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CERN S’Cool LAB and accompanying research on students’ learning Gentner Day 15/10/2014

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Presentation on theme: "CERN S’Cool LAB and accompanying research on students’ learning Gentner Day 15/10/2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN S’Cool LAB and accompanying research on students’ learning Gentner Day 15/10/2014

2 Outline - CERN S’Cool LAB  Where is it?  What is it?  Overview S’Cool LAB experiments  How will it be used?  Accompanying research 2

3 Where is it? 3 143-R-003

4 What is it? 4 200 m 2 laboratory space  Phase 0 | > 10 years  Phase 1 | 03-08 2013 Cleaning up  Phase 2 | 09-12 2013 Construction works  Phase 3 | 01-06 2014 Finishing construction  Phase 4 | since 07 2014 Development watch the complete story!

5 Particle AccelerationBasic PrinciplesParticle Detection Braun tubeHall-EffectCloud chambers Specific chargeRutherford experimentMedipix MX-10 SuperconductivitySpinthariscopeCosMO Paul trap modelFranck-HertzKamioKannen Planck's constantX-ray unit Radioactivity PET principle (gamma spectroscopy) Overview S’Cool LAB experiments 5  School experiments in relation to CERN and its experiments  3 identical setups for all different experiments  Supplier: PHYWE, LD Didactic, 3B Scientific, Jablotron, Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, CERNPHYWELD Didactic3B ScientificJablotronNetzwerk Teilchenwelt … status 10/2014 (white filling = haven’t arrived yet) Particle AccelerationBasic PrinciplesParticle Detection

6 … grouped by fundamental interactions ELEKTROMAGNETISM Braun tube Specific charge Superconductivity Paul trap model X-ray unit Hall-Effect ATLAS toroidal magnet Scintillation Franck-Hertz Planck's constant 6 ELEKTROMAGNETISM + WEAK INTERACTION CosMOmuon transformation KamioKannenmuon transformation PET principlebeta emitter ELEKTROMAGNETISM + STRONG INTERACTION Rutherfordalpha emitter, alpha energies above 28 MeV Spinthariscopealpha emitter ELEKTROMAGNETISM + WEAK + STRONG INTERACTION Radioactivitybeta emitter, (alpha particles) Cloud chambersmuon transformation, (alpha particles) Medipix MX-10beta emitter, (alpha particles)

7 How will it be used? 7  CERN visitors - in total: approx. 80 000 p. a.  CERN visitors - school students: approx. 30 000 p. a.  Participants of CERN teacher programmes: approx. 1 000 p. a.  Capacity of S’Cool LAB: approx. 3 600 p. a. (data from 01/09/13 – 01/09/14) How will it be used? ► NOT AS VISIT POINT! Distribution of visiting school groups by country (data from 01/09/13 – 01/03/14)

8 How will it be used?  by pupils, students and teachers who come to CERN for more than half a day  By the end of 2014: launch of Website including Application form  School groups who want to discover the S’Cool LAB have to prepare themselves via our e-learning environment and have to take part in the accompanying research in physics education  Organisation of activities, initial idea: 8 introduction EAEA EBEB ECEC EAEA EBEB ECEC EAEA EBEB ECEC discussion 3 hours max. 36 students, 3 tutors max. 4 students max.12 students, 1 tutor ECEC ECEC ECEC E C … Experiment C

9 Accompanying research 9

10 What is a concept inventory?  measuring instrument to evaluate pupils’ working knowledge of a specific set of concepts (e.g. Newton’s axioms)  Typically organized as multiple-choice test (reproducible and easy to administer)  questions and response choices are the subject of extensive research  each question includes one correct answer and several distractors  distractors are incorrect answers based on students' commonly held misconceptions  Concept inventories are evaluated to ensure test reliability and validity 10 W. K. Adams & C. E. Wieman: Development and Validation of Instruments to Measure Learning of Expert- Like Thinking. 2010. International Journal of Science Education doi:10.1080/09500693.2010.512369doi10.1080/09500693.2010.512369

11 Example of a concept test - FCI 11 Force Concept Inventory Item 24 The diagram shows a rocket coasting in space in the direction indicated by the arrows. Between N and P no external force acts on the rocket. When it reaches point P, the rocket fires its engines as shown to provide a constant acceleration until it reaches a point Q in space. Which path best represents the path of the rocket between P and Q? D Hestenes, M Wells and G Swackhamer (1992) Force concept inventory, The Physics Teacher, 30, pp. 141-158

12 12  No concept inventory on particle physics exists so far  Difficulty: where to set the focus? Which are important concepts in particle physics?  My suggestion: see concept map (thanks to Prof. Kobel, TU Dresden)  Example Question: What kind of track would a neutron leave inside a cloud chamber? CIPP – Concept Inventory for Particle Physics

13 S’Cool LAB is looking for activity leaders! Are you a member of the CERN personnel and would you like to become a S'Cool LAB tutor? Subcribe to scoollab-info or contact! 13

14 Thank you for your attention! 14 Work supported by the Wolfgang-Gentner-Programme of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

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