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The Institute of International Education (IIE) Presented by Program Sponsors: Government of Brazil (CAPES); Program Administrator: Institute of International.

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Presentation on theme: "The Institute of International Education (IIE) Presented by Program Sponsors: Government of Brazil (CAPES); Program Administrator: Institute of International."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Institute of International Education (IIE) Presented by Program Sponsors: Government of Brazil (CAPES); Program Administrator: Institute of International Education August 2015

2 Visa Sponsorship Reminders Health Insurance & Medical Care in the U.S. Financial Provisions Academic Program & Requirements Cultural Adjustment Other Important Information Agenda

3 Visa Sponsorship Reminders

4 Validation Process Visit this website for your I-94 Visit this website for your I-94  Stamped Visa  Electronic I-94 *Submit within 10 days from start date on your TOA through the BSMP Participant Service Portal.

5 You Should… Submit your validation documents through the BSMP Student Portal: Commence your academic classes at full-time status. Verify that the Health Insurance offered by your host institution meets J-1 visa regulations (you can find these regulations in your TOA) If it does not, you should notify IIE so that IIE may provide insurance for you.

6 Visa Sponsorship Information  Benefits cease on the last day listed on your DS- 2019.  30-day grace period

7 Health Insurance & Medical Care in the U.S.

8 Health Insurance in the U.S. Your health insurance will not cover all fees. It is your responsibility to pay these additional fees. Your health plan includes co-pays, price of medications, etc. Your coverage may change once you are out-of-state. Know your health insurance policy!

9 Medical Care in the U.S. Campus Health Center Primary Care Provider Urgent Care Center Emergency Room

10 Primary Care Provider Primary Care Providers are physicians who deliver basic care for common illnesses. They are your first stop for most undiagnosed health concerns When to go: You should visit a primary doctor for illnesses such as: cold, influenza, and sore throats, and for minor injuries, aches, and pains. Check your insurance network for doctors nearest to you.

11 Urgent Care Urgent Care Center If your primary care physician is not available and you need quick medical attention for a non-life-threatening problem, visit an urgent care center. Urgent care centers have comprehensive quality care on a walk-in basis with extended hours. When to go: Go to an urgent care center when you need immediate medical attention or have non-emergency health concerns after hours. Examples include ear infections, sprains, burns, and eye injuries.

12 Emergency Room Life-threatening emergencies and late-night trauma require an immediate visit to the ER. Triage—life threatening cases first When to go: Call 911 whenever conditions cause severe symptoms and/or put your health at serious risk. Examples include: heart attacks, poisoning, severe bleeding, unable to breathe, and broken bones.

13 Financial Provision Reminders

14 Financial Provisions BSMP Scholarship Covers Funds from CAPESNot Covered Tuition Shared housing Meal Plan Health Insurance Fees (applications, deposits, and other mandatory fees) Monthly Stipend One-time allowances (airfare, settling- in, coursework aid) Co-pays, deductibles for health insurance charges Rental fees Fees due to negligence (late fees, lost keys or student IDs, room damage, etc.)

15 Stipends Monthly stipends are paid quarterly and deposited into your BB Americas account by CAPES. Additional stipends may be provided over the summer academic training period from IIE. You must open a U.S. checking account to receive funds. Submit the BSMP Funds Deposit Authorization Agreement Form for direct deposit from IIE.

16 Academic Performance & Reporting

17 Full-Time Status You must be enrolled and considered a full- time student Majority of your credits must be directly related to your field of study as outlined your TOA and must be academic in nature Meet pre-requisites and other requirements of host institution Inform IIE if you are having trouble meeting full-time requirements

18 Reporting Requirements Academic Reporting: Initial, Mid-Program and Final Student Reports Final Program Evaluation Survey Official Proof of Enrollment or transcripts Surveys Problem with your program? Reach out to on-campus resources. Reach out to IIE. Reach out to Consular Representative in the U.S.

19 Reporting Requirements (Continued) Visa Sponsorship Reporting: Arrival Documents Change of Address Change in Contact Information In the event you withdraw from the program or your scholarship is terminated you must submit required documents before your departure Notify IIE within 10 Days!

20 Codes of Conduct & Academic Standing Maintain a GPA ≥ 2.0 Policies as outlined in your Terms Grounds for revocation or termination: Violation of any law of the U.S Any act of misconduct likely to give offence Failure to observe satisfactory academic or professional standards Physical or mental incapacitation

21 Codes of Conduct and Academic Standing (Continued) Grounds for revocation or termination: Engaging in unauthorized income-producing activity Material misrepresentation made by any scholarship recipient in the application form or scholarship document Failure to provide all required documents to the administering agency prior to arrival in the U.S. and Failure to comply with the BSMP scholarship’s Terms and Conditions.

22 Credit Transfer to Home Institution Make smart choices about the classes you register for each term. Check with your Brazilian Coordinator to confirm the classes you take will transfer back to Brazil. Request a copy of your official transcript from your host institution.

23 Classroom Culture in the U.S.

24  Expected to be on time  Syllabus  Grading System  Homework  Quizzes, tests, papers  Office Hours  Resources available on campus  Plagiarism ‎

25 Resources on Campus  Writing Center  Career Services  Recreation Center  Professional and social clubs  Counseling Center  Library  Office Hours  University Clinic

26 Plagiarism  Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

27 Grading System Letter Grade GPADefinition A4.0Outstanding (95-100%) A-3.7Extremely Good (90-94%) B+3.3Very Good (87-89%) B3.0Good (84-86%) B-2.7 Well Above Average (80-83%) C+2.3Above Average (77-79%) C2.0Satisfactory (74-76%) C-1.7 Barely Satisfactory (70- 73%) D+1.3Barely Passing D1.0Almost Failing F0Failing

28 Life on Campus

29 Find Your Balance ProcrastinationManaging Your Time

30 Two-Year Home Residency Requirement It is a J-1 Visa Requirement that you MUST reside in Brazil for a cumulative period of two years after you complete your program.

31 No Exceptions

32 Appropriate Behavior Program abuse is any direct violation of any stipulation in your Terms of Appointment (TOA), any improper usage of your scholarship funding or benefits, or any attempt to unfairly or improperly gain additional funding or benefits by lying or falsifying required information or harassing program representatives at IIE/CAPES or your host institution. If what you are attempting to accomplish seems wrong, it probably is. If you have any questions about program abuse, please contact IIE. It is better to make sure that what you are attempting to do will not jeopardize your status and result in program termination.

33 Grantee Resources  Your International & Academic advisors at your host institution  BSMP Website:  BSMP Student Handbook, Terms of Appointment  Monthly Newsletter Boletim Mensal  Webinars hosted by Student Relations Officers  Your Student Relations Officer at IIE

34 IIE Contacts

35 Questions

36 Thank you!

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