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Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children.

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1 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children

2 Georgia Institute of Technology School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Linda Larmore Soud Laskar Mark McDonald Jack Ogilvie Stephen Waddell Christina White

3 3 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Overview  Areas of support –Develop Shelter’s Database –Link Shelter’s Database to Pathways –Update Telecommunication Services –Improve Network Configurations  $3,600 actual equipment cost (vs. estimated $5,400 equipment cost)

4 4 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Shelter’s Database Development TaskStatus Fix reporting error in Shelter’s databaseResolved Flag barred clients in Shelter’s databaseResolved Track vital documents, i.e., birth certificatesNot Started

5 5 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Shelter’s Database and Pathways Link TaskStatus Obtain Shelter access to PathwaysIn Progress Identify method to automatically populate Pathways Complete Link Shelter’s database to PathwaysNot Started

6 6 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Shelter’s Database and Pathways Link

7 7 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Telecommunication Services TaskStatus Create Shelter’s websiteCompleted Setup Shelter’s e-mail accountsCompleted Investigate possibility of 911 call blocking on client accessible phones Completed Block long distance calls on client accessible phones Completed Expiration of telecommunication provider Pending

8 8 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Network Improvements Job Counseling Room TaskStatus Reconfigure Job Counseling Room Replace old computers with new computers Connect computers to the Internet via switches Install Internet filters Install and setup re-imaging software Install Adobe Acrobat Reader Install Microsoft Office Suite Install resume creation software Complete

9 9 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Network Improvements 13 -17 Year-Old Computer Room TaskStatus Reconfigure Teen Computer Room Replace old computers Connect computers to the Internet Install Internet filters Install age appropriate games Install and setup re-imaging software Complete

10 10 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Network Improvements 8 -12 Year-Old Computer Room TaskStatus Reconfigure Kids’ Computer Room Place three new computers in room Install age appropriate games Install age appropriate educational software Install and setup re-imaging software Complete

11 11 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Other Network Improvements TaskStatus Replace hubs with switchesCompleted Perform inventory of computer equipmentCompleted Setup computer for inventory of donationsIn Progress Establish off-site back-up storage (2 GB)Completed Replace staff computers as neededNot Started Provide method to remotely monitor computer usageNot Started

12 12 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Shelter’s Network Closet

13 13 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Future Work  Database Development  Network Development  Hardware Upgrades  Software Upgrades

14 14 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Future Work  Database Development –Continue Pathways work (if applicable) –Track vital documents, i.e., birth certificates –Consolidate duplicate records in Shelter’s database –Store client photos in Shelter’s database –Develop facial recognition program  Network Development  Hardware Upgrades  Software Upgrades

15 15 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Future Work  Database Development  Network Development –Use offsite backup storage –Place switches in locked box or cabinet –Replace staff computers as needed –Provide method to remotely monitor computer usage –Prevent Internet downloads (except in Job Counseling) –Establish timed user sessions  Hardware Upgrades  Software Upgrades

16 16 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Future Work  Database Development  Network Development  Hardware Upgrades –Install high speed printer, fax machine, scanner, copier in Job Counseling Room –Replace floppy disks with memory sticks –Setup video at check-in area explaining Shelter procedures –Prevent equipment closet from overheating  Software Upgrades

17 17 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Future Work  Database Development  Network Development  Hardware Upgrades  Software Upgrades –Implement groupware software (Facilitate Shelter staff electronic communication) –Obtain new educational software and resume program –Update Windows on all computers –Install antivirus software –Setup computer user accounts –Resolve email usage

18 18 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion

19 19 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion  Does the Shelter want to implement Pathways considering burdens imposed?

20 20 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion  Does the Shelter want to implement Pathways considering burdens imposed?  Who would the Shelter like to implement and maintain its website? –Dr. Cesari’s web developer –Consider responsibility to maintain and update website –Would the Shelter like students to immediately post the student-generated website?

21 21 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion  Does the Shelter want to implement Pathways considering burdens imposed?  Who would the Shelter like to implement and maintain its website?  How would Shelter like to maintain security boundaries? –Computer passwords –Databases –Door keys

22 22 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion  Does the Shelter want to implement Pathways considering burdens imposed?  Who would the Shelter like to implement and maintain its website?  How would Shelter like to maintain security boundaries?  Would the Shelter like participation by future Senior Design student groups?

23 23 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Discussion  Does the Shelter want to implement Pathways considering burdens imposed?  Who would the Shelter like to implement and maintain its website? –Dr. Cesari’s web developer –Consider responsibility to maintain and update website –Would the Shelter like students to immediately post the student- generated website?  How would Shelter like to maintain security boundaries? –Computer passwords –Databases –Door keys  Would the Shelter like participation by future Senior Design student groups?

24 24 Computer Support for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children Georgia Institute of Technology Questions?

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