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SO – CART Project Status Protocol Revision Subcommittee Update 2/23/06.

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Presentation on theme: "SO – CART Project Status Protocol Revision Subcommittee Update 2/23/06."— Presentation transcript:

1 SO – CART Project Status Protocol Revision Subcommittee Update 2/23/06

2 Page 2 SO Projects  EMMS Release R4A  RAP-C Modeling Enhancements  Replace DSM6 High-Speed Frequency Recorder  RTCA Archiving  Performance Monitoring for SCADA / State Estimator  EMMS Software Upgrade - OSI PI, OAG  Satellite Communications for Black Start suppliers  EDW EMMS Extracts  Congestion Management Reports  Aggregation of Combined Cycle Units Providing RRS  SCE Performance and Monitoring  Additional SMP Front End  Incident Report  OTS System  CSC Thermal & Volt Limits Calculations/Posting  Outage Scheduler Enhancements Phase II  DC Tie Automation  Topology Estimation System Phase I  Network Model Management System (NMMS)  SCR 747 – Removal of Price Administration for Zonal Congestion  Market Notice of LaaR Proration  Breaker to Breaker One Lines/System Map  Improvements to VSA/DSA - Phase II  MOMS  EMS Upgrade  SCR 746 – Dynamic Rating Data to TSP Using ICCP Link  AIMMS 3.6 Completed or near completion New or Not Started Active (at least in Initiation)

3 Page 3 Completed or Near Completion  RAP-C Modeling Enhancements  Gives the ability to enter conditional RAPs  Checks the topology for the defined condition and provides an indication that the RAP will work if the contingency occurs  RTCA Archiving  Real-time Contingency Analysis data necessary for IROL, SOL & Congestion Management Reports  Performance Monitoring for SCADA/State Estimator  Automatically evaluate the redundancy & observability of the network  Monitors SCADA & SE performance  Replace DSM6 High-Speed Frequency Recorder  Monitors & Collects frequency disturbance data for PDCWG reports  Satellite Communication for Black Start Suppliers  Provides the ability to communicate via satellite phone during a system blackout or emergency situation  EMMS Software Upgrade – OSI PI, OAG  Upgrade to a more supportable version of ICCP  EMMS Release R4A  PRR342 PRR359 PRR413 PRR422 PRR485  Enhanced the OOM tool  Provided more real-time update of the resource plan  Replacement is nearing completion  AS Simultaneous Selection

4 Page 4 Active (at least in Initiation)  Congestion Management Reports  PRR 492, PRR 515  RTCA Archiving provides the data and this project represents the reporting and user interface  Reports will be used for identifying overloads and re-occurring congestion  Aggregation of Combine Cycle  PRR 502, OGR 149  Counts responsive reserve on the entire train instead of individual units  SCE Performance and Monitoring  PRR 525  Implemented sending EMS values to QSEs  Enhancements to the EDW reporting function near completion  Additional SMP Front End  Provides QSE RTU connection  Provides capacity for new QSE requests (Currently near capacity)  Incident Report  Automates the ability of the operator to generate a compliance violation email and route to the appropriate management  OTS System (Operator Training Simulator)  Training that can be applied toward operator certification hour requirements  Ability to train on scenarios for historical and or new events  CSC Thermal & Volt Limits Calculation/Posting  Automates the process of calculating CSC limits  Incorporates a 24 hour load study rather than a manual peak hour study

5 Page 5 Active (at least in Initiation)  Outage Scheduler Enhancements Phase II  PRR 425  Validate TO input data  Introduce tracking of outage schedule changes  DC Tie Automation  Automate Comparison of eTags to QSE DC Tie Schedules  Automate Operator offsets for DC Tie eTag/Schedule mismatches  Monitor/compare eTag Net Scheduled Interchange to DC Tie SCADA on EMS Display  Automate Inadvertent Energy Accounting  Topology Estimation System Phase I  Identify incorrect switching device status  Proof of concept  Pave the way for system integration and nodal requirements  EDW EMMS Extracts  Transition to new data archive  Network Model Management System (NMMS)  Improve Planning and Operational model consistency  Improve data submittal interface between ERCOT and Market Participants  Improve links between the Model and Outage Scheduler

6 Page 6 New or Not Started  Market Notice of LaaR Proration  PRR 558  Before a floor of zero bid limit was established (negative bids were allowed)  Breaker to Breaker One Lines/System Map  NERC Audit stated that ERCOT needed a visual wide-area display to continually provide the operators with an overview of the entire ERCOT system  The ability to quickly trace flows & problems for a transmission element from one breaker to the next  Improvements to VSA/DSA – Phase II  Automates the data input necessary to include transient stability studies as part of the real-time sequence  SCR 747 – Removal of Price Administration for Zonal Congestion  Newly initiated project  MOMS  PUC Study SPD enhancements  EMS Upgrade  Current HW reaching its lifespan  ERCOT EMS current server and OS platform not compatible with AREVA roadmap  AREVA support philosophy on the “old versions” —No standard support for releases that are either 4 years old or two releases behind  New functionality and applications to support Market Redisgn  Security enhancements in the new AREVA development  SCR 746 Dynamic Rating Data to TSP Using ICCP Link  AIMMS 3.6  Necessary for MOMS and ERCOT Market System  AVR Validation  NERC Audit Item

7 Page 7 Integration & Resource Constraints  Single ITEST Environment for all EMS Changes  Approximately 200 SIRs (MOS,POS & Portal)  Weekly Database Loads  Market Redesign effort

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