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Enhanced Learning Center Annual Report 2007-08. Values Student learning is at the heart of what we do; Students learn best when they feel empowered to.

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1 Enhanced Learning Center Annual Report 2007-08

2 Values Student learning is at the heart of what we do; Students learn best when they feel empowered to create and manage their own learning experiences; and Successful students are interdependent and self- directed learners.

3 Vision The vision of the E. L. C. is that every University of Arkansas student who needs or wants academic assistance will participate in the programs and services of the Center without hesitation or barrier.

4 Mission The mission of the E. L. C. is to provide assistance to all University of Arkansas students in meeting their academic goal(s) here and beyond.

5 2007-08 Goals Implement a University-wide peer tutoring program. Implement a Supplemental Instruction Program designed primarily for use with identified Historically Difficult Courses and enrollments of 75 or more. Implement a Summer Gateway and Fall Passages Program providing academic assistance to students requiring remediation prior to admission.

6 2007-08 Goals... Develop and implement an E. L. C. Workshop Series for targeted populations. In collaboration with University Housing, develop E. L. C. programming for the new Maple Hill Residence Hall. In collaboration with the College of Engineering, reduce freshman attrition by 10%.

7 Goal 1 Implement a University-wide peer tutoring program.

8 Goal 1... Progress and Status: 12,000 Duplicated Headcount Projected / 13,810 Actual 34.23% Increase over 2006-07

9 Goal 1... Progress and Status: 6,353 Un-duplicated Students Participated in 2007- 08 56.44% Increase over 2006-07

10 Goal 1... Progress and Status: Ethnicity of Students Served Mirrored UA Population

11 Goal 1... Progress and Status: Primary Level of Students (Freshman to Doctoral)

12 Goal 1... Progress and Status: Students Tutored by College (Fulbright + Engineering + Walton Greater than Predicted)

13 Goal 1... Progress and Status: Served Student G. P. A.s Across All Grade Levels

14 Goal 2 Implement a Supplemental Instruction Program designed primarily for use with identified Historically Difficult Courses and enrollments of 75 or more.

15 Goal 2... Progress and Status: Annual Objective – The percent of students participating significantly in S. I. will complete their S. I. Course with a C or better at a higher rate than those students who did not participate in S. I. at a significant rate. 89.31% of students participating in S. I. significantly (10+ times) completed the course with a C or better. 45.92% of students not participating at a significant rate complete the course with a C or better.

16 Goal 2... Progress and Status: Annual Objective – The percent of students participating significantly in S. I. will complete their S. I. Course with a C or better at a higher rate than those students who did not participate in S. I. at a significant rate.

17 Goal 2... Progress and Status: Annual Objective – 6,250 students (Duplicated Headcount) will participate in S. I. during 2007-08. 15,162 students participating in S. I. 142.59% participation over projected objective.

18 Goal 2... Progress and Status: Annual Objective – 6,250 students (Duplicated Headcount) will participate in S. I. during 2007-08.

19 Goal 3 Implement a Summer Gateway and Fall Passages Program providing academic assistance to students requiring remediation prior to admission.

20 Goal 3... Progress and Status: Initial Gateway Program eliminated. Provisionally Admitted Program Approved. Pilot run Spring 2008. 4 of 9 completed 12 Hrs. with Cs or Better (44.44%) 1 completed 6 Hrs with As (11.11%) 4 continued in Provisionally Admitted Status

21 Goal 4 Develop and implement an E. L. C. Workshop Series for targeted populations.

22 Goal 4... Progress and Status: Annual objective of 175 Students 578 Students (Duplicated Headcount) Participated. 230.29% Increase over Projection.

23 2007-08 Challenges & Influences Growth in S. I. (space + sign-up + website registration). Data collection (movement to hand held palm pilots).

24 2009-10 Conclusions & Recommendations Increase the number of collaborations with the academic colleges and individual program areas; Enhance the tutor training program of the E. L. C. to include national certification based on level of training & performance; Enhance the S. I. Leader training program of the E. L. C.; and

25 2009-10 Conclusions & Recommendations... Increase the overall efficiency of the E. L. C. through the increased use of technology while providing improved services to students.

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