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Secondary Literacy 2: Teaching Vocabulary Please access handouts: CMIM  Week 3 Handouts  Literacy Handouts  SEC.Teach.Vocab.Handouts.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Literacy 2: Teaching Vocabulary Please access handouts: CMIM  Week 3 Handouts  Literacy Handouts  SEC.Teach.Vocab.Handouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Literacy 2: Teaching Vocabulary Please access handouts: CMIM  Week 3 Handouts  Literacy Handouts  SEC.Teach.Vocab.Handouts

2 2 Do Now – Vocabulary Gap In 1995, Hart & Risley studied the vocabulary development of high SES and low SES children over time. They did intense observations of children of Professors and children on welfare (Turner House children). This graph shows the general trend they found. What are the implication of this trend for you? What responses does it raise?

3 Impact of Direct Vocabulary Instruction 3

4 You might be wondering… Why does vocabulary instruction have such a profound effect on student comprehension of academic content? Carving is appropriate for most green and blue slopes and even some black slopes. However, if you try to carve through moguls, especially in packed powder or corn snow, you’re going to face plant. 4

5 Why you’re here OPPORTUNITY GAP = LITERACY GAP = VOCABULARY GAP 5 Given the word gap and the high vocabulary demands of secondary texts, effective vocabulary instruction is critical in all content areas.

6 Session Goals Explain the three principles of effective vocabulary instruction Choose appropriate words to teach Start outlining a mini-lesson plan using these three principles 6

7 1 Session Introduction 3 How Do I Teach Them? 2 What Words Do I Teach? 4 Application Agenda 5 Closing


9 9 How to Choose Words to Teach Brick words Mortar words - Capstone words - Window dressing words

10 How to Choose Words to Teach Brick Words –Key content words –Essential to understanding of content –Teach many of these Science: observations, data, hypothesis Math: mean, median,

11 How to Choose Words to Teach Mortar Words –Connecting words –Often multi-purpose academic verbs or transition words –Not specific to a single content area –Teach many of these However, whereas, enable, compare, resemble

12 Mortar Words – Think Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs For “Analyze”: Interpret, classify, analyze, arrange, differentiate, group, compare, organize, contrast, examine, scrutinize, survey, categorize, dissect, probe, create an inventory, investigate, question, discover, inquire, distinguish, detect, diagram, chart, inspect

13 How to Choose Words to Teach Capstone Words –Big academic concepts that build upon brick and mortar words –Teach a small number of these Scientific method, ecology, probability

14 How to Choose Words to Teach Window-dressing words –Rare and exotic words with low utility –Don’t spend significant amounts of time teaching these Potpourri, supercilious

15 The Bottom Line Students will encounter unfamiliar words Focus: pre-teach key words that build meaning –Brick, mortar and then capstone words –Avoid window-dressing words

16 Supporting ELL Students Check for understanding constantly Informally teach extra words 16

17 Practice: Choose Words to Teach Your Job: PRIORITIZE –Which words will help students master the content? –Which words can students NOT do without? 17

18 1 Session Introduction 3 How Do I Teach Them? 2 What Words Do I Teach? 4 Application Agenda 5 Closing

19 Principles of Effective Vocabulary Instruction Frayer Model: 19

20 Frayer Model: Handout 2 Definition: Well-planned and purposeful instruction that provides students with deep understanding of key words. Key Characteristics: Effective Vocabulary Instruction 8

21 Frayer Model Definition: Well-planned and purposeful instruction that provides students with deep understanding of key words. Key Characteristics: Be NIMBLE 1. Number – Teach a small number. 2. Interactions – Create meaningful interactions. 3. Multiple – Provide multiple exposures. Effective Vocabulary Instruction 8

22 Frayer Model Example: Monday: Teacher gives definitions for five bricks & mortar words, gives example sentences, then involves students in Think-Pair-Shares using the words in meaningful sentences. Tuesday: Students create a visual or graphic representation of each word. Wednesday: Students use these words in a writing activity to respond to the text.. Effective Vocabulary Instruction 9

23 Frayer Model Example: Monday: Teacher gives definitions for five bricks & mortar words, gives example sentences, then involves students in Think-Pair-Shares using the words in meaningful sentences. Tuesday: Students create a visual or graphic representation of each word. Wednesday: Students use these words in a writing activity to respond to the text. Non-Example: Monday: Teacher interrupts reading to have students copy 15 words and their definitions from the glossary. After that, they complete a worksheet filling in the blank for 15 unrelated sentences. Friday: They take a spelling test on the words. Effective Vocabulary Instruction 9

