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Published byGwendoline Freeman Modified over 9 years ago
1 Performance Report of the Department for Quarter 4 of 2014/ 2015 18 August 2015 Presentation to Portfolio Committee of Home Affairs
2 Content 1. Vision, Mission, Values 2. Supporting the Outcomes of Government 3. Supporting the National Development Plan 4.DHA outcomes and related strategic objectives 5. Overview of progress and challenges: Jan – March 2015 6. Progress against Q4 targets per programme 7.Financial performance 8.Priorities going forward
3 DHA Vision A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship. Mission The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfil our international obligations
4 The DHA Values Professional and having integrity Corruption free and ethical Disciplined and security conscious Efficient and innovative People- centred and caring Patriotic
5 The DHA contributes directly to four of the 14 Outcomes of Governmen t: 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Supporting government priorities All people in South Africa are and feel safe Decent employment through inclusive economic growth An efficient, effective and development oriented public service Nation building and social cohesion
6.. Contribution to National Development Plan (NDP) The inclusion of all citizens in democracy and development is enabled by providing them with a status and an identity that gives them access to rights and services. The modernisation programme will reduce fraud and the cost of doing business, and enabling e-government, thus attracting more investment. The NDP draws on international experience and will succeed if it is led by a capable state staffed by professionals; where trust is engendered by social stability, improved services and reduced corruption; and the mass of citizens feel part of the plan and economic development. The DHA could play a key role in enabling regional development by working with SADC countries to establish efficient, secure and managed movements of people The national agenda in the current administration is to confront the triple challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment by achieving higher growth rates The immediate priority for the DHA is to facilitate the acquisition of the critical skills needed for economic growth and to build our own skills base.
7 Contribution to Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014 - 2019 The DHA commitments in the MTSF 2014 to 2019 focuses on the following key areas SA’s borders effectively defended, protected, secured and well-managed. Integrated BMA established and operational Develop an over-arching strategy to defend, protect, secure and ensure well-managed borders Identity of all persons in SA known and secured. Ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for SA to the new national identity system (NIS) NIS designed and operational Ensure that systems are in place to enable the capturing of biometric data of all travellers who enter or exit SA legally Improve and streamline regulations to reduce the burden of importing core and critical skills needed for the economy. Changes to immigration policy and legislation that supports the importation of economically important skills
8 Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Strategic Objectives All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system
9 Outcome 2: Secured and responsive immigration system Strategic Objectives Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
10 Outcome 3: Services to citizens and other clients that are accessible and efficient Strategic Objectives Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Good governance and administration Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives
11 Progress against objectives: Jan- Mar 2015 Live capture rolled out to 27 additional offices; enabling the issue of smart ID cards Technical testing of a key aspect of the e-permit system under development Vacancy rate maintained at below 10% Training programmes delivered and an impact assessment carried out. 225 Vetting fieldwork investigations finalised; exceeding the target of 117 189 543 births were registered within 30 days of birth 1,053 IDs dispatched to Refugee Reception Offices (RROs) In December 2014, Cabinet noted the Institutional Options Analysis Report on the BMA and approved the vision for the BMA. Improvements at three Ports of Entry were completed over the period under review. 87.4% of business, critical skills and general work visas were finalised within the 8 weeks turnaround time. All 14 communications planned targets for the quarter under review were achieved
12 Major challenges: January - March 2015 1.A major challenge is that service delivery continues to be disrupted by unreliable networks and power supply. This compromises the drive to modernise and creates reputational risks. 2. As new systems are developed there are inevitable problems of transition from legacy systems; some of which must continue to operate for a period. The biggest challenge is to move as fast as possible to replace the green ID book. 3.There is a need for managers to improve their operational management skills and establish operations management committees. A national operations management committee has been established and training has commenced. 4.The fleet of mobile units is ageing and its replacement requires additional funding and creative solutions. 5. Access to farms in some areas continues to be a problem that undermines efforts to register the births of all citizens ahead of the ending of the current system of late registration in December 2015.
