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Angiosperms EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

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Presentation on theme: "Angiosperms EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Angiosperms EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

2 Angiosperm A plant that produces seeds that are enclosed in fruit
Greek word that means seed in a vessel EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share? Two characteristics of an angiosperm: Flower Fruit

3 Flower Vocabulary Petals – colorful structure when flower opens
Sepals – leaf like structures that enclose a bud EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

4 Flower Vocabulary Stamens – male reproductive parts
Filament – thin stalk Anther – produces pollen – knob at top of filament EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

5 Flower Vocabulary Pistils – found in center of flower
Stigma – sticky tip of pistil Style – slender tube that connects the stigma to the ovary (hollow base of the flower where ovules are EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

6 Angiosperm Flower EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

7 Reproduction of an Angiosperm
Pollen falls on stigma Sperm and egg cell join together in flower’s ovule Zygote develops into the embryo part of the seed EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

8 Seed Dispersal As seed develops, the ovary changes into a fruit
EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share? Seed Dispersal As seed develops, the ovary changes into a fruit a ripened ovary and other structures that enclose one or more seeds

9 Types of Angiosperms Divided into 2 major groups Monocots Dicots
EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

10 Monocot Have one seed leaf
Flowers usually have either three petals or a multiple of three petals Long slender leaves with veins that run parallel to each other Bundles of vascular tissue is scattered throughout stem EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

11 Dicots Produce seeds with two leaves
Flowers have 4 or 5 leaves or multiples of these Leaves are wide with veins that branch off from one another Bundles of vascular tissue bundled together EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share?

12 Class Work and Homework
EQ: How do I name the types of angiosperms and list the characteristics they share? Fill In What did I learn Confused Say Read pages A 156 – A 161 Page A161, Questions 1-4

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