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Spain vs Portugal. European Exploration New Technology (Portugal made use of) Unification of Catholic Spain (1469 + 1492) Expanding Trade – Europeans.

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Presentation on theme: "Spain vs Portugal. European Exploration New Technology (Portugal made use of) Unification of Catholic Spain (1469 + 1492) Expanding Trade – Europeans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spain vs Portugal

2 European Exploration New Technology (Portugal made use of) Unification of Catholic Spain (1469 + 1492) Expanding Trade – Europeans search for alternate routes to trade with Africa, India, China Overland route to China blocked by Ottoman Turks in 1453 – Travel around Africa (Portugal) South Africa in 1488 » Faster route? = Columbus Developing Nation-States – Growing Monarchies are dependent on trade for power b/c of: MERCANTILISM MERCANTILISM

3 Early Exploration Spain Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 – Neck and neck with Portugal (Treaty of Tordesillas 1494) Portugal got Brazil, Africa and Asia Spain got most of North and South America – Richest and most powerful European nation Increase gold supply over 500%, then encomienda – South, Central America and SW of North= “New Spain” first permanent European colony in North America Claim to the first permanent European colony in North America – St. Augustine (well…b/c they slaughter the Huguenots there) Portugal Amerigo Vespucci – Another Italian – Amerigo Vespucci- sailed on an expedition under the Portuguese flag “The New World” Called North and South America “The New World” – Brazil

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