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Pearl Harbor.

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Presentation on theme: "Pearl Harbor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pearl Harbor

2 What happened on December 7, 1941?
Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? What happened after the attack on Pearl Harbor? What does the following picture show?

3 (Rosenburg, 2012)

4 What do you notice about this image?
Why was photography important during the attacks on Pearl Harbor?

5 (Rosenburg, 2012)

6 What are the facts you see in this picture?
What are your assumptions and opinions of this photo?

7 (Rosenburg, 2012)

8 Why would a newspaper use this image to publish for the world to see?

9 (Rosenburg, 2012)

10 What message is this poster trying to get across?

11 (Rosenburg, 2012)

12 Work Cited Rosenberg, J. (2012). Pictures of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, Retrieved from harborpictures.htm

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