13 Overview of achievements (1/2)
14 Overview of achievements (2/ 2) ProgrammeNo of TargetsAchievedNot Achieved Administration (1)2724 (89%)3 (11%) Civic Services (2)72 (29%)5 (71%) Immigration Services (3) 97 (78%)2 (22%) TOTAL4333 (71%)10 (29%) Quarter 4 : Performance summary per programme
15 PROGRAMME 1 Administration Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status 1.2: An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system 3.1 To ensure secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants. 3.2 Good governance and administration. 3.3 To ensure ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption. 3.4 Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives.
16 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual Target Q4 Target Progress made 70 additional offices with live capture functionality for identity documents and passports (installed and functional). 10 additional offices with live capture functionality for identity documents and passports. Achieved Live capture rolled out to 27 offices. This included offices not completed in Q3
17 Strategic Objective 1.2 : An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made National Identity System (NIS) developed (designed) System developed by Information Services (second module) Not achieved Procurement of preferred partner under Cuba-South African agreement awaiting outcome of engagement with National Treasury Technical testing of Trusted Traveller Programme completed by Information Services Branch System developed and technical testing completed by Information Services branch Not achieved Procurement of preferred partner under Cuba-South African agreement awaiting outcome of engagement with National Treasury
18 Strategic Objective 1.2 : An integrated and digitised National Identity System (NIS) that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made Development of e- Permit system completed by Information Services branch and handed over to IMS for user acceptance testing Technical testing completed (IS) e-Permit system piloted by IMS branch Achieved The adjudication system was developed and implemented.
19 Strategic Objective 3.1: Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 90 of newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service 90% of newly appointed officials trained on DHA Induction Programme before commencement of service Achieved All 17 of the fixed-term external appointees appointed attended the DHA induction (100%) 300 officials enrolled and trained in skills programmes emanating from the National Certificate: Home Affairs Services to improve performance 75 officials trained and impact assessment conducted, including determination of Baseline Achieved Total no trained in Quarter 4: 91 Impact Assessment conducted. Baseline determined: 355
20 Strategic Objective 3.1: Secure, effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to citizens and immigrants Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 100 managers (junior, middle and senior) enrolled and trained in leadership and management development programmes to improve performance Impact assessment conducted, including determination of Baseline Achieved The Impact assessment was conducted, indicating an overall average skill gain of 24% in respect of the following three Management Development Programmes: Advanced Management Development Programme (31%); Emerging Management Development Programme (26%) and Leading Innovation in the Public Service (15%).
21 Strategic Objective 3.2: Good governance and administration Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made In-year monitoring reports submitted to National Treasury on a monthly basis Achieved All reports were submitted by the due dates. Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 3 DHA 2014/15 and 1 DHA 2013/14 quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter Quarterly performance reports verified and approved by EXCO and signed by the DG within 60 days after each quarter Achieved DHA quarter three (3) performance reports were verified and approved by EXCO and submitted to the DPME and to National Treasury.
22 Strategic Objective 3.2: Good governance and administration NoQ4 Target Progress made Ethics Management programme developed and approved by EXCO Training as per roll out plan (project plan) Report on ethics programme implementation submitted to Minister for consideration Achieved 27 officials trained during Induction at HO 5 officials trained during Induction in provinces 59 officials trained during Cadet Training 13 Officials trained during Service Delivery Training Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below by 31 March 2015 Vacancy rate maintained at 10% or below Achieved The rate was 6.9%, which is a 2.2% increase from Quarter 3 as a result of natural attrition and funding of 154 additional posts for Inspectorate.
23 Strategic Objective 3.3 : Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 60% of reported cases investigated and finalised within 90 working days Achieved Total number of Cases Received for Q4 is 120 Total cases finalised 79 = 66% 135 additional cases where finalised falling outside reporting period Cases referred to EE: 65 4 reviews on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG 1 review on processes conducted and reports signed off by DG Achieved The report was finalised, with findings on vulnerabilities in the Management of Conflict of Interest in DHA SMS members and recommendations for implementation by HR Branch.
24 Strategic Objective 3.3 : Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 80 (60 MPSS, 20 MISS) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) 20 (15,5) of Threats and Risk Assessments (TRAs) conducted in accordance with the requirements of Minimum Information (MISS) and / or Physical Security Standards (MPSS) Achieved 14 Threat and Risk Assessments [TRA] written reports with accompanying recommendations for implementation by the respective office managers were generated.
