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Plant Vocabulary Anther -the part of the stamen that produces and contains the pollen Petals- the colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Vocabulary Anther -the part of the stamen that produces and contains the pollen Petals- the colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract."— Presentation transcript:



3 Plant Vocabulary Anther -the part of the stamen that produces and contains the pollen Petals- the colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract pollinators Pistil-this is the female part of the flower. It is made up of the stigma, style and ovary Sepals-leaf like structures which cover and protect the flower bud before it opens Stamens-the male part of the flower. It is made up of the filament and the anther. It is the pollen producing part of the plant

4 Reproduction of flowering plants All living things need to produce more of their own kind to replace ones that die. Flowering plants reproduce by making seeds. Before a seed can grow into a new plant, they have to be fertilized by pollen. Pollen comes from another plant during a process called pollination. Pollination and fertilization take place in the flower of the plant.

5 Sexual reproduction in a flower Flowering plant has four main stages: 1.Pollination: when the pollen lands on the flower 2.Fertilization: when the pollen and seed meet 3.Seed dispersal: when the seed is spread around, away from the plant that made it 4.Germination: when the seed, having reached the ground, starts to grow into a new plant

6 What is photosynthesis ? Photosynthesis is the process which plants absorb light energy from the Sun and convert it into chemical energy. During photosynthesis, a plant produces sugar that it uses as food. Most plants, photosynthesis occurs in the leaves.

7 Cellular Respiration Is the process of releasing energy by breaking down food. Animals and people go through this process. We breathe in oxygen that plants give us. We eat the plants (and other food) to get sugar. Our bodies break down this sugar to release energy and help produce carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide that we breathe out is then used by plants.

8 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis (plants) Cellular Respiration (animals and humans) Food accumulatedFood broken down Energy from sun stored in glucose Energy of glucose released Carbon dioxide taken inCarbon dioxide given off Oxygen given offOxygen taken in Produces glucoseProduces carbon dioxide and water Goes on only in lightGoes on day and night Occurs only in the presence of chlorophyll Occurs in all living cells

9 Transpiration- the evaporation of water through the leaves

10 More models of transpiration



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