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PLEASE TAKE OUT.. Your bellringers

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1 PLEASE TAKE OUT.. Your bellringers
A brand new piece of paper for the creation of Notes #30 REMINDERS: School Loop grades were updated yesterday. Final exam will cover World War 2 4/24/2017

2 What do you ALREADY KNOW about World War 2?
BELLRINGER J-3 Simply answer the following: What do you ALREADY KNOW about World War 2? Please write down 2-3 sentences 4/24/2017

3 NO #30 Germany Dominated In Early Years Of WW2
European Theatre Asian Theatre 4/24/2017

4 World War Two—Random Factoids
Deadliest war in human history (so far) 60 million died from violence or disease Considered a “Total War” (because civilians were also targeted as a strategy)

5 World War Two—Overview
Took Place between U.S. didn’t enter until late 1941 “Treaty of Versailles” failed to keep world peace, as several dictators aggressively emerged For the U.S. & other “Allies,” it was a war to save “democracy” from “totalitarianism” & other threats Flag Of NAZI GERMANY JAPAN’s Flag

6 What Major Countries were involved In WW2?

7 What Major Countries Were Involved?
Allied Powers Britain France Soviet Union U.S.A. Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

8 Let’s First Quickly Glance At The Most Important Leaders Of The Central Powers

9 Leaders Of The Axis Powers
Adolf Hitler: dictator of Germany’s Nazi Party “Mussolini”: dictator of Italy’s fascist govt. Hideki Tojo: Japan’s top military General HITLER MUSSOLINI TOJO

10 And Now The Most Important Leaders Of The Allied Powers

11 Leaders Of The Allied Powers
Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of Great Britain Joseph Stalin Dictator of Soviet Union President F.D.R. & President Harry Truman U.S. Presidents

12 Battle For Control Of The Atlantic

13 Battle for the Atlantic Ocean
(The fight to control the Atlantic Ocean) 4/24/2017

14 Hitler’s “Wolfpack” U-Boats Dominated Atlantic Ocean—At first
Germany effectively destroyed U.S. shipping lanes to Britain/France Early months, Germany destroyed 681 Allied ships! How many red dots do you see? 4/24/2017

15 Allies Discovered 3 Ways To Counter Hitler’s Wolfpack:
Ship production was increased Convoy Strategy: Protect all merchant ships with armed navy ships, sonar technology, and airplanes Green dots = where the Convoy System destroyed a U-boat Red Lines = trails that the convoys traveled. 4/24/2017

16 #3 Figured Out E.N.I.G.M.A. (Germany’s Secret Code System)
Allowed Allies to decipher German codes and gain the advantage of knowing German tactics before they took place. 4/24/2017

17 For The Next 30 Minutes Continue yesterday’s “Causes Of World War 2” Flipchart. If you finish, see me for the next book assignment. In the last 30 minutes of class, we will continue with Shindler’s List 4/24/2017

18 PLEASE TAKE OUT.. Take Out Your Bellringers
Take out Notes #30 (started yesterday) Announcements: Grades will be updated very soon (if not tonight around 8pm, then tomorrow morning. 4/24/2017

19 Use your memory or Notes # 29:
BELLRINGER “J-5” What 2 things did Hitler & Stalin agree upon in the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact? Use your memory or Notes # 29: 4/24/2017

20 Notes #30, Continued Questions For Today How successful was Germany in Western Europe during the early years of WW2? How successful were Hitler’s attempts in Eastern Europe? European Theatre Asian Theatre 4/24/2017

21 NO #30, Continued Germany Dominated In Early Years Of WW2
European Theatre Asian Theatre 4/24/2017

22 How Was Hitler Able To Conquer Poland With Lightning Fast Speed
How Was Hitler Able To Conquer Poland With Lightning Fast Speed? “Blitzkrieg” Military Strategy 4/24/2017

23 Blitzkrieg Strategy Allowed Hitler to Quickly Conquer Poland
STEP #1, Aireal bombings cause heavy damage & clear the way. Step #2 fast tanks destroy any remaining resistance Step #3 drop soldiers behind enemy lines/cut off supply lines 4/24/2017

24 What Countries Did Hitler Conquer In The Early Years Of World War 2?

25 Germany Conquered Norway & Denmark shortly after defeating Poland

26 Hitler Conquered France!!

27 Hitler Conquered France in only 6 weeks
France’s “Maginot Line” defense was never useful This was NOT accomplished during the first world war! 4/24/2017

28 Hitler Then Attempted To Conquer Britain

29 Hitler then set his eyes on the big prize--Great Britain: BIG MISTAKE!

30 Hitler’s 1st failure: Battle of Britain
A) Hitler’s Plan: Use Luftwaffe (German air force) to destroy Britain’s Royal Air Force, then a ground troop invasion 4/24/2017

31 Hitler Incorporated A New War Strategy:
Bomb civilian targets, particularly in major cities Why? Terrorize ordinary people to get them to pressure their government to surrender. Kill off people that are important to the war effort (factory workers, etc) 4/24/2017

32 Why did Hitler never get a chance to invade Britain?

33 4 Advantages Enabled The British To Defend Their Island From Germany
Reason #1: English Channel made Hitler’s Blitzkrieg tactics unusable. Reason #2: British use of a new invention: radar Reason #3: Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) outperformed Germany’s Luftwaffe despite having fewer planes. Reason #4: Unity of British citizens (never gave up, dealt with hardships, food shortages, etc) 4/24/2017

34 Because Of Radar: Germany lost 2,500 planes. Britain only lost 700!
Hitler eventually abandoned his plan to conquer Britain. 4/24/2017

35 Hitler’s Germany invaded Stalin’s Soviet Union
VS. 4/24/2017

36 Germany Invaded Soviet Union In 1941
Nicknamed “Operation Barbarosa” This action violated the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact that was signed in 1939! What were Hitler’s motives? Surprise attack Soviet Union with quick stealth Spread Nazi influence in Eastern Europe! 4/24/2017

37 First 2 Years Of Hitler’s Soviet Invasion Was Highly Successful
German forces used “Blitzkrieg” military strategies Much of WESTERN Europe was conquered & occupied by German forces 4/24/2017

38 Battle Of Stalingrad Changed Germany’s fortune in Eastern Europe

39 Battle Of Stalingrad (Turning Point In Hitler’s Invasion Of Eastern Europe)
Germany failed to conquer the Soviet city of Stalingrad. Why? Extreme Winter (Hitler made same mistake as Napoleon in pushing attack during winter months) Determination of Soviet people Stalin’s stubbornness to defend city, no matter the cost (1,100,000 eventual deaths) . 4/24/2017

40 1943 German Army That Invaded The Soviet Union surrendered
Stalin’s Red Army then began marching westward to invade Germany. 4/24/2017

41 The Death Toll In Eastern Europe
(After German/Soviet Union Conflict) German-Soviet battle for Eastern Europe resulted in: 2 million German deaths! = 667 Etiwanda High Schools 12 million Soviet Deaths! = 4,000 Etiwanda High Schools 4/24/2017

42 For The Next 30 Minutes Continue yesterday’s “Causes Of World War 2” Flipchart. If you finish, see me for the next book assignment. In the last 30 minutes of class, we will continue with Shindler’s List 4/24/2017

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