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EURINT Network Project Leader

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2 EURINT Network Project Leader
The EURINT Network Vilnius – 2 April 2015 “Developing Good Practices: Promoting Compliance with the Return Directive in Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia” Ruben Laurijssens EURINT Network Project Leader

3 EURINT Network Project
Main objective: Increase commitment of third countries towards (forced) return Specific objective: Development of joint strategies towards the top 8 Joint missions and operations Workshops and seminars (sharing experiences and knowledge) Indicators: Increase in issued ETD’s and actual return measures executed Effective sharing of best practices and experiences 3

4 Why cooperation in return matters?
NL, BE, DE & RO launched first phase of EURINT in 2010 Lack of commitment from third countries Lack of good contacts and best practices Cost reduction and increase in results 4

5 The challenge… Increase participation of EU/EER countries;
Involvement of Frontex; Coherent approach towards third countries; Developing a sustainable platform; Maintain an operational focus; Acceptance of forced return as last resort = the possibility of forced return is the largest contributor to success in voluntary return. 5

6 The second and third phase.
a networking structure with almost 21 active Member States and Frontex. Beyond 2015: a sustainable platform for strategic operational cooperation financed through Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund ( ) Learning by doing. EURINT is not a talking shop, it’s action based and result driven. 6

7 Steering Group Committee Meetings
4th meeting Estonia January 2015 5th meeting Hungary April 2015 6th meeting Romania June 2015 7

8 Project Partners Full Members (co) financing to the project Take part in all actions reimbursed by the project Associated Members Can take part in Working Groups, workshops and actions B –List (self paid) Frontex Same as full members (self paid) 8

9 Project Partners Full Members: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Frontex (EU), Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Associated members: Finland, Greece, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Portugal and Spain Non members: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia. 9

10 Defining common strategies
Eurint Network - Working Groups – A List

11 Priority countries Working groups for developing a strategy towards operational contacts with the authorities of these countries Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Morocco, Iran, Algeria, India, Ethiopia and Guinea (ad hoc) Needs assessment based on: statistics, clear analysis of the problems and planning of actions, together with partners. Every working group is chaired by 1 partner country (or the PMU) 11

B. Identification of project-partner MSI C. Caseload estimation + general situation on migration profile from CoR Overview by Participating MS D. Identification of PROBLEMS in organisation of Return E. Identification of OPPORTUNITIES F. Identification of Partners in CoR G. Identification of ACTIONS H. Planning of ACTIONS 12

13 Priority countries Implementation of Actions Incoming delegations
Outgoing missions Task Forces Other actions 13

14 Priority Countries - actions
Task Forces Identification interviews by national experts from third country capitals Main goal : fast identification + eventually direct delivery of Travel documents. 30 incoming experts budgeted for 5 day stay Experience: not more than 2 EUMSI in one visit 14

15 Prioriy Countries - actions
Positive (good cooperation) Capacity building and training Negative (poor cooperation) Trade agreements, visas, development aid 15

16 EURINT - FOSS - Content published on FOSS Meeting documents
Best practices developed as part of EURINT List of EURINT National Contact Points Guidelines on Eligibility and Accountability Rules Working Groups/CoR documents Link 16

17 Joint Return Operations
Eurint Network – B List

18 Direct operations List of countries with lower priority
Common actions possible (incoming, outgoing, TF) without working group EURINT members launch a Call for Interest (e.g. Common Task Force) Published on the FOSS-site Example: Finnish returnee from Nepal escorted back with suppport from Germany 18

19 Sharing best practices
Workshops for Field practitioners

20 Workshops / seminars - Workshops are organised for field practitioners
(e.g. staff from identification units) - possibility to invite experts on CoR / Methodology - Themes to be defined (CoR / methodology) in SGC - Take in best practices from the Working groups 20

21 Project Partners Relations with non EU/ EER partner countries:
EURINT Workshops and seminars as participants in (through TaiEx or Mieux). EURINT Partners can organise on the spot trainings and seminars through capacity building instruments (IPA, TaiEx, Mieux, European Neighbourhood Instrument etc.) Development of a new pillar under the EURINT network 21

22 New AMIF Specific Actions
Additional financing under the national programs for joint innovative actions between EU MS Structural financing whole period 2014 – 2020 Allocation via a “pledging exercise”

23 EURINT Network – pledging exercise
Components: Working Groups (10 flexible third countries) Operational cooperation in other third countries (not limited) Seminars and workshops for practicioners

24 EURINT Network – pledging exercise
Results: Increase in the willingness of third countries to receive back their nationals (both voluntary and forced); Increase the number of joint return operations with 2 or more EU MS; Increase the sharing of best practices among EU MS institutions; Capacity building and training of third country authorities

25 Contact Ruben Laurijssens
Wim Cruysberghs M: Ron Seesink M: General

26 Thank you for your attention!

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