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Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea CS 411: Dynamic Web-Based Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea CS 411: Dynamic Web-Based Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Alexandra I. Cristea CS 411: Dynamic Web-Based Systems

2 2 Lecturers Alexandra I. Cristea Seminar lecturers –Jonny Foss, Joshua Scotton, others.

3 3 Slides Thanks to: –TU/e contributors: Paul de Bra, others –Invited speakers –W3C courses –Others: mentioned directly

4 4 Contact Forum: IF (and ONLY IF) a question is personal, you might address it to –FORMAT: subject of email should contain CS411 and topic of the email (otherwise it will be filtered out)

5 5 Course site(s): Current: – /CS411/ /CS411/ –Will contain current slides, as taught at the course –Will contain extra reading material –Will contain notifications: check BEFORE & AFTER the course Official: – s411.html s411.html

6 6 Organization of the course 15 CATS (7.5 ECTS) Term 1 MEng, MSc ~ 20 1-hour lectures, 10 seminars – distinction somewhat blurred Exam at the end: 2 hours Rules of the game: –Read material given to you extra – papers, etc. –Read also comments on the slides and additional reading material (papers, etc.). –Presence is optional, but beware: slides-only are NOT ENOUGH to learn from for the exam; you need to participate, take your own notes, self-study!

7 7 Overlaps and sequencing Form: optional Prerequisites –None directly, but XML, XHTML, DB, Programming, etc. skills are useful

8 8 Purpose of this course introduce you to advanced concept in web-based systems, such as Adaptive Hypermedia, Adaptive Web-based systems, authoring of adaptive Hypermedia, the Semantic Web and its applications and the Social web and its applications.

9 9 Scope of CS 411 A selection of topics on dynamic web-based systems What this course is not: –This course is not an exhaustive course on these topics –This course has no labs, so it is based on lectures, self-study and interaction at seminars

10 10 Books & Material The Adaptive Web, Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization, Series: Lecture notes in Computer Science, Vol 4321, Sublibrary: Infomation Systems and Applications incl. Internet/Web, and HCi, Brusilovsky, Peter; Kobsa, Alfred; Nejdl, Wolfgang (Eds), 2007, XII, 763p., Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-72078-2, Online version available. Web Dynamics, Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology and Use, Levene, Mark;Poulovassilis, Alexandra (Eds) 2004, XIII, 466p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-40676-1 Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning Environments; George D. Magoulas and Sherry Y. Chen (Eds.), InfoSci Publishing, 2006, Softcover, ISBN: 1-59140-691-9; Hardcover, ISBN: 1-59140-690-0; e-book, ISBN: 1-59140-692-7 Web-based Intelligent E-learning Systems: Technologies and Applications, Zongmin Ma (Ed.), 2006, Idea Group Inc., ISBN 1-59140-729-X (hardcover); ISBN 1-59140-730-3 (soft cover); ISBN 1-59140-731-1 (ebook) Web-based Intelligent E-learning Systems: Technologies and Applications, Zongmin Ma (Ed.), 2006, Idea Group Inc., ISBN 1-59140-729-X (hardcover); ISBN 1-59140- 730-3 (soft cover); ISBN 1-59140-731-1 (ebook) Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Springer, conference series. User Modeling, Springer, conference series. Online material, papers to read (as mentioned in the slides and notes check also the notes in the powerpoints)

11 11 Content: Topics 1.Adaptive Hypermedia; AH Example Systems 2.User Modeling 3.Authoring of AH; Frameworks: LAOS, LAG; examples; 4.Adaptation language: LAG; Authoring system examples, demos 5.Semantic Web for the Adaptive Web; RDF, SPARQL, OWL 6.Social Web for the Adaptive Web; Web 2.0, Collaborative Filtering

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