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A Single Capacitor Bootstrapped Power Efficient CMOS Driver José C. García, Juan A. Montiel–Nelson Institute for Applied Microelectronics, Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "A Single Capacitor Bootstrapped Power Efficient CMOS Driver José C. García, Juan A. Montiel–Nelson Institute for Applied Microelectronics, Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Single Capacitor Bootstrapped Power Efficient CMOS Driver José C. García, Juan A. Montiel–Nelson Institute for Applied Microelectronics, Department of Electronic Engineering and Automation, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, E–35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 國 立 彰 化 師 範 大 學 積體電路設計研究所 指導教授 : 林志明 教授 研 究 生 : 曹 元 志 學 號 : 95662011


3 ABSTRACT A high speed and low power driver employing a single bootstrap capacitor is reported. improvement in the power dissipation, 15% higher speed, and 8.7% reduction in the active area

4 INTRODUCTION Most bootstrap circuits are based on BiCMOS technology [1] – [3]. But BiCMOS circuit design techniques are no longer possible. With the widespread use of low voltage and low power CMOS circuits CMOS bootstrap circuits reported in [4] – [9] require two bootstrap capacitors In this paper, we provide a new bootstrap driver circuit termed, the F–driver

5 CMOS inverting F–driver

6 Equivalent inverting F–driver when input is high

7 Equivalent inverting F–driver when input is low

8 Equivalent inverting F–driver during input transition from high to low

9 Equivalent inverting F–driver during input transition from low to high

10 Transient waveforms of CMOS inverting F–driver

11 Propagation delay time versus output load capacitance

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