24 Student-Friendly Definitions Good definitions are short, concise, and to the point. Good definitions often use words like “something,” “someone,” or “describes” as an anchor. 24 ExampleNon-Example Disposition: the predominant or prevailing tendencies in one’s spirit; natural mental or emotional tendencies in mood Disposition: the attitude of someone

25 Strategy #1: Vocabulary Slides Use systematic slides to teach new vocabulary words. Word Definition Picture Synonym Examples in a sentence Turn and Talk Questions where students practice using the word Word Definition Picture Synonym Examples in a sentence Turn and Talk Questions where students practice using the word

26 Example: Inequity Inequity Definition: When injustice occurs because something is not equal. Synonyms: injustice or discrimination Sentence Example: Our country experienced racial inequity during the 1960s. Turn to your partner and discuss what forms of inequity you see in the US today. Definition: When injustice occurs because something is not equal. Synonyms: injustice or discrimination Sentence Example: Our country experienced racial inequity during the 1960s. Turn to your partner and discuss what forms of inequity you see in the US today.

27 Strategy #2: Total Physical Response Develop a gesture for a word. The more kinesthetic, the better. Use transition moments in class to practice the gestures (engages the kids and involves movement)! Example: Plate tectonic boundaries— divergent, convergent, and transform Turn to your partner and create a TPR movement for the word perimeter.

28 Strategy #3: Vocabulary Journals Help kids keep up with their vocabulary in class through an interactive vocabulary journal. Left Side of PageRight Side of Page Word and DefinitionStudents use word creatively in one or more ways: -Picture -Use it in a sentence -Write an example -Write a non-example -Make a diagram -Draw a collage This is done at a later moment to help students reinforce vocabulary.

29 Strategy #4: Concept Definition Maps

30 Use It or Lose It! Students need structured opportunities to PRACTICE vocabulary. 30

31 Practice Strategy #1: The Homework Template Create a homework template that includes a vocabulary section on a regular basis, and be faithful to it. You can choose 2-3 to include for each word. Make sure at LEAST one of them is artistic based. 31 WordPictureDefinitionSentence Biome Slope Ray

32 Practice Strategy #2: The Do Now Use this time to spiral in vocabulary review! Vocabulary practice can generally be student guided, especially if students have a template and know the format for it.

33 Practice Strategy #3: The Word Wall Provide a permanent model for high frequency words Help students see patterns and relationship in words Help build spelling skills Provide reference support for students during reading and writing activities

34 Math Word Walls: Suggestion #1 Write word cards in ways that exemplify the concept. PARALLEL VERTICALVERTICAL VERTICALVERTICAL AXIS OF SYMMETRYSYMMETRY

35 35

36 Math Word Wall: Suggestion #2 Organize words by the operation to which they relate. Key Addition Words (+) Key Subtraction Words (-) Key Multiplication Words (x) Key Division Words (/) Add Altogether Both In all Sum Total Difference Fewer How many More/Fewer Left Minus Remain Product Times At this rate How many…in each Quotient Dividend How many…in each

37 Science Word Walls

38 Differentiated Practice Option 1 Analyze the sample vocabulary lesson plans for your content area. –Handout 5: Math –Handout 7: Science Consider: - How does teaching these words help further the content objectives? - How does the lesson engage students in a meaningful way with the words? Any suggestions for improvement? - What would be needed to reinforce the learning of these words: Option 2 Start planning a vocabulary mini- lesson for an upcoming objective in your ISAT. Use Handouts 8 and 9 to guide you. Be NIMble. 38

39 Closing: The Classroom Connection You are thoughtfully selecting a SMALL NUMBER OF HIGH-IMPACT WORDS to teach each week (5-7 words). You are providing your students with opportunities to MEANINGFULLY INTERACT with the words. –Frayer Model, Concept Maps, Vocabulary Journals –Total Physical Response & visual/graphic representations You are providing your students with MULTIPLE EXPOSURES to those words. –Word walls –Opportunities to read, write, and speak with those words –How will you incorporate vocabulary into Do Nows and homework? 39

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