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Chromosome aberration analysis in peripheral lymphocytes of Gulf and Balkans war veterans H.Schröder, A.Heimers, R.Frentzel-Beyme, A.Schott and W.Hoffmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosome aberration analysis in peripheral lymphocytes of Gulf and Balkans war veterans H.Schröder, A.Heimers, R.Frentzel-Beyme, A.Schott and W.Hoffmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosome aberration analysis in peripheral lymphocytes of Gulf and Balkans war veterans H.Schröder, A.Heimers, R.Frentzel-Beyme, A.Schott and W.Hoffmann Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 103:211-219 (2003)

2 Human T-lymphocyte metaphase Karyotype 46, XY

3 Chromosome- type aberrations distinguishable cytologically at mitosis Two normal chromosomes dicentric chromosome and acentric fragment centric ring chromosome and acentric fragment

4 Aberrant metaphase Metaphase with two dicentric chromosomes and two acentric fragments

5 Exclusion criteria Previous radiotherapy and/or medical use of cytotoxic drugs Greater than average exposure to diagnostic medical radiation Heavy smokers (more than 20 Cigarettes a day over more than 10 years) Previous work in the nuclear industry or other badgemonitored occupation

6 2nd division metaphase with sister chromatid exchanges (SCE)

7 Results of the chromosome aberration analysis

8 Result of the chromosome aberration analysis after grouping Group Number of cells analysed Number of dic + cR Mean95%CI-95%CI+ Gulf, subjects (N=16) 15963 400,0025 0,00180,0034 Balkans (N=2) 2005 40,0020 0,00050,0051 Gulf and Balkans (N=1) 1002 30,0030 0,00060,0088

9 Distribution of the observed dicentric chromosomes and centric ring chromosomes

10 Very rare findings Multicentric ring chromosome in a tetraploid metaphase, most probably consting of 4 chromosomes One metaphase with pulverized chromosomal material

11 Results, summary Method of chromosome aberration analysis is both sensitive and specific 5-fold elevation of dic and cR compared to the control (2.5 per 1000 M vs 0.5 per 1000 M) elevation is highly significant significant elevation of dic and cR also in 9 of the 19 individual cases distribution of dic and cR deviates from Poisson very rare finding of a multi-cR in a tetraploid metaphase and pvz chromosome material biological half life of dic is 3.5 years, contradicts to an acute radiation event

12 Results of the SCE-Assay

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