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PIME 2004 Workshop Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility PIME 2004, 10 February 2004, Barcelona Gaston Meskens, SCKCEN, Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "PIME 2004 Workshop Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility PIME 2004, 10 February 2004, Barcelona Gaston Meskens, SCKCEN, Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIME 2004 Workshop Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility PIME 2004, 10 February 2004, Barcelona Gaston Meskens, SCKCEN, Belgium

2 >>Workshop outline - workshop goals -introduction on CSR (Gaston Meskens, SCKCEN / ENS) -presentation on nuclear and CSR (Emma Cornish, WNA) -CSR : presenting some elements for reflection -presenting examples of CSR reports -discussion with the group (based on the presented reflections and on cases introduced by the group)

3 >> Workshop goals getting an understanding of what CSR is putting it into the context of ecological and social policy linking it to the concept of sustainable development (CSR as a contribution to SD) discussing the ‘nuclear case’: what is special / typical for nuclear with regard to CSR compared to other industries ? (f.i. initial scepticism within the public opinion, but also tradition of ‘reporting’ from the industry, …) presenting some elements for reflection and interpreting existing CSR activities / reports against this background

4 >> CSR – an introduction ► 60’s → industrial development establishment of economic ‘potential’ (structure) ► 70’s → global political development (east/west ; north/south) maturity of ‘classical industry’ / oil crisis / protests ► 80’s → economical development establishment of networking and services potential ► 90’s → ecological and social development (awareness) establishment of global ‘frameworks’ & ‘organised’ protest ► 00’s → (concept of) sustainable development establishment of ‘implementation frameworks’ ? - CSR

5 >> CSR – an introduction ‘driving force’ for CSR ► top-down : global negotiations (WSSD) call to take up responsibilities : transformed from national commitments to sectoral (business commitments) ► bottom-up : ngo’s & regional politics call to take up responsibilities : protests (f.i. anti- globalisation movements) -Trend : politics shift to the centre (social/ecological liberalism) ; this is translated into bigger structural ‘pressure’ on business and industry -Companies tend to translate this pressure into a competition and marketing tool

6 >>presentation on nuclear and CSR Presentation by Emma Cornish (WNA)

7 >> CSR – elements for reflection ► implementation of CSR ► communication on CSR activities

8 >> CSR – elements for reflection implementation of CSR ► policy, and the difference between theory and practice : how should CSR be ‘organised’ ? -voluntary commitments or legal frameworks ? -guidelines for reporting and verification ? -role of the authorities ? ► does CSR incorporates ‘basic responsible behaviour’, or should it be seen as something ‘extra’, beyond normal ‘good and fair’ business ?

9 >> CSR – elements for reflection implementation of CSR ► implementing CSR within (nuclear) commercial business : what is feasible, and what not ? (in search for the ‘reasonable’) -transparency versus confidentiality ? -how voluntary can a commitment of a commercial company be ? ► pitfalls with regard to implementing CSR : (CSR messages as PR tool) -‘image’ or ‘policy’ ? -what do we ‘promise’ / what do we really do ?

10 >> CSR – elements for reflection communication on CSR activities ► different roles for business, science, institutions within the nuclear community : mutual learning, open and fair dialogues ► how can the nuclear community integrate credible messages on CSR strategies and commitments into its communication policy towards stakeholders ?

11 >> examples of CSR reports ► reports available in this room (shortly commented by Hans Korteweg, FORATOM) ► BNFL report ► NIREX report (commented by John Dalton, NIREX)

12 >> discussion ► Is there a difference between ‘nuclear CSR’ and other business’ CSR ? ► Should CSR be put into a legally binding framework ? ► Key elements for discussion on examples of CSR reporting transparency ↔ confidentiality ? are these ‘extra’ commitments ? voluntary ? are these ‘real actions’, or only PR ?

13 >> discussion ► What are the risks associated with CSR reporting? What are the opportunities associated with CSR reporting? ► Communications professionals are aware of the issues important to stakeholders – What are the issues? Who are the stakeholders? ► CSR reporting may invite additional scrutiny into nuclear companies activities. Can the nuclear industry withstand this scrutiny?

14 >> discussion ► how can the nuclear community integrate credible messages on CSR strategies and commitments into its communication policy towards stakeholders ? food for thought for PIME 2005 …

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