25 Strategic Objective 3.3 : Ethical conduct and zero tolerance approach to crime, fraud and corruption Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 468 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) 117 vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and referred to State Security Agency (SSA) Achieved 225 Vetting fieldwork investigations finalised and submitted to State Security Agency (SSA) for Evaluation
26 Strategic Objective 3.4: Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made Communication Strategy and action plan developed and implemented in respect of: External communication and Internal Communication Communication Strategy and action plan developed and implemented in respect of: External communication Internal Communication Achieved All 14 communications planned targets for the quarter under review were achieved
27 Strategic Objective 3.4: Collaboration with stakeholders in support of enhanced service delivery and core business objectives Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 10 Ministerial Izimbizo activities supported (public engagement, distributing IDs, birth certificates, etc.) 3 Ministerial Izimbizo Not achieved Only 1 Imbizo was coordinated in Mossel Bay at KwaNonqaba, Western Cape The Communication Strategy and an action plan outlining public participation programmes has been approved by Minister Gigaba and a new programme from the Ministry will be implemented henceforth. 1 X imbizo (public participation programme) was held on 18 July at Ga-Mothapo, Limpopo.
28 PROGRAMME 2 Citizen Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 1.1 All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status. 1.2 An integrated and digitised National Identity System that is secure and contains biometric details of every person recorded on the system. 3.2: Good governance and administration
29 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 694 000 births registered within 30 calendar days of birth 180 440 births registered within 30 calendar days of Birth Achieved 189 543 births were registered within 30 days of birth during the review period. 1.6 million smart ID cards issued to citizens 16 years of age and above 640 000 ID Smart cards were targeted Not achieved A total of 577 407 ID Smart cards were issued to citizens 16 years of age and above. Going forward, the number of operational Front Line Officials was maximized in order achieve the target.
30 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until ID is scanned at office of application Not achieved 64,5% of IDs (First Issues) were issued within 54 working days (RSA applications only) The total number of IDs (First Issues) issued was 133,113 Irregular power supply due to load shedding and failure of a back-up system installed by DPW. This problem has been addressed.
31 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 95% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95% of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Not achieved 94.1% of machine readable passports (MRP) (manual process) were issued within 24 working days (RSA applications only). The total number of passports issued during the review period was 353,770 There was a shortage of machines (receiving, quality assurance and dispatch). There was a challenge of a backlog at image enhancement due to lack of management and technical issues. Corrective action was taken.
32 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 95% of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 95% of machine readable passports (manual process) issued within 24 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Not achieved 87.9% of machine readable passports (live capture process) were issued within 13 working days (RSA applications only). The total number issued was 96,946. There was a shortage of machines (receiving, QA and dispatch) and blockages at image enhancement.
33 Strategic Objective 1.1: All eligible citizens are issued with enabling documents relating to identity and status Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 97% of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA 97% of machine readable passports (live capture process) issued within 13 working days for applications collected and processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until passport is scanned at office of application) Not achieved 87,4% of machine readable passports (MRP) (live capture process) were issued within 13 working days (RSA applications only) 6, 573 MRPs (live capture process) were issued in 13 working days and 945 above. The total number of MRPs (live capture process) issued during the review period was 7, 518
34 Strategic Objective 3.2: Good governance and administration Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made Reviewed front office toolkit to improve the daily management of operations approved, implemented and monitored Front office toolkit (FOTK) implemented in small, medium and large offices Quarterly monitoring report on the implementation of the front office toolkit submitted to EXCO by M&E unit Achieved Training was provided to officials of small, medium and large offices (a total of 172 offices out of 407). NOTE: This training was different from Q1 and Q2 training and entailed the online FOTK and training provided during Q1 & 2 was based on the Excel template. A circular was signed on 23 March 2015 and distributed to all provinces for implementation at the offices where training was provided.
35 PROGRAMME 3 Immigration Affairs Strategic objectives Supported by the targets 2.1 Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently 2.2 Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk-based approach 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely
36 Strategic Objective 2.1: Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 50 % of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days 50% of refugee IDs issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until document is ready at office of application) Achieved 1,733 applications were received from 01 October – 31 December 2014. Of these, 1,053 IDs have been dispatched to Refugee Reception Offices (RROs), representing 60, 7% achievement. 80 % of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days 80% of refugee travel documents issued within 90 calendar days (from the date of application at refugee reception offices until travel document is ready at office of application) Not achieved 66.3% achievement. A total of 488 applications for travel documents were received from RROs from 01 October to 31 December 2014. There were delays due to problems in sorting and dispatch procedures. These are being addressed.
37 Strategic Objective 2.2: Movement of persons in and out of the country regulated according to a risk based approach Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made BMA feasibility study approved by Minister Achieved In December 2014, Cabinet noted the Institutional Options Analysis Report on the BMA and approved the vision for the BMA. 8 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards 2 priority ports of entry with either improved residential or improved office accommodation or both as per set standards Achieved Improvements at three Ports of Entry were completed over the period under review. They include Rietfontein PoE, where infrastructure was improved by delivery of office structures in February 2015, and roll-over work from the Quarter 3 that was completed at Beitbridge and Oshoek. The work at Beitbridge and Oshoek was completed in January 2015.
38 Strategic Objective 2.1: Refugees and asylum seekers are managed and documented efficiently Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 1 surveys of borderline communities Conducted Data analysed and report submitted to Minister for consideration Achieved Data from the surveys was analysed in Quarter 3 and a report with recommendations on managing movement in the borderline areas was submitted to Minister for consideration on March 24 2015. Refined immigration policy discussion paper, based on research and government engagement, approved by Minister Refined immigration policy discussion paper submitted to Minister for approval Achieved A refined immigration policy discussion paper to form the base of a Green Paper to be developed in the 2015/16 was submitted to Minister for approval. Two (2) roundtable discussions were held with academics, practitioners and experts in the field of immigration and government representatives on 06 February 2015 and 31 March 2015.
39 Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 50% of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) 50% of permanent residence applications adjudicated within 8 months for applications collected within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) Not achieved 7.9% of permanent residence applications were finalized within 8 months. There were transitional problems challenges relating to the move from manual to a digital system connected to VFS. There is also a lack of capacity at the operational and supervisory levels.
40 Strategic Objective 2.3 Enabling documents issued to foreigners efficiently and securely Annual TargetQ4 Target Progress made 62% of business, critical skills and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA 62% of business, critical skills, and general work permits adjudicated within 8 weeks for applications processed within the RSA (from date of receipt of application until outcome is known) Achieved 87.4% of business, critical skills and general work visas were finalised within the 8 weeks turnaround time.
41 Financial Performance BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL AS AT 31 MARCH 2015 Per Programme Per Economic classification Per Sub programme
BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL: PER PROGRAMME Notes: Overall the department spent 100% of its budget.
BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL: PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Notes: The R284 under Goods and Services is due to DHA Modernisation. These are earmarked funds which could not be used otherwise than the purpose it was intended for.
REVENUE COLLECTIONS: AS AT QUARTER 4 Note: Included in the above figure is an amount of R89,605m relating to Foreign Revenue
49 Priorities going forward Effective management of immigration to contribute to security and development. This includes opening a public discussion on immigration and leading the establishment of a Border Management Agency (BMA) Comprehensive and secure national identity system (NIS), supported by the public through, amongst other measures, early birth registration, and ending of late registration. Modernise Home Affairs through investing in people, processes and technology Improve service delivery and promote good governance and administration Develop officials that are ethical, patriotic and professional Visible and firm action in the fight against corruption
50 Priorities going forward 1.The unreliability of networks is a major cause of long queues and service delivery disruptions. The solution is for the DHA to be allowed to deal directly with Telkom as the end-to-end service provider and this is being negotiated. 2.The lack of full-time IT specialists for the modernisation roll-out an maintenance is creating putting the DHA under strain, and creating including risks and dependencies. A case has been made to Treasury for additional funding and will continue to be made. 3. Key areas of immigration remain under-capacitated and the effect of this is made worse by low historical funding of immigration systems and operations. 4.The DHA is not designed or funded to operate in a high-security environment; and yet it is critical to service delivery and the security of the state, the public and the private sector. A business case is being developed that argues for the repositioning of the DHA so that it can fulfill its mandate at the level required. 5.Related to the above point; there is a need for new channels and creative partnerships, such as the developments involving the banking sector.
51 Clarification Questions Discussion
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