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“In times of need, sell you town!” Vidin - May 11- 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "“In times of need, sell you town!” Vidin - May 11- 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 “In times of need, sell you town!” Vidin - May 11- 15, 2014

2 Planning Exchange information Coordinate phases Elaborate questionnaire Vidin Day – Bagheria Day Plannig the visit Planning the language lessons Planning the Final product

3 Questionnaire Before and after exploration about Bagheria for Bulgarian students; about Vidin for Italian students Final product Travellers’ handbook English-Italian-Bulgarian

4 Nature –Monte Catalfano Arts and Crafts Food and Recipes Street and Theatre Entertainment History and Sites We bring… …make it grow!!!

5 You can… Sell us your town… …and we will make it grow.

6 Vidin Day – Bagheria Day 11 December -2014 Seminars, Exhibitions, Food tasting, Shows, etc. Scuola Giosuè Carducci – Bagheria Osnovno Uchilishte Ivan Vazov - Vidin

7 The class exchange of each partner in a Comenius Bilateral Partnership must involve 20 pupils for Large group class exchange, as indicated in the LLP Guide 2013 Part I, and must last a minimum of 10 days The groups cannot be split. The size of the group predefines the maximum lump sum grant, as indicated in the LLP Guide 2013. The duration of the class exchange may be reduced for the classes of special needs pupils, if this is compatible with the objectives of the Bilateral Partnership. At the time of the class exchange, the participating pupils must be minimum 12 years old. MUST!

8 We are happy to be here Looking forward to fun and excitement!

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