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My Service Learning Katie Callahan April 15, 2008.

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1 My Service Learning Katie Callahan April 15, 2008

2 Defining Service Learning According to Learn and Serve Clearinghosue…. Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.

3 IN MY OWN WORDS… To me, service learning is giving back to your community by making it a better place to be. Community service is something that is done by volunteer and although it can be hard work, at the end of the day you have a sense of pride in yourself for helping out. Service learning is a great way to become more involved in benefiting a good cause and lending a helping hand to those less fortunate.

4 How I first became involved… All throughout middle school and high school, community service was required by all students. In middle school the service required was less strict than high school and most of my community service hours came from babysitting without pay and altar serving at my church. In high school, community service hours had more rules and the amount of hours was increased. “Direct contact” hours were required and that type of service had to be performed hand on with the less unfortunate.

5 KAPPA DELTA SHAMROCK Kappa Deltas all over the nation take part in what is known as Shamrock Project. During this event, each chapter takes part in a philanthropic activity of their choice. Each year the Kappa Delta’s here at VSU hold a Shamrock Flag Football Tournament. This year they raised over $17, 000 for Prevent Child Abuse America and other local organizations.

6 Prevent Child Abuse America All the money raised at Shamrock is donated to the Child’s Advocacy Center Prevent Child Abuse America is committed to promoting legislation, policies and programs that help to prevent child abuse and neglect, support healthy childhood development, and strengthen families. The Advocacy Program operates on the national level. It works to obtain and maintain funding for prevention programs.

7 HOW I HELPED The ways I helped during Shamrock included selling t-shirts, signing teams in, selling raffle tickets, and selling barbeque plates for lunch. Although it was a long day, the work was not difficult and all the money from shirts, food, and raffle tickets was donated to a good cause and it was a fun day with friends!


9 Relay for Life Relay For Life is a life changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people to... Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer. Remember loved ones lost to the disease. Fight Back against a disease that takes too much!

10 How I Helped During Relay for Life, the Kappa Deltas were in charge of a cake walk and they were paired up with Kappa Alpha who were grilling out food to sell. I helped organize the cake walk and I sold tickets to participate in the cake walk. I got food ready for those who bought a plate and made sure all the money was gathered as donations.


12 How community service has influenced me I am very glad I participated in the community service that I did. Cancer has had a huge and unwanted impact on my family so being involved in Relay for Life was important to me. The community service I was involved in made me feel so much better about myself because I knew I contributed to making a better community and a helped a good cause to become more profitable.

13 I learned… A little help can go a long way Every minute of service counts to those in need Community service really does make you a better person There are more people than I thought who are in need of aid and service A large amount of money can be raised just by doing simple things such as selling raffle tickets, t-shirts, and food.

14 PROS AND CONS PROS Helping others Benefit community Learn about yourself and others CONS Sometimes hard work Takes time Dangerous situations

15 WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Every community can use your help in making it a better place. In order for improvement, it takes the effort of people who are willing to take time and help out. It teaches you not to take the things you have in life for granted because there are always going to be those who are less fortunate.

16 WORKS CITED service-learning/index.php service-learning/index.php rvice.htm rvice.htm e/PageServer?pagename=adv_main e/PageServer?pagename=adv_main

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