouraging everyone to be their best. Instead of telling the teacher every time there is a problem, and as a way to promote problem solving, I encourage students to talk about their problem and try to solve it themselves using an “I” message: "I feel _____ when you_______ so could you please ________." If a student is hurt or threatened, they need to tell me or an adult.

5 Reading Main Goals –Improve fluency –Increase vocabulary skills –Provide decoding skills –Improve comprehension of material read by learning to apply comprehension strategies –Make connections to text –Develop a lifelong love for reading Houghton Mifflin curriculum


7 AR/Millionaire’s Club New textbooks – Journeys –Books online (students will receive their own access code and password)

8 Writing Main Goals –Choosing a topic, writing a topic sentence, developing paragraphs –Clearly expressing thoughts –Writing for a purpose –Using the writing process 1)Ideas 2)Organization 3)Voice 4)Sentence fluency 5)Word choice 6)Conventions

9 Spelling A weekly spelling list Weekly vocabulary words Spelling and vocabulary words come from our Houghton Mifflin Reading/Language Arts program and high frequency words/sight words Students will be tested on Fridays Test includes spelling words and dictation sentences

10 Math TERC and district online resources will be utilized. Use of manipulatives will be used whenever possible. Moving students from manipulatives, to paper pencil drawings, to the algorithms. Math Journals The goal is to develop mathematical THINKERS, not just mathematical DOERS! We will be focusing on our mathematical critical thinking strategies.

11 Homework Homework will be sent home daily and will be expected back the NEXT DAY unless otherwise stated. Weekly cover sheet and reading log Spiral Notebook Please go over the homework with your child and insist on quality work. NO HOMEWORK, NO RECESS (Homework is MANDATORY! If a child doesn’t return it he/she will do it at recess time.) If there are special circumstances as to why homework could not be completed, please contact me to let me know. Read 20 minutes each night. Practice Math facts for 10 minutes each night. Parents initial each night. Homework folders and responsibility Should not be a frustrating experience!



14 Weekly Report

15 Grading I use a variety of ways to evaluate each student (observation, grading work, formal tests, oral responses and discussions…) Letter grades Infinite Campus – register Friday Folders – work will be sent home on Friday. Please review it with your child, keep the work at home, and return the folder on Monday signed.

16 This and That Drop off and Pick up – patience, follow directions, student safety Birthday Celebrations – new district policy: no edible treats (see school website for more information)

17 Communication Schoolwires/Website Attendance Number: 812-6003 Office Number: 812-6000 Room #14 Voicemail Number: 812-6044 Email: (Confidential information will not be shared via email.)

18 It’s Going to be a Great Year! Open Communication We are a team I am here for your children Questions? Thank you for coming tonight